
Maximillian999's page

Organized Play Member. 22 posts (390 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.


Liberty's Edge

[possible tiny spoiler for Serpent's Skull]

I have a party that just finished the Escape From Smuggler’s Shiv in the Serpent’s Skull AP.  They are about to leave the island and head for Eleder (and the second module in the AP).  They let the BBEG escape and missed a bunch of the treasure in the last encounter on the island.  I’m thinking about either having them picked up by a ship that turns out to be full of pirates or have the rescue ship attacked by pirates.
Does anybody have any suggestions for this?  Is there a good side quest like this somewhere out on the internet?  The party is currently level 3, but there are five of them and they are unusually tough for their level due to rolling 4d6 (reroll 1s) for their stats.
I’ve got the GMG and…  Stormwrack (?the 3.5 nautical book) to use.  I suppose I could grab the Stag Lord’s gang from Kingmaker and give a couple of them peg-legs and an Angry Parrot.
I’m also looking at suggestions for setting the atmosphere and making an interesting combat.  After being on Smuggler’s Shiv they are getting a bit tired of fighting monkeys, goats and mindless undead. :)

Liberty's Edge

Mark Moreland wrote:
Dragnmoon wrote:
Who is inputting these? Because I need to email them because I forgot to add My character to the reporting sheet for GM credit.
You can email me, Hyrum, Customer Service, or any Venture-Captain.

Two of the PFS sessions I played at Paizocon do not show up on my character’s history on the web site.  This is probably my fault, as I did not register the character there until after getting home from Paizocon.  Is there any way for me to fix this?  I’ve got the chronicle sheets and the GM’s PFS number (can’t read his name, though).

I know I can just carry around the chronicle sheets, but I’d like to have everything neat and tidy.

(or should I just be less antsy about it and check back in a week?)

Liberty's Edge

William Bryan wrote:

So to be clear, the next game is on 6/24 from 6 to 10 at Portal games downtown. Am I getting this right?

Right date and time but I believe it's still at Guardian Games.

I just RSVP'd at bigtent. If you are having trouble with the site let me know and shoo me your character info and I can add you to my response.

Didn't see anything on which scenario might be run. I'll probably buy Shadow's Last Stand pt. I and bring it along just in case.

Liberty's Edge

William Bryan wrote:

What time on Friday? And the link you provided needs me to sign in to a group yet I don't know what group to sign into.


'Portland Pathfinder Society' which is under 'Portland rpg gatherings'

6-10pm, I think. Note that I've never been there for the games either, though.

Liberty's Edge

William Bryan wrote:
Maximillian999 wrote:

I believe there is a semi-weekly game at Guardian, are there usually openings? Are there any other regular meetings?

I may be able to GM for an easygoing crowd, but I'd need to beg the players to supply monster minis, I have a tiny collection. :)

Hey Max999,

I was talking to Hyrum about this very same thing. I assumed guardian had games going on there. You wanna coordinate something OR find out who's coordinating something and join in on the fun?

Sounds like a plan. I just checked and it appears that *something* is planned for 6/24 at Guardian-

Someone named BrandingOpportunity is running it. Can you make a Friday night?

Liberty's Edge

Set wrote:
Maeljw wrote:
The Eye being a result of the great magic and power released to stop him.

I like the idea of a connection between the Eye and Aroden's death.

Generic Villain wrote:
It's worth noting that Desna also resides on the Material Plane, though I don't think she's a native like Nyarlathotep or Cthulhu.

It's only (relatively) recently (as strange aeons go) that Desna has been a *human* goddess, with a humanoid appearance. Whatever shuddersome sky-crawling insectile thing, night black and slick with liquid starlight, singing mad songs and dreaming mad dreams beyond the range of human comprehension in the dark places between the stars, she used to be, has been wrapped up in a friendly butterfly-lady persona, over the recent millenia...

Far-Traveller from beyond the stars, mad-Dreamer of forbidden Dreams, we call upon you, Desna, Ia, Ia.

I love the idea of the Eye powering Aroden's prison or being a rift in space time caused by his death. As to the rest of your thoughts-

Stop that! Ick! I'm losing sanity points just thinking about it!
Now I'm going to be worrying about why happens when Desna emerges from her cocoon, on he day that the stars come right again...

