Dan Bongiorno's page

Organized Play Member. 15 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters.

In the Hunter class deck, Pteranodon says “On your turn, discard this card to move. During this exploration, you may then explore your location; add 1d6 to your combat checks.”

I presume the “During this exploration” phrase is just extraneous, right? It’s a discard to move, then you may explore, and you get a d6 on combat during the explore.

I have a couple questions about how Ausetitha, Staff of Dark Flame, and Ahmotep interact.

If I use the second power of the Staff of Dark Flame, does that apply the +/- 5 of Ausetitha? The heart of that question is whether or not modifying the difficulty of a combat check counts as being played on a check.

Also, can I use the second power to reduce the difficulty of my combat check, and then play it or another weapon for the combat check? The Pathfinder Adventures digital game lets you play Wand of Ennervation and another item on a combat check, but since that's not actually made by Paizo, I didn't want to assume it was correct.

Ekkie's Guttersnipe role card has "You may evade your encounter; shuffle the evaded card into a random location, if it came from one. (◻️ Then you may examine the top card of your location.) (◻️ Then you may move.)"
Can Ekkie take "(◻️ Then you may move.)" before taking "(◻️ Then you may examine the top card of your location.)"? I know the rule about taking adjacent powers first. Does a period and a new sentence stop two power feats from being adjacent? Or does that rule only apply to obvious sequential power feats?