Artemis Entreri

Vethran Tallomane's page

825 posts. Alias of Fatespinner (RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32).


Human (Varisian)


Wizard (Evoker) 9






Nethys & Desna

About Vethran Tallomane

Ability Scores:
Strength 12 (+1)
Dexterity 14 (+2) / 16 (+3)
Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 20 (+5) / 22 (+6)
Wisdom 12 (+1)
Charisma 8 (-1)

Total Hit Points: 59 (10 temp HP)
Damage Taken: 3

Speed: 30 feet

Armor Class: 15 = 10 +3 [Dex] +1 [deflection] +1 [armor]
18 [with mage armor]; 22 [with mage armor and shield]
Touch AC: 14
Flat-footed: 12 (or 15 with mage armor; 19 with mage armor and shield)

Initiative: +3

Fortitude save: +6 = 3 [base] +2 [Con] +1 [medallion] (+2 vs. poison)
Reflex save: +7 = 3 [base] +3 [Dex] +1 [medallion]
Will save: +8 = 6 [base] +1 [Wis] +1 [medallion]

BAB: +4
CMB: +5
CMD: 18

Masterwork Dagger (+6; 1d4+1 P; 19-20/x2)
Light Crossbow (+7; 1d8 P; 19-20/x2) (7 bolts)

Feats: 5 feats + 3 bonus
• Scribe Scroll (Wizard Bonus)
• Spell Focus (Evocation)
• Varisian Tattoo (Evocation) (Human Bonus)
• Fiery Burst
• Greater Spell Focus (Evocation)
• Craft Wondrous Item (Wizard Bonus)
• Empower Spell
• Spell Penentration

Skills: 81 skill points (inc. 9 favored class) + 9 from headband
Appraise (INT): 6 + 3 + 9 ranks = +18
Craft (Jewelry)(INT): 6 + 3 + 6 ranks = +15
Escape Artist (DEX): 3 + 8 ranks = +11
Fly (DEX) : 3 + 3 + 7 ranks = +13
Knowledge (Arcana)(INT): 6 + 3 + 9 ranks = +18
Knowledge (History)(INT): 6 + 3 + 9 ranks = +18
Knowledge (Engineering)(INT): 6 + 3 + 9 ranks = +18
Knowledge (Nobility)(INT) 6 + 3 + 9 ranks = +18
Knowledge (Planes)(INT): 6 + 3 + 9 ranks = +18
Linguistics (INT): 6 + 3 + 6 ranks = +15
Spellcraft (INT): 6 + 3 + 9 ranks = +18

Common, Varisian, Giant, Draconic, Ancient Thassilonian, Elven, Goblin, Orc, Ignan, Dwarven, Abyssal, Infernal

Human Traits
• Bonus Feat
• Extra skill rank each level.

Favored class: Wizard (Skill Points)

Wizard Abilities
• Energy Affinity (Fire) - (Alternate Ability - Replaces Arcane Bond): +1 CL for all spells with the Fire descriptor
• Arcane School: Evocation specialty (Focused specialist) – illusion, transmutation, enchantment opposed.
• Cantrips

School Powers
• Intense Spells [+4 damage on all Evocations]
• Force Missile [1d4+4 damage; 9/day]
• Elemental Wall [9 rds/day; as wall of fire but with any energy]

Spell Save DC: 16 + spell level (18 + spell level for Evocation)
Caster Level: 9 (+1 Evocation; +2 Fire descriptor)
Spells Prepared *= Evocation (Spells in ooc text have been cast.)
Cantrips (3+3): ray of frost*, light*, flare*, detect magic, message, read magic
1st-level (3+2+3): mage armor, shield, ray of enfeeblement, protection from evil x2, shocking grasp*, magic missile x2*
2nd-level (3+2+3): scorching ray x2*, shatter*, see invisibility, glitterdust, spectral hand, web, ghoul touch
3rd-level (2+1+3): fireball x2*, empowered shocking grasp*, dispel magic x2, vampiric touch
4th-level (1+1+3): dimension door, black tentacles, empowered scorching ray*, resilient sphere x2*
5th-level (0+1+3): teleport, empowered fireball x2*, wall of force*

Spellbook (99 of 100 pages filled; #2 - 14 of 100 pages filled)
0-level: All (except Enchantment, Illusion, and Transmutation)
1st-level: mage armor, kelgore's fire bolt, shocking grasp, burning hands, ray of enfeeblement, protection from chaos/evil/good/law, magic missile, shield, identify, true strike
2nd-level: scorching ray, protection from arrows, ghoul touch, glitterdust, web, see invisibility, locate object, shatter, spectral hand, false life, fireburst, blindness/deafness, bull's strength, fox's cunning
3rd-level: fireball, dispel magic, protection from energy, channel the gift, ray of exhaustion, tiny hut, vampiric touch, summon monster III, fly
4th-level: dimension door, black tentacles, ice storm, stoneskin, resilient sphere, bestow curse, scrying
5th-level: suffocation, wall of force, teleport

headband of vast intelligence +2
snakeskin tunic (+1 armor, +2 Dex, +2 save vs. poison)
wand of magic missile (CL 3rd) (33 charges)
ring of protection +1
everburning torch
Sihedron medallion
pearl of power, 1st-level
pearl of power, 2nd-level
bag of holding, type I
varisian idol
Sunrod x 4
Spell Component Pouches
Explorer's Outfit
Flint and Steel
Ink (1 oz.)
Paper (sheet) x 2
250gp worth of black onyxes (animate dead)
250gp worth of diamond dust (stoneskin)

Contents of the bag of holding (54.5/250 lbs.):
-Alchemist's Lab (40 lbs.)
-Vethran's spellbook (3 lbs.)
-Vethran's "advanced" spellbook (3 lbs.)
-Rope (silk) 50 ft. (5 lbs.)
-fancy silver mirror for scrying (0.5 lbs.)
-Mammy Graul's spellbook (3 lbs.), contents:

0th: all standard except Abjuration and Enchantment
1st: chill touch, grease, mage armor, ray of enfeeblement, reduce person, true strike
2nd: blindness/deafness, false life, ghoul touch, mirror image, summon monster II
3rd: displacement, fly, summon monster III, vampiric touch
4th: bestow curse, contagion, dimension door

-fox's cunning(x2)
-barkskin +2

Scroll Case:
-burning hands
-vampiric touch
-see invisibility

Money: 1428pp, 777gp, 23sp, 20cp.

XP: 61,662

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 155 lbs.
Age: 24
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Skin: Pale
Region of Origin: Varisia
Religion: Nethys and Desna