Liberty's Edge

Ajaxis wrote:

1. I like the pirates theme, but I'm not a fan of playing the "bad guys.". I'd rather play a navy defending aginst pirates, have a Letter of Marque and Reprisal, or even Steel Falcons fighting slavey.

2. I'm probably in the minority of board posters in not wanting a "no-paladin" AP. I'm interested in seeing how it does.

3. Sandboxy is good.

Agree with these points. I was about to say "I hope Paizo thinks about Good and/or Lawful characters" but now that I consider, I'm sure that they have.

I don't really want to play the Dread Pirate Roberts and
slaughter the innocent, but playing Horatio Hornblower or "Lucky Jack" Aubrey would be great! Love the idea of building your own fleet and your reputation. :)

Liberty's Edge

Lisa Stevens wrote:
Fraust wrote:
I want to KNOW it's happening before I break out the rum and cutlass...

Avast ye landlubber, when the Paizo staff tells ya that it is a pirate AP, you better reach for your cutlass and get ready to board that beauty! So hoist the flag and get ready to send your enemies to Davie Jone's Locker!


Lisa, I am on a train heading south from PaizoCon, so all I can offer is a great big (electronic) hug! :)

Paizo frequently causes me to lose all of my dignity and yell "cool!"

(loved your seminar this afternoon, too!)

Liberty's Edge

I believe there is a semi-weekly game at Guardian, are there usually openings? Are there any other regular meetings?

I may be able to GM for an easygoing crowd, but I'd need to beg the players to supply monster minis, I have a tiny collection. :)

Liberty's Edge

Steve Miller wrote:

"Mrs. Tampa VC - "Stab him in the face and then suck out his eyes with the straw.""

--I've just been reminded, Mrs. Tampa VC's real name is Tara.

Hmmm... I think I gamed with her today. Does the following sound in-character?

Bad guy- "don't kill me, I can turn your friends back from stone!"
Valeros II - "no, you're bluffing!" -GACK!

Good game. We worked hard to keep the only non-pregen character, (aka Pvt. Ryan) alive. :)

Joe/Corin/(but Ezren in that adventure)

Liberty's Edge

Aethelwulf wrote:

Had a great time playing Shades of Ice III with the VC from Denver this afternoon. I had the best time fumbling a diplomacy role and later refraining from killing the big baddie (and therefore losing a PA), confirming that sometimes the most fun comes from "losing."

My people always say hello that way!

Aethelwulf, Corin the Square-Jawed Paladin has no regrets, but his player is sorry you didn't get to gack the prisoner. :)

I also had a good time with the unfortunately nameless vc from Denver


Liberty's Edge

Because otherwise my poor Paladin can't see anything!

Liberty's Edge

So I have a "friend" who was too busy to register for con events until now. Is it still possible to sign up for PFS events at this late date?

If it is, how? I... I mean "he" can't find a 'sign up for this event' button anywhere.

If it is too late, are there enough PFS games running to just show up with a character and sit down, or will the weekend contain a lot of tears?

Thank you,

Liberty's Edge

After looking at his picture in the module, I don’t want to have him running around with a spellbook written on vellum using squid-based ink.  What would be more appropriate?  Fetish objects carved from the bones of his enemies?
Can anyone think of a better idea to use to disturb my fastidious wizard player?  (PG-13 only, please)  ;)  Thanks!

P.S. Would there be anything interesting in Nyambe for this?

Liberty's Edge

pres man wrote:
Maximillian999 wrote:
There are videos somewhere on the interwebs that prove Obama is a Muslim!

Damn that George Stephanopoulos is tricksy.

Nice! I thought that was going to be the speech where he told a bunch of Muslims in Cairo that he was a Christian, but your link was much better.

Liberty's Edge

Moff Rimmer wrote:

Let's see. What I've learned from this thread...

Teachers are interrogated on a regular basis and the UN can't do anything about it.
You shouldn't wear tinfoil hats in the winter.
Nazis are overpaid and should have to pay for their own benefits.
Wisconsin will secede from the Union if they can get enough legislators to show up to vote.
Janitors have a hard time cleaning up Skittles.
And some guy named Beck is skillfully taking over the world.

