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It seems this thread is pointing out my lack of PF2 knowledge

As stated I am just looking into PF2 (slow to get to it)

this discussion is driving me AWAY from PF2

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Thanks for the responses

Deadmanwalking: Thanks Great and valid points

So the "ability scores" that are from 8-18 at 1st level
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
But using ONLY Even
8 10 12 14 16 18 (6 possible outcomes)

6 possible outcomes is not the variance I would like to have

So yes, if I ever actually play 2nd edition I would use some type of modified system of creating ability scores

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They are NOT the same
are you telling me str of 14 is same as str 15?

they have the same bonus and if we have a str check that results in a tie

I can "rule" str of 15 would "win"

Sure the situation does not come up often
But if I (as GM) would like to make a difference in STR 14 vs STR 15
I can

But I can't if it is ONLY listed at +2

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Thanks for the response

I realize that that actually scores are rarely used


I can (if I chose) make a difference between ability score of 14 or 15

(or 16, 17 etc)

When listing ONLY the bonus
+2 +3
then there is NO difference between 14-15

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I am slow to get into the 2nd edition
Just spend some time looking at it (mainly Gamemastery Guide) recently.

I am old school (and old)

I am used to seeing ability scores 3-18 and I think along those lines

I notice in Gamemastery Guide has stat block with ability scores
written as +1 +3 +2 -3 etc

That is simple yet that makes the scores 12-13 to be exactly the same
1st edition Stat block Str 15 (+ 2)

when I compare that to a creature with Str of 14 (still +2)
the bonus may be the same but I can adjust modify and give mild advantage to st of 15 (over str 14 ) if and when I see fit

2nd edition Stat block Str +2
This makes str score of 14 and 15 EXACTLY that same

When (if ever) does 2nd edition list out (and use) the ability scores
as numbers 3-18 ? (not +1, +2, ect)

Basically this makes the ability scores to be
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4

NOT 3- 18

I realize it is odd partly because it is new to me.
DO you get used to this stat block?
Do you ever MISS seeing the actually ability scores (3-18 ) ?

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FINALLY I got turn based mod working

MUCH more enjoyable experience playing with turn based

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I enjoy listening to various Podcast about D&D and pathfinder

Would I listen:

I would certainly give it a chance and listen
To Maintain my listening over time, it would have to be well done,
provide thoughtful organized and stimulating information.

Yes, there are many Youtube videos about Pathfinder (and D&D)
However, I have only found a few that are consistently worth a listen

Of course "Know direction" tops the good list!

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The recent announcement of Obsidian Pathfinder License has my quite excited

I have little interest in Tablet game based on Adventure Card game

But Lisa Stevens mentioned long term deal with future projects

So.....perhaps we make a thread about what we would wish to see in Pathfinder Computer game

Here is my Dream (through I realize all this is probably unrealistic)

1. This is a Must!!! Turn Based Combat
Updated and improved Turn Based Combat, something like ToEE
(or Co8 greatly improved ToEE).
I have played through ToEE many times (not recently) I have no interest in other (real time combat) systems. Sadly most RPG games have this Real time Combat system

2. I have also enjoy various versions of Stronghold (stronghold 3 sucked)
Would love to see a few elements of castle building/kingdom making included in game
Think Stronghold with Pathfinder Kingmaker and Ultimate Campaign)

Ideally I would like to see option to go OUT and seek out enemy in Dunguen OR stay "home" and build/fortify stronghold

If you go attack enemy , you could catch enemy weaker. But only minimal improvements would be made to your Stronghold/castle/kingdom

OR stay at home, build defense, train Man at arms, recruit, build allies (diplomacy) , build economy, (leadership skills, and many elements from Stronghold

3. LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of Class options
Although this is many years old I really enjoyed ALL the character creation options of NWN and NWN2 (and expansions) With all the expansions you had lots of choices of Classes and Prestige

WOuld love to see Many Many Classes (Core, Ultimate Magic, UC, Upcoming Advanced Class guilde, and others. This also with Archetypes
Many Many Feats, Spells.......etc
SO MANY MANY options here
I used to JUST make Characters on NWN and NWN2....just for the fun of it

4. COmplex Unclear "Gray" Moral choices
Many of older games had very simple straight forward "good" vs "evil" options. Although I only played a little of Dragon Age, I enjoyed the unclear "gray" moral choices. I was not sure who was "good"
Also enjoyed the many video cuts that really added to NPC personalities
Dragon age is several years old, Think about Complex difficult moral ethical choices
and also complex NPC personalities (and many possibilities for Iconic s to show up.

