
Slayer Dragonwing's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 109 posts (113 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Dark Archive

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I recommend the Leviathan series by Scott Westerfeld. It's aimed more at a teen demographic, but its filled with cool ideas and is accompanied by gorgeous illustrations by Keith Thompson.

Dark Archive

8 people marked this as a favorite.

I greatly appreciate the reference the title is making.

Dark Archive

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Cosmo wrote:

PMG: it's all right, i'm applying fire to it

PMG: cleansing, cleansing fire

PMG: sweet, holy, delicious fire

Fire, and lots of it, is the cure for everything.

Dark Archive

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Enhancements for weapons and armour that add a flat cost rather than a +1 equivalent would add a lot of variety and customization possibilities to items. I would also greatly appreciate the ability for characters to customize their weapons, something more personalized than "Weapons of Legacy" and allowing characters to stick to one weapon throughout their careers.

Another thing I would like to see is weapons like some of those in the later 3.5 books, that counted as a common weapon for purposes of feats, but had a special bonus that could be unlocked by having an Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat for them.

There are also a few wording choices from the core books that could be changed, such as how shields can only be wielded in an off hand by RAW.

I also agree with what everyone else has said so far, especially about cheaper magic items and the need for a refined crafting system, especially for such things as alchemical items where multiple items can be created with each use of the skill.

Dark Archive

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I'm another Canadian, and so used to all the extra vowels.

I would also be interested in freelance work, if a position is available.