
Jeffzilla's page

22 posts. 7 reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Ye olde medieval Batman nemesis

Whistler's mother mishap from the movie, 'Bean.'

Whisker dragon

Birdie num-nums

Evil lettuce

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Tim Burton animated feature film heroine.

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Silver Scarab wrote:
How do you pronounce chernasardo?

It's spelled 'Chernasardo,' but it's pronounced 'Throat warbler mangrove.'

Silver Scarab wrote:
How do you pronounce chernasardo?

I pronounce it: "CHAIR - ness - SAR - doe."

With double emphasis on the first and third syllables, it rather rolls off the tongue.

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Interesting thread, with a lot of interesting points of view. The only thing that I'll add is a bit of historical perspective.

The ONLY modern presidential candidate to succeed a two-term president from his own party is George H. W. Bush.

Fact is, the whole "third term" thing is exceedingly rare in modern times (post-FDR / Truman).

There were a lot of mistakes in the 2016 Democratic campaign, as there are a lot of mistakes in every campaign, but perhaps the biggest strike against Democrats last year is that they were swimming against the tide of history.

Obamacare rate increases in late October 2016 didn't help much, either.

My take, for whatever it's worth. That may not be much, but it's still my take. :)

Eliandra Giltessan wrote:
Third part doesn't sit right with me. I know that troglodytes (which I often accidentally call trogdolytes---which sounds like trog-delights---much to everyone's amusement) are usually chaotic evil, but just going in and killing sentient beings to steal their shelter doesn't sit right with me. I know the players don't HAVE to, but the alternative is no shelter. I think if I were to run it, I'd put more troglodyte encounters in part 2. That way it looks like, "Huh, the troglodytes are a threat to us. We better root them out at the source. And oh, hey, these caves might make for decent shelter."

Easy fix, if you think this will be a problem for your crew. Have a couple of your refugees disappear overnight, and by dawn the players discover tracks leading back to the trog-delights' lair. Then it becomes a rescue mission.


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Puddin' pop.

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Mecha Tick

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Ko-Ko Puffs

Sharaya wrote:
If you get an order confirmation email and anything looks weird, please let us know (preferably in a new thread or by email).

Thanks Sharaya, the only reason that I even looked at it this month is because I made some changes to my subscriptions right at the start of the month, and wasn't sure if they'd been submitted in time before April shipments went out. I'm sure that everything is fine.

Skeld wrote:
My Subscriptions is notoriously flaky during the time of the month when subs are authorizing/shipping.

Good to know. I don't guess I've ever looked at it that closely before. Thanks Skeld!

Hmmm, it looks like my Player's Companion subscription for April is missing too. 'My Subscriptions' shows "Legacy of the First World" being my next item shipped in May. Thanks!

I'm glad that this schedule shows AP # 117 shipping in April. The info under 'My Subscriptions' indicates that my last AP subscription items were #115 and #116 in March, with #118 shipping in May, and with no current subscription items in my sidecart or recent order info. It was like AP # 117 had fallen off of your shipping schedule, leading me to think that #117 had been delayed or something.

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I just did a large (for me) order from this scratch & dent sale, picking up 8 softcover titles and one hardback copy of the Bestiary 3. Anyway, I'd like to second what others have said-- upon delivery, the condition of these books impressed me. The Bestiary's spine had minor dings on all four corners, both at the top and at the bottom, but was otherwise in perfect condition. One of the softcover titles had a chipped spine, where about 1/4" of the glossy printed part of the spine had chipped away, and another softcover title had a 1/8" tear on the front cover. These are all very minor condition issues and nothing that you'd expect to get worse with normal wear or impact the books' usability-- in fact, I've seen books in worse condition on store shelves, and although I wouldn't have paid full price for them, I wouldn't necessarily have expected a 50% discount, either. The other six softcover titles that I purchased were so close to being in mint condition that I really had to inspect them carefully to locate any defects at all. You should have seen me, holding them at an angle in front of a light source and peering across the cover like I was appraising a rare artifact at a museum! Anyway, I was very pleased with this purchase and am looking at possibly buying more scratch & dent titles.

Gummy McGums