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The First Pathfinder!


If memory serves, Eando Kline (a creation of James Sutter) first appears in the pages of Adventure Path Volume #2 and is really the first Pathfinder we're actually introduced. We follow his bizarre adventures as he is guided by a mysterious ioun stone. (Though Spoiler alert, somewhat ironically, the first Pathfinder ultimately resigns from the Society, cause he's 'too cool for school').

This Medium-sized figure captures his look very well. There's a crap ton of detail on it. The empty scabbard especially looks great. He doubles very well as an adventurer with a bit of grit. He could be a warrior, a rogue, a slayer or even a bard. Very high PC - potential.

You can get a look at this mini on all sides as it turns in this miniatures video at this link here.

(He appears just after the 2 minute mark)

His pose suggests he's ready for action, but unlikely so many minis he's not in the middle of a frenzied melee (but he could be!) It's also nice to have a martial figure who looks like he decided against an armor check penalty.

Like many minis attempting to capture human expression, the face looks a little too 'masky'. The beard definitely looks painted on - which it is - as opposed to looking natural. They did manage to get the trademark scar to work, which is impressive.

Overall, this is a great mini to add to a collection. It brings both utility and nostalgia at the same time.

"Altar of the Lupine Lord"

"Werewolf Lord" is a Large-sized (2 x 2), pre-painted miniature from Wizards of the Coast's "Unhallowed" set (of the rare variety).

You can get a pretty solid look at this mini from a few different angles in this short miniatures youtube video HERE. The Werewolf Lord mini appears in motion at the 2:45 second mark.

3.5 edition gamers might remember the Werewolf Lord from p.174 of the Monster Manual where a 10th level fighter is combined with a natural lycanthrope. As for the mini itself, This is one honking big werewolf. It really stretches the boundaries of size-Large and uses an extra wide base to do it.

He looks like he could easily encase your PC's entire head in a single claw and then crush it like a melon. The coloration is nothing to write home about but it works here and I'm not sure I would have it any other way. His ankles are rather skinny for the rest of his girth, but arguably it's probably anatomically the way lupine feet should look. He'd look fantastic surrounded by wolves or lesser werewolves. The pose is dynamic and really adds to the intimidation.

But did we really need a werewolf this big? Yes, yes I think we did.

Our Price: $4.00

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Now that's an axe...


The Blood Ghost Berserker is an uncommon pre-painted miniature from Wizard of the Coast's War Drums set (uncommon variety). His paint job is typically quite a bit darker than that depicted above, at least in all the ones I have seen.

You can get a pretty decent look at this mini front, back and sides in this short miniatures video HERE.

The bugbear is still one of my favorite goblinoids, and he appropriately pushes the boundary of Medium size - his clawed feet even spill over the base (something not featured in the video above). The pose is simple, but evocative and I love the facial expression. This guy is out for the kill. When the GM plants this mini down on a battle mat, even the cockiest PC is going to reflexively check their proximity to the party's healer. That is a big axe.

High Utility


The Bonded Fire Summoner is an uncommon pre-painted miniature from Wizards of the Coast's War of the Dragon Queen set.

You can get a pretty solid look at this mini from a few different angles at this short miniatures video HERE.

This is an excellent mini with high utility. He stands in for just about any kind of wizard and has no doubt been chosen by many players to represent their PC. It is nice to have a human male wizard without the obligatory beard. The sculpt is excellent for an uncommon, especially one from such an early set. His utilitarian spell pouches scream adventurer. The black and red motif stands out and has been in such a way that I could see this guy as an arcane spellcaster of any alignment.

Classic Purple!


The Purple Worm is an pre-painted miniature from Wizards of the Coast's War of the Dragon Queen (uncommon rarity).

You can get a pretty solid look at this mini from just about every angle at this short miniatures video HERE. The purple worm mini appears in motion at the 45 second mark.

Although technically Huge-sized, gargantuan props are deserved for the corkscrew pose. You can almost hear it ripping out of the rocks as it bears down on your PCs. You have to give the artist props for the hive of teeth on this thing, almost evoking thoughts of the Sarlacc monster. This mini forces one to contend with a difficult choice. Surely you will want to re-paint this miniature into a more sensible color, perhaps a grey desert worm ala the classic Dune series. But RPG purists know that a purple worm just has to be purple--and the existing paint here works surprisingly well. The black undercoating somehow makes the dark purple shade look like a rubbery monster carapace. The biggest flaw this mini contends with is the massive fault line where the different segments of this mini were joined. It's too bad they could not have been camouflaged more by the sculpt. Over all though it's hard to complain about a gigantic mini that looks this good.