
MrFingerKnives's page

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Lemartes wrote:
Is there a condition I don't know about called face first into turds?

That would be sh*t-faced I believe

I'm sure a popular choice is a starknife with the called fusion. Who wouldn't want the Glaive from Krull?

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I toyed with the idea of making a character with the Icon theme who was a writer of choose your own adventure books that were popular with the shirren due to their addiction to choice. Eventually I'd have him expand on the books so that based on the ending you chose you'd be able to purchase the next book that matched your ending, making the repeat value ridiculously high, and profitable. Honestly I'm thinking about pitching this in real life now heheheh.

This is why I'm trying to focus on as much analog gear as possible. I can figure out these bullets go in this gun and cost this much. The fluctuating value of a battery's charge from item to item is already bad enough, I don't want to worry about it when I'm shooting something. Also a technomancer or a mechanic can't just turn my gun off with space magic!

I would like to see if the exocortex targeting system allows you to cycle through vision settings like heat and dark vision. If so, it's going to be a real toss up over mechanic and operative's cloaking field for a Predator assassin build. Really excited about this game.