
Manwitch's page

Organized Play Member. 16 posts (20 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 11 Organized Play characters.


Raychael Allor wrote:
Hi folks! Just wanted to clarify-- upgrading on Demiplane WILL grant you the associated PDFs on as usual, utilizing our API. Apologies for the miscommunication!

Does buying on Demiplane give me immediate access to remastered content on their character builder? Or are they waiting to release the content into their tool?

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Twilight2k wrote:
The new crit for crossbow is weird. Realistically, an arrow wound would bleed far more than a bolt wound - they almost feel backwards to me.

My brain does the same thing with Potency and Striking Runes.... you'd think something called "Striking" would make a weapon more likely to successfully strike, and that something called "Potency" would make its hits more... potent.

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One of the odd benefits of the three part adventures is if its something I'm not interested in, I don't have to wait half a year for a more interesting option.

Tarpeius wrote:
Am I able to use Specialty Crafting and Impeccable Crafting when mass-producing a single item as part of Craft Goods for the Market? Or do those feats only narrowly apply to the Craft activity?

I would also like a verification of if they apply to the second part of crafting goods for market:"Higher-level tasks represent special commissions, which might require you to Craft a specific item using the Craft downtime activity and sell it to a buyer at full price."

How often do these events come up in PFS2e adventures?

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My favorite part of the old character folio was its expansive pages and its beautiful colors. Will there be a version of this in full color?

LeSigh wrote:
There were some requests for this in other threads, but as far as I know we haven't heard anything from staff so I figured I'd highlight the question in its own thread.

I second this. Can we get more lvl 10 special tables?

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I would also like to trade out my 5-6 tier for a 10-11.
If Paizo is listening, please shift the #'s to create more 10-11 tier tables. <3

I would like to see priority event registration for those who bought their tickets early so we don't end up with 2 of 4 days walking around begging DMs during their breaks.

Sign me up under the name Dave S.

Chemlak wrote:

The adjustment to the kingdom rules for building-generated magic items to be below the settlement base value was a conscious design choice, mandated by the outline Paizo gave to the designer of the revised rules for Ultimate Campaign.

I’ve explained it before, but basically in the original kingdom building rules from the Kingmaker AP, magic item generation broke the system. Paizo made the choice to adjust it in two ways, the first being that Kingdoms cannot “sell” building-generated magic items for BP, and the other being to cap item values at the settlement base value. This was absolutely intentional and is not in error.

However... there are many players and GMs (myself included) who do not believe that the double whammy was necessary. Removal of selling items for BP actually solved the issue on its own. The only thing high gold value items from buildings means now is that PCs might be able to get some items sooner than the core game expects, but a bit of careful planning (and perhaps a friendly request for the PCs not to strip the treasury bare just to get that +5 vorpal greatsword for themselves) can mitigate it. The easiest way to manage it, interestingly, is to be hyper-strict with items rolled. Do not ever re-roll an item because the first one you got is “boring”. You get a lot of potions and scrolls. But that’s actually part of the balance.

So, my advice is to ignore the cap on the value of building-generated magic items, but be strict with what you roll - if that major item is a scroll of dimension door, that’s what it is.

This was exactly the sort of well reasoned with historical context answer I was looking for. It answered the underlying questions of why these things were listed this way. Thank you. This information should be listed on the PFSRD.

dragonhunterq wrote:

Blahpers is correct.They are two different systems, not necessarily mutually exclusive (although probably should be treated so). You can use both, either one or neither - it is up to you.

Gamemastery guide refers to magic items available in the entirety of the settlement. It is an overview, designed for general use.

Ultimate Combat divides the settlement into districts and the magic items referred to are those available/district (admittedly many settlements are only a single district, but the point remains). It is designed to be used with the overarching kingdom building rules. It includes a different method for determining how magic items cycle for instance. It is a more detailed system.

I get that the kingdom building rules are a more detailed system.