So those are a few elements of my "Dream" PC pathfinder Game

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From what I know and have seen Tarrasque is a cool kick ass monster, but also "Gimmick" . Seems to be used mostly in One shot adventures

Has anyone used Tarrasque as major plot theme, perhaps sages see signs that suggest Tarrasque will be active again after 1000 years of hibernation?

Any thoughts / advice on how to use Tarrasque as final BBEG in campaign that builds up to final combat with Tarrasque?

Anyone done this in their home campaign?

Is Tarrasque mentioned any any adventure paths?


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Not sure where to post this, so feel free to move if need be:

Off and on there has been talk of Pathfinder Computer game, that got me thinking:

1st: I really really like the Temple of elemental evil computer game.
Love the feel of the turn based combat. It is actually difficult (and often not very enjoyable) for me to play real time combat in games.

2nd: I really like the stronghold series, but have been disappointed with the Stronghold 3 release. I think this game (Stronghold series) in general has so much potential. But just not yet reached.

3rd: I have only played small parts of the Total War series, but love the feel of the massive war, along with world building.

I thought could we combine ALL of these (or parts of all) and make a MASSIVELY huge RPG game.

My thoughts
These are unorganized and somewhat random:
I hope to get further ideas and thoughts from others and "Flesh" out this idea

I would like to have lots of standard Duengon Crawl WITH the Temple of Elem Evil Turn based system. Think how GREAT this could be updated to 2011 (2012) computer abilities. ALL the classes, prestige, and abilities of Pathfinder put into this combat system

Some time in the game spend building your castle (Stronghold). You have to prepare for a massive attack, and you supervise (rule) over your castle prepare. Here you have the option, go OUT and find evil creatures, and prevent them from gaining strength and organizing. But if you do this, your castle building is limited and much slower. OR stay at home and build your defense, but this allows your enemies to gather forces, organize, and plan.
Your "stronghold" could have bonuses based on your class:
Fighters would easily get lots of trained low level fighters and standard army stuff.
Wizards, could get lots of magical enhancenments to defense along with low level magic users. Also perhaps use of "ritual" spells, where groups of magic users united to cast spells
Clerics: get lots of healing abilities and various magical defense
Rogues: LOTS of traps, intelligence, and ???
Other classes........ seeking your help

Also...... from time to time you have to fight MASSIVE battles (think Total War). I always thought the battlesystem had great potential but was never really developed. In this "game" you have occasionally large scale battles, but also enhanced by all the magic abilies (perhaps even flying creatures)

I would like to see the total fantastic graphics and "worlds" of recent games (Like Skyrium) and also would hope to see the complex moral choices of Dragon Age. Many choices should be "gray" with benefits and costs for each choice. Good and Evil should be more complex and at times not so easily identified.

I would hope to have many many choices and all the choices you make have benefits and cost.

One example: Level up time: You can choice to level up on the go (like in most games). Here you get the standard level up choices.
But if you hold off and take "training" at your castle (when you get back there) you level up but also with a few extra bonuses.

You choice to go out and fight creatures, you prevent them from organizing, and also gain treasures, materials that will aid/enhance in your castle strength. But while you are away, your castle development is slowed.

So many many possibilities.

Perhaps just share your thoughts

I WOuld LOVE to see a MASSIVE computer game
Combining Temple of elemental Evil with Stronghold with total war
With Dragon age, with .... and so ou.

Perhaps I am just dreaming, but i am not the only one

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I too am a big fan of the Temple of Elemental Evil PC game (with the Co8 versions)
I really like the turn based combat, this game gives the best "feel" of paper and pencil Turn Based combat from "old school" D&D. I would LOVE to play a new and improved Pathfinder version, I think Turn Based Combat is a MUST!

Lots of RPG games out there, but very very few have Turn based combat. That would be a BIG BIG plus for me (I would really ONLY be interested if it did have this turn based combat)