
Esangue's page

26 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists.


Christopher Fannin wrote:

I'm curious to how this played out and what your party makeup was.

You've got 8 minions, 6 level 1 monsters, 2 level 3 monsters, and one level 2 monster (? the dog ?)

That's..what, 1600 xp worth of creatures in a single level 1 encounter?

Shoot, based on the feedback from the TPK thread, a lot of parties have problems with a 1250 xp encounter (Irontooth) at level 1.

Hello !!

Sorry for the delay in the answer, but I've been busy with work and then I went on holydays!! :)
Anyway, in the group there is just a leader (cleric), two defenders (fighter and paladin), one controller and one striker (TWF ranger). The encounter was though, but it was my first time Dming 4e, so I surely forgetten something (the goblin ability, for example). Anyway, everithing played out quite well. The combat area was quite big, so the two defender blocked goblin on two sides, while the striker ran everywhere killing the "big" guys. When the Hexer came in, there had some trouble, but after a couple of rounds of panic, everything went ok. The wizard used his sleep on the first wave, neutralizing the blacblade and all the minions, while the ranger dropped a couple of times. But the cleric and paladin did their job quite well. I didn't know the rules for mount, so the goblin dog did nothing. And the defender nailed down the skullclever with a daily plus crit.

So, I think players have been lucky, but the encounter went on very smoothly, and the effect was quite good. At about round 5 the party seemed to be overhelmed, but they decided to go on and turned the wave!!
Very cool!! :)

Christopher Fannin wrote:

I'm also curious if anyone remembers that there were only supposed to be some 30 goblins attacking Sandpoint in 3(?) groups (with one of those not actually attacking anything). This would be about half that number, all showing up in the same general area within a minute of the fight starting.

You're right... I forgot it... My love for minions won over adventure consistency!! ;)

Christopher Fannin wrote:

I'm a fan of breaking the combats up...at least the first two and Die, Dog, Die I feel should be separated into a pair of encounters. There's less chance of overwhelming your party (especially if you have a single leader type and he has to burn his encounter powers early) and it makes more sense to me within the boundaries of the attack.

That's right, but I wanted a powerful introduction. It was our first take on 4e and I wanted to be sure that everyone understood his own powers and the differencies between the static 3.5 fights and the dynamic 4e ones.

Surely, the fight was hard for a beginning, but it was funny and everyone acted at his best.

Sorry for the lenghty post and for the language (my native language isn't english, so I apologize for the mistakes). Anyway, I'll post my conversion soon and I hope to start working on the second part (Thistletop) soon!!

See you!!

Long time I didn' post...
I played the first section (Sandpoint attack and The Catacombs of wrath) a couple of days ago. My group hit second level at the end of the Catacombs.
For the first encounter I chose to use three waves of goblin – the first on round one(4 Goblin Minion, 1 Goblin Warrior, 1 Goblin Blackblade), the second (1 Goblin Hexer, 2 Goblin Pyro, 6 Goblin Minion) on round 4 and the third (1 Goblin Skullcleaver, 1 Goblin Dog, 2 Goblin Warrior, 2 Goblin Minion) on round 7.
It was a really nice (and long) encounter, with PC racing all around the battlemat, trying to reach the goblin and to save Foxglove on round seven. Then I made up two skill challenges: the shopkeeper's daughter, based on the diplomacy skill challenge found on the DMG, and the Boar Hunt, based on the wilderness travel on the DMG.

I linked the Boar Hunt skill challenge with the encounter on the glasswork. If PC fail the Boar Hunt they would find a nest of drakes (4 Guard Drake, 1 Spitting Drake). So, after returning in sandpoint they know Ameiko in missing and they face his brother. Failing the Boar Hunt would deplet some resources, so the glasswork would be harder. In the end it worked out very well.

Finally, for the Catacombs, I made five encounters, using the stats provided above. There were Sinspawns, Vargouilles and lot of Zombies :).

I made a pdf of the conversion, but it's in italian (my native language)... If Il'find time, I'll try to translate it in english and put it online.

Can't wait to play the Thistletop!! :D

And, Edwin, I'd like to see you conversion too!!

Thank you Derek!

I think I'll use your version, it seems more interesting!!
I must start thinking in 4e, but it was since the start of 3e that I haven't designed a monster from scratch!! :)

About Con 11, I think lordmolay took inspiration from the miniatures rules: it means concealement 11. When you attack you have to roll a d20 and make 11+ to see if you hit. Then you can make the attack roll.