Did I miss anything?

Teachers are made of quantum. They are simultaneously under- and overpaid, until an observer opens the box!

The suppression of the Whiskey Rebellion was a clear example of the Founding Father's eternal commitment to the free market and laissez faire business climate!

The Civil War had nothing to do with state's rights!

There are videos somewhere on the interwebs that prove Obama is a Muslim!

Anything else?

Liberty's Edge

Freehold DM wrote:
bugleyman wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:

Even though this seems extreme I think they are using the only option the rules have left them. Some of them may consider collective bargaining a basic human right; if so then I don't think this is an unreasonable or unlawful tactic.

I'm torn. Maybe they're simply doing what the must in the context of the established system, but I have to question rules that allow the system to be shutdown so easily.

Indeed. This seems to be a rather sizeable loophole. What if EVERYONE did this?

Then you have the US Senate, where legislation goes to die. There, this bill could be filibustered- same end result.

Liberty's Edge

Dragnmoon wrote:

I just want to thank everyone at Paizo for the Holiday Greetings card I just got in the box with my last subscription shipment, and thanks for a great year of products!

Yes, thanks! Please tell the artist that's a great drawing.

Liberty's Edge

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Sean likely has the best compromise above. Though if this is what the group likes and feels is fair.

Good point. They do think it is fair. I'll try to just tone it down a bit and see what happens. Maybe they are right for their play style.

No one has played a Sorcerer, ever.  This system was developed for 2nd Edition and they’ve been using it since.  There is one player talking about playing a Pathfinder Sorcerer.  The consensus is that since the Sorcerer just gets their spells known for free, it will balance out the Wizard having to find all of theirs.  I’m told that Wizards do not get the two free spells known per level and have to find them all on scrolls.  Maybe this will help?
@ Dark Mistress - Melee classes are popular, Rogues are not.  I think they feel well balanced.  Note that the most popular build for a Wizard is a blaster Wizard who does not take Spell Focus (Evocation) and spends a lot of time Maximizing fireballs.  Maybe played that way the Wizards really are close in power to a Fighter?
@ Sean – 1 spell known per spell available to cast - That’s the compromise I proposed!  You are a wise man, sir.  J  Not a popular suggestion.  It would be a big change for them.
I’m thinking about changing the current formula which gives between 4-14 spells known per level (It’s # spells/day * 3 + extra spells/day from Int) to something that starts around 2-3 spells known and caps out around…  8-10?  It’s still a lot compared to the Sorcerer, but it will keep people happy. Perhaps one less per level but allow a bonus spell from the specialized school.
I suppose I can just nuke the Wizard from orbit if it gets too out of control.  Still not sure what to do about the Cleric!

Liberty's Edge

We haven't had as much trouble with channeling as you have, partly because our DM has ruled that all NPCs stay alive until they are at -CON just like PCs.

If we aren't very careful, one channel can cause half of our enemies to jump back into the fight. :) That's even with Selective Channeling.

Note that most of our party loves to charge off
in random directions and get surrounded, so your milage may vary.

Liberty's Edge

Shouldn't the assassin have to at least make a Stealth check to remain hidden the same way a sniper does?  That's a fairly hefty penalty on the roll.  HiPS or not, I would never agree with a player who was trying to convince me that the blood-splattered assassin standing right next to a dead giant (probably leaving bloody footprints) is actually *less* easy to spot than the camouflaged sniper in cover a hundred feet away and who has the same Stealth bonus.

HiPS is a really cool ability, but IMHO it doesn't break the game quite as badly as OP suggested.

Also, our group may be using the ready action rule incorrectly, but how come the giants weren't readying a Charge & Grapple for when one of their buddies had a sword stuck in his spleen?  You can't use Stealth while attacking, that should de-cloak for long enough to trigger the opportunity fire.  :)


Liberty's Edge

One of our players is running a converted Warmage class in our Pathfinder campaign He feels that as an arcane caster, he should be able to cast any arcane spell from a scroll or wand. Is this correct? I was under the impression that unless the PC has UMD, the only way to cast from a scroll is to have the spell on he classes' list.
