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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 160 posts (1,703 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 14 aliases.

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Intresting but Not at the same time


First off I have to say that I was highly interested at the book by the sample chapter that I read and then it fell short on me. The Main Character was a great guy and an interesting one that I will agree. I bought the book and left it on the shelf for a couple of days to read.
Once I started reading the book it was a very easy read. I read the whole book in a matter of 2 days. So being that said, it was a little off setting because it was nowhere near what I was expecting for a book that I had high expectations for.
The Main Character Alaeron was a great one, I just wish that he was fleshed out a little more and some more thought given to his abilities and his skills. The Secondary characters were a great addition to the party. It made the book readable. I think that there should have been more development into a structure as well.
The storyline was too short. There was enough to the point where I wasn’t upset when book ended but there could have been a lot more done before the end. I really was not happy with the story between the main character and one of the side characters played out either, That really made me upset when I finished the book.

Over all I would have to say that I sort of liked the book and I was disappointed by it more then I was happy about finishing it. I was expecting a lot more out of this compared to what I have read in the past form other novels in this genre