I think that in 4e it sould be replace by the intangible (or somenthing like this, I haven't the book with me now) that halves the damage taken.

Anyway, in the previous posts I read about a wiki or something... Somebody did anything?

Hello everybody!!
I'm trying to convert Pathfinder in 4ed too!!
And on friday we'll start the campaign!!

If you wish, I could give you a hand :)
I tried to make the stats for a sinspawn... I think they're a bit lame, ma with the little spare time I have, can't do better...

Wrath Sinspawn
Level 2 Brute XP 125;Medium Aberrant humanoid
Initiative +0; Senses Perception +5; Scent Sin 10
HP 42; Bloodied 21
AC 14; Fortitude 15, Reflex 13, Will
Speed 6
m Bite (standard; at-will)
+4 vs. AC; 2d6+3 damage; 3d6+5 damage if bloodied and the target is slowed (save ends)
aftereffects: After the first failed save, the target is dazed (save ends).
Alignment Evil ;Languages Common
Skills Stealth +9, Perception +9
Str 17 (+4) Con 12 (+2) Dex 12 (+2) Int 10 (+1) Wis 10 (+1) Cha 6 (-1)

Basically, scent sin works like blindsight, they just find the sinful people around...
Ok, tell me what you think and what I shall change. I'll give you news about my campaign!!
Ah, and sorry for the english, it's not my first language...
See you!!

I can't find it on my account...
Could you do it for me?

Thank you!!

Cosmo wrote:

It is still al little early to give up on the orders, although the first one to go out is getting close. If you still haven't seen them in a couple of weeks, let me know. Keep me posted!


Cosmo, Today I received the earlier order!! :)

Now I'm just waiting for the next!!

See you!!

Thank you Cosmo!!
Since I haven't still received them, shall I have some kind of replacement?
Isn't ikt too early to ask, right?

See you!!

Hi Cosmo!!
I haven't received any of those orders...

#816179 ha been shipped on November, 5 while #810538 has been shipped on October, 3. Can you give me a status on this order?

Thank you!!

Cosmo, shall I ask you what to do?
I haven't yet received order #810538 (shipped on October 2) and order #816179 (shipped on October, 31). Who have I to write to get the replacement issues?
Thank you so much!!

See you!!

Hi Cosmo!
I haven't received Pathfinder #2 and #3 yet, along ith GameMastery modules U1 and J1... I live in Italy and I heard I'm not the only one who didn't receive anything...
Could you send me a replacement along with number 4?
Thank you in advance!!

See you!!

According to my order history, GameMastery Module U1: Gallery of Evil and Pathfinder #2 have been shipped on October 3...
Instead, Pathfinder 3 and GameMastery Module J1 have been shipped on November 5...
Two months have been passed from the first order and one from the last...
Have I to wait any longer?

I live in Italy and I didin't receive Pathfinder #2 and #3 yet...
If it always take sooooooo long I don't think to renew the subscription...
Receiving the issue after a months or two that the book has just been published as a pdf is really annoying... :(
Dungeon and Dragon were more punctual...

Same in Italy...
Pathfinder 1 is still missing...
But I received two gamemastery modules... weird...

Dungeon & Dragon last issues has finally arived in Italy!!

Now I just miss PATHFINDER 1... Who have I to ask to? :)
Thank you!!

Nothing also in Italy...
and I'm still missing PATHFINDER 1!!

In Italy, Dungeon 150, Dragon 359 and Pathfinder 1 are still missing... Sob...

Tomorrow I received Gamemastery Adventure D2!! :)

...But still no sign of:


By the way, the fact that it's arrived in belgium makes me think positive!! :)

In Italy (Modena, precisely, in the north) I still miss:

But today I received Gamemastery W1!! Weird!! :)

Today I got back from holidays and I found both dungeon 149 and dragon 358 in my mailbox!! :)
So I guess that here in Italy we're just missing the two final issues (150 and 359)...

See you!!

In Italy, we are still waiting...

Still waiting for my copies in Italy...

Neither in Italy...
I'm still waiting...

I'm also waiting for dungeon #149...
And from Italy, but it never took so long...

I'm from Italy and my copy hasn't arrived yet... Could you resend it?
Thank you!! :)

I'm from Italy and some days ago (perhaps 4 or 5) I received another copy of the said #145... Now I've got 2 copies... What am I suppose to do now :) ?
I just hope #146 would be on my mail soon :D

Great job, Mando!!
Here's my e-mail: esangue@hotmail.it