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Giant Frogs have a tongue with 15ft reach that can be used to grab; the grab allows the frog to grapple as a free action (Bestiary pp135, 301). Well and good. The grapple rules in the Core Rulebook (p200) say "If you successfully grapple a creature that is not adjacent to you, move that creature to an adjacent open space".

The Frog also has the pull special attack, which according to the Frog's stat block and the UMR, means it can choose to make a free combat maneuver check to move the grappled creature 5 feet closer. This would seem to be useless if the creature is already adjacent, as the Core Rulebook would suggest, and can't move (p567).

How should I interpret these rules? Am I reading the Core Rulebook incorrectly?

First off, thank you thank you thank you. Great job on something that will be really useful.

One quibble: While I see that there are links to relevant universal monster rules in defensive abilities and special attacks, they seem to have been missed in auras - e.g. tarrasque, troglodyte.