Silver Dagger
Cold Iron Lucerne Hammer
Long Bow (20 Arrows)
Spell Component Pouch
Flint and Steel
Iron Pot
5xTrail Rations
10x Torches
Special Abilities:
Bardic Knowledge, Cantrips, Spell Casting, Raging song 5 rounds/Day (inspired rage +2/+1), Community minded (Morale bonuses persist for 2 rounds)
Zon is a tall wiry young man, quick to laugh and jest, although his jokes often come with sharp barbs. He has messy brown hair that he usually keeps tied back, pale green eyes, and a broken nose.
“When you come into this world the first thing you’re given is a name. You spend your life making it into something, it’s how you come to be known. Its how you’re introduced...”
Sue “Zon” Ashford Would just as soon forget the name he was born with. Unfortunately its all his father left him. Sue was born to the daughter of a fishwive in a small coastal village, his father a traveling musician, drunk or gambler depending on who you ask. In his darkest moments Zon, as he prefers to be called, says that the name is all his family gave him. In more bombastic moments he believes that means all his accomplishments are his and his alone.
Now in his twenties, Zon has grown restless. Driven by a desire to see the world and make his name ring out, he has traveled to Port Peril. Nominally Zon is in the port looking for work as a deckhand or entertainer which ever pays. Really the restless young man wants adventure, fame, and fortune. Zon’s biggest desire is to engrave his name in the annals of history. Well maybe just his knick name.
"As time goes on your name earns a reputation, it becomes your signature. And it is often made greater by the company it keeps. For some a name begins stories, it can demand immediate respect, and inspire unconditional love. Ultimately your name can become how you are remembered.”