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Organized Play Member. 19 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

I am having some issues in my brain about casting a spell with the range of touch (not ranged touch).

Here is how I understand touch spells (not ranged ones), and I wanted to get clarification for each of these points. Some players have brought up some issues with my logic, and I wanted to have an answer by next session.

1. Do spells with the range of touch provoke attacks of opportunity?
2. Can the spell be cast, and used as part of a touch attack within the same standard action?
3. Should I miss my touch attack, is the spell used up?
4. Should I decide to store the spell, will touching anyone trigger the spell? Or do I have the option of using it only when I decide to release the power? For example, could I shake hands with a local merchant with a stored spell, only to use it right after to blindside a thief?

I thank everyone in advance for any help.

So, my wife decided to create a cleric and put her orc barbarian away. In the game I am running, there seems to be an instance in almost every session where the players are low on health, low on supplies, and looking to sleep for 3 weeks in a dungeon to heal up. So, she has built her cleric, and our first session was last night.

My wife did not enjoy playing a cleric...

Every time she had an turn, she was forced to channel energy instead of firing her bow. While the group fared much better, I could tell she was quickly losing interest. So, what I am trying to do is create some sort of feat or something that will allow her to still attack when she heals.

She played a cleric in 4th edition, and I think she was thinking that healing would be something that she could do to supplement an attack.

So, my idea for a feat is as follows.

Battle Cleric
Prerequisite Channel Positive Energy 2D6 class feature
A cleric with this feat may choose to use her channel positive energy class feature as a move action by rolling one less D6 for the heal.

In my home game Samurai are part of the Edo Elemental Clans far to the west. They often trade with the Freelands (where my game takes place). After giving the overview, low and behold I had a player go "I wanna be a samurai". Cool, so we look up samurai, and it made my face hurt. I don't like the Samurai class as done in Ultimate Combat as a template for Cavalier. So I decided to rework an Elemental Samurai of my own into things. This will be my first time making my own class.

I'm not sure if I should just make a template to overlap over fighter, with forced prerequisites like Lawful only, No shield proficiency, etc, or just use my own class ideas.

I'd like to hear feedback on the little bit I have had time to flesh out these last two days and see if there is an issue.

Alignment: Any Lawful

Hit Die: D10

Weap and Armor Proficiency: Samurai are proficient with all Light and Medium Armor, but not with shields. Samurai are also proficient with All simple and martial weapons, as well as Katana, Wakizashi,Tanto, Nodachi, Yari , Naginata, Jute and kanabo. (Where not a rule for a weapon, I will make any of these Samurai weapons a Masterwork counterpart of a similar ruled weapon. Such as Kanabo being a MW Great Club)

BAB Progression +1 per level (as fighter)

Saves +1 all at level 1. They will then increase by +1 every odd level.

I have two different versions of Samurai, much the same way that Ranger has two styles. Yabusame and Daisho. Yabusame begin play with a Heavy Warhorse and all barding needed. Including a MW Yumi (Longbow). Daisho begin play with a MW Katana and MW Tanto or Wakizashi.

This is what i have now, I have just started working out feats and progression to level 20. Feedback would be greatly appreciated (I am not giving the samurai much more than the choice of Yabusame or Daisho at level one to reflect the amount they are being given here. Either style also begins play with either Mounted Combat or Two Weapon Fighting, depending).

I am a terrible map maker. By terrible map maker, I mean that I have a map for the world building I am doing in my head, but beyond that I'm about as artistic as a meth addled orangutan. So I was wondering if anyone could suggest a decent piece of map building software (not dungeons, overland type maps). Perhaps some Cartography software that could be used for fantasy world buiilding?

1: The bard- My wife is playing a Bard in our home game. She has decided to play the fiddle as her instrument. Now, according to the game rules she is able to maintain her spell song ability by using a free action each round. However flavor wise she would be playing a fiddle the entire time. How does she go about playing the fiddle, and stabbing someone with her dirk in the same round? Is all the has to do is pluck a string or two to keep the magic going?

2: The Monk- weapons like Brass Knuckles are "monk weapons". Wtf is the point of a Monk getting these? BK are still bludgeoning damage, do less then the Monk's unarmed strike, and cost money. I'm just curious why make such weapons Monk Weapons when they are entirely useless, at least in my estimation.