And I am almost convinced that you're correct about the magic items in the KB rules just being a more detailed version of which magic items are available under the base value instead of the usual 75% of all things. But if that is all it is then why are there no KB rules addressing how to determine which Minor, Medium, and Major magic items are available above the base value? The settlement rules in the GBG clearly state, and we see it in lots of published examples, that there are a certain number of items that exist above the base value.

blahpers wrote:
GMG deals with the early settlement mechanics for GMs wishing to quickly get settlements up and running. UC provides an alternate, optional system for tables that want more detail in their kingdom management. If you're running the K&W rules from UC, go with that. Or don't--if you're the GM and you want an item available, make it available.

Well obviously they are old rules conflicting with slightly less old rules. But are still legitimate. One rule set did not replace the other and both are still listed on the SRD. Obviously a DM can shoehorn in a specific item... that's not at all what I'm asking about.

Both are rules to determine what random yet specific magic items are available to players. One rule says it can't cost more than the base value of the settlement and the other says the list is for magic items that exceed the base value of the settlement.

They can't both be correct.
The real question that needs to be answered is if the specific magic items listed in the stat block of a settlement are supposed to exceed the base value or be less than the base value.
It makes a significant difference in terms of early settlement economy.

My group is playing Kingmaker. Which rule is supposed to be used for determining magic items? They are directly opposed. alue-and-purchase-limit

Minor Items/Medium Items/Major Items: This line lists the number of magic items above a settlement's base value that are available for purchase. In some city stat blocks, the actual items are listed in parentheses after the die range of items available—in this case, you can use these pre-rolled resources when the PCs first visit the city as the magic items available for sale on that visit. If the PCs return to that city at a later date, you can roll up new items as you see fit.

OR urnSequence.html#magic-items-in-settlements

Filling Item Slots: In Step 3 of the Upkeep Phase, you roll to fill vacant magic item slots in each district. Roll d% once for each district that has an open magic item slot (if the district has more than one, select one randomly). There is a 50% chance (51–100) that an appropriate magic item becomes available in that slot. This item’s price cannot exceed the base value for the settlement (reroll if the item’s price exceeds the settlement’s base value).

I know some adventures in season 7 have genies (for the purpose of season 8 sov. Court). A friend is willing to run one for us but can't find anything with a list of them or some kind of keyword adventure search thing. Can people who know, recommend some adventures in season 7 with genies?

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Warning before you buy and spend ~$30 printing this to cardstock! This is OLD. The spell selection is NOT updated past the Core Rulebook, Advanced Players Guide, and Ultimate Magic. Note that these also do NOT include spells granted by Witch patrons listed in the APG and Ultimate Magic. There are also a few problems with Quality Assurance I'll explain a bit further in this post. I have a 5th level Witch I use in Society and found this card collection was missing the following spells:

Does not include Arcane Mark (Core Rule Book), Adhesive Spittle (Advanced Class Guide), Ear-piercing scream (Ultimate Magic), Ventriloquism (Time Witch Patron Gifted Spell from Ultimate Magic / Advanced Players Guide), Long Arm (Advanced Class Guide), Air Bubble (Ultimate Combat), Silence (Time Witch Patron Gifted Spell from Ultimate Magic / Advanced Players Guide), Whispering Lore (Advanced Race Guide), Hex Vulnerability (Advanced Class Guide), Thorny Entangle (Advanced Class Guide), Aggressive Thundercloud (Advanced Class Guide), Molten Orb (Advanced Class Guide).

Unfortunately due to not being updated at all, Witches will find this excludes many of the "best in slot" spells that came after the development of this deck such as many of those found in the Advanced Class Guide.

These are some of the errors that I've found so far in cards that do exist for this deck:

- The detect magic card runs into a second card without a "detect magic continued" title.

- Reduce Person is attached to the bottom of the Read Magic spell card.

- 2nd Reduce Person card has no "continued" title.

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Still hoping for a legal pre-gen Witch. : /