Samuel Hutton's page

Organized Play Member. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 16 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Liberty's Edge 3/5

trollbill wrote:
Samuel Hutton wrote:
One item I have yet to see mentioned... Sipping Jacket!! Never leave Absalom without it:)
Never saw it as all that useful as it only works with rounds per level potions. About the only one it looks that useful for is haste and since you lose the potion whether you use it or not, that gets expensive.

Yes but activating as a swift action? How many mêlée fighters or ranged for that matter have that option.

Liberty's Edge 3/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

One item I have yet to see mentioned... Sipping Jacket!! Never leave Absalom without it:)

Liberty's Edge 3/5

Hello and welcome! From Springfield Mo.

Liberty's Edge

My question with 'beyond morality'... What would the effect of the paladin class ability 'smite evil' be determined against a creature with the 'beyond morality' mythic ability. In the same regards that would also affect any creature with a smite (alignment) ability.

If there is a posting on this or a "rules as intended' can anyone point me to the link?

Liberty's Edge

Just now seeing the changes during this first week after playtest. I like what is being proposed for the Arcanist as spellcasters are among my favorite classes. The changes to the other classes are exciting to hear about. That being said I love the pathfinder game and I know that you will use the feedback to give us the best bang for out bucks! I look forward to being impressed.

Liberty's Edge

I like the above idea of skill for classes that does more tailoring to taste of class play. I enjoy the flavor of many of the classes and reading the post regarding them.
Does anyone else think of the final fantasy 3 monk where it comes to the brawler?!?

Liberty's Edge

I will like to see maybe a power or class feature that will allow an arcane spell caster of any type to consume their own spells or items to metamagic spells with great potential. Maybe that is what is in mind for the future of the Arcanist. When I think of powerful wizards I certainly always think of modifications to exist spells. Maybe my idea of a wizard needs tweeking a bit.

Liberty's Edge

dunebugg wrote:

I will be rebuilding my Cleric (Seperatist) of Sarenrae as a Shaman for our WotR campaign.

Some initial observations on the class:
- I really like the flavour + theme through the class
- I was surprised it was 3/4 BAB and medium armor
- I was surprised it used the Cleric spell list given the theme of the class (figured it might have been druid or witch)
- In a cursory glance over all the classes, it looks like this and Warpriest are the only two classes that have built-in MAD (Warpriest to a lesser extent). Wisdom and Charisma are both important for their class abilities to function properly/well. I understand that if you want to build a warrior cleric or oracle you will need 2-3 strong stats, but this requires the extra stat on top of them. I would prefer if some of the class abilities scaled off of level (like others within the class, and it looks like a majority of the other classes in the ACG) do. Will playtest before coming to a full conclusion

Some initial thoughts while rebuilding my character (currently a level 2 human):
- the Shaman is likely easier to be compared directly to the cleric in terms of power, because they use the same spellcasting, armor proficiencies, HD, BAB (and because the cleric is core)
- the ability to choose your Spirit Magic on the fly is really
interesting, but isn't really a big thing until level 4 when you get Wandering Spirit (compared to cleric: stronger ability)
- Wandering Spirit and Wandering Hex are wonderful class features. I love them. They are incredibly versatile, and can help a character from getting stale. I feel like on a whole each spirit is stronger than a domain
- I was also (pleasantly) surprised that they got 4 skills/level, even with a small skill list

I can see this being an incredibly deadly, versatile spellcaster with the Lore Spirit, getting access to the wizard/sorc list. But I'm super excited to see what I can do with it, throwing it right into melee.

It feels powerful in comparison to the cleric. But it's a wonderful class.

A group of friends and I got together to do some class builds at level 8, we had equipped them with enough gp for a level 8 pc. It was mentioned that the shaman was a MAD class. That is that it would possibly outheal a straight cleric class but it would certainly typesetting the shaman. While on a 20 point buy that would be a narrow window to optimize a shaman character. The shaman build in this case had lifelink and i personally think that is a very nice ability to share with this class.

Liberty's Edge

Ravingdork wrote:

Wow. A 4th-level aberrant bloodrager with enlarge person and a reach weapon has a reach of 30 feet.

05 Natural reach
05 Enlarge person
05 Abnormal reach
x2 Reach weapon
30 Foot reach

Playtested a Bloodrager at level 8, with a group of friends in an arena type setting. We purely wanted to see the combat mechanics of certain classes in this release. Built him with 33,000gp in equipment. With this same build I was able to totally disrupt combat and dominate in a battle I totally loved playing with this same build. With the shield spell being on a magus spell list you can easily get a wand of shield and enjoy a shield bonus to your AC. That being said that was the only spell I got off and it was because it was in a wand. With arcane strike and power attack I hit it . I kill it type of thing. Enjoyed it.

Liberty's Edge 3/5

Now our fourth game we are meeting on Sunday afternoons, in the Red Room supplied to us by our host Meta-games Unlimited. We are now introducing a new gamemaster Robert Eastburn and he is a vetern of Star Wars and will do great at it. Come join us if you are looking to play in. May 5th we are starting the Silent Tide and May 19th the Frost Fur Captives.

Liberty's Edge 3/5

To all it may concern in the Springfield Missouri area. Meta Games in springfield has recently started pathfinder society play in their stores, and our first game is February 17th that is on a sunday, and since I am new to gamemastering Pathfinder Society Play I am starting with the module called First Steps: In Service to Lore. There are certainly more games to follow but I wanted to post a general invite to all who would like to play and to any interested in running Pathfinder Society Play games. Thanks all

Liberty's Edge 3/5

My name is Samuel I am in the springfield missouri area, I am a experienced gamemaster and looking for stable players. I also know of a few venues in the springfield area that are willing to support pathfinder society play. The only thing is is that I dont what being a part of pathfinder society entails. What the rules are and what is normally required. I am pretty well grounded in the mechanics of pathfinder rules but have almost no clue as to the pathfinder game world, I would love a chance to play and meet new people. I can be contacted by my email address at Thank you for your time.