
nategar05's page

Organized Play Member. 401 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.

It seems to me that the best way to balance the new classes and get them to "comparable" power level with the existing classes (comparable being a relative term) is to fully optimize them and then use optimized builds in scenarios. Ideally the new classes would be played through the same scenario as similarly optimized builds of established classes. The new classes could also be substituted for the old classes according to their determined new roles.

So, my question is this: who else thinks this should be done sooner rather than later and would be willing to give it a preliminary shot?

So, according to my understanding, the term "Schrodinger's Class" refers to a theoretical spell-casting class that is capable of having any number of different feats/spells/skills/features and so on and so forth. It is often used in attempts to prove superiority among different classes. It'll always have what it needs to have and can't be refuted because it's incapable of being observed. If one was to ever actually be observed, the infinite possibilities of its design would instantly coalesce into a build and it would no longer be theoretical.

If that is a correct understanding, I have just one question:

Why wasn't it called "Heisenberg's Class"?

Shift from Teleportation sub-school of Conjuration from APG lets you teleport 2 ft. / 2 wizard levels as a swift action. It is a Supernatural ability (hence not spell-like). Would you have to make a concentration check to use it if you were being threatened, such as while you're grappled? I wouldn't think so based on the description for concentration checks, supernatural, and spell-like abilities. Thanks in advance.