Goblin Pirate

Cpt_kirstov's page

Goblin Squad Member. **** Pathfinder Society GM. 6,477 posts (6,921 including aliases). 6 reviews. 7 lists. 2 wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters. 4 aliases.

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Our Price: $34.99

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The others hit the nail on the head the minis in this and it looks so much better than their pictures online it is very hard to take a picture of a 28 mm figure and blow it up to the size of The thumbnails you see online little details that don't matter because you do not see them in hand show up in the pictures this causes undue criticism where there shouldn't be any . These minis are beautiful just like the previous sets if anything Crowe is the only one that did not seem to have quite as crisp delineations between colors in My set

Our Price: $20.00

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Similar to the riding dog - this is a good example of the saying 'less is more' 2-3 colors of paint, and let the sculpt show through.

Our Price: $6.00

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Best surprize in the set


I didn't know what I would think about this mini, but holding it in my hand its great. While this is a really simple paint job, it is thick where it needs to be, and thin where it needs to be. There is lots of detail in the sculpt, and it all came out with the paint.

Our Price: $10.00

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most potential, but was poorly executed


Again, there is no nose on this figure, both arms are painted so poorly, I'm thinking of having my 3 year old niece fix them. I think she has blue earrings, as I don't think the entire bottom half of the ear is supposed to be blue is it? Her hair has green paint from her veil, gold from her armor, and the skin tone that is supposed to be on her ear in it. Her neck is also unpainted on mine.

I rated this as one of my worse paint jobs Here

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Chris, I missed a chance to meet you at age con 2 years ago and tell you that your first pathfinder tales book was then tied for first place for my favorite in the line. Now you have two of my top 4 books. I love how the characters are true to the groundwork laid down in the first book.

I like the twists, and I like the split views. Usually, if there are multiple stories going on at once, I will decide I like one better, and skim the others... That was not so here all of the stories were equally compelling and thought provoking.

If that isn't enough praise, I read the entire book tonight in one sitting, and I felt the need to come post a 5star review at 2am as soon as I finished...

Our Price: $39.99

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This is great result of taking consumer feedback and acting on it. He comes in one piece, and is really hefty. I set him next to the Gargantuan blue from Wizards and they appear to be comparable in size.

Our Price: $3.99

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I agree with what Kyle Baird said below. Even though I had the map drawn out on gaming paper beforehand, it was difficult to keep it covered until the final location, and if its not already on the table, you lose some immersion by making everyone move books due to the size. A decent module, but could use some more ways for the backstory to shine through

Our Price: $6.00

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Most disappointing in the set


Her head is just round... no nose to speak of. After seeing the beginner box set, I expected all of the iconics to be as good.

Our Price: $3.99

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Most memorable I had @ gencon


This was by far my most memorable game at Gencon. The final fight is tough, and for a group with two ranged rangers the early fights were wicked annoying. There is also plenty of room to roleplay, at the beginining of the last room, but you need to be willing to bring someone away from the table to really prevent metagaming for it to have its full effects..

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I can see what the other reviewers are talking about with the story, but if you are following this year's megaplot, you understand that this story isn't ended at the end of the module (and didn't start at the begining of the module - which could be the tricky part to convey if you are not following the metaplot), and that there is more to come.

I think the fight that can possibly split the party by design was the only one that was an issue, if only because the person split off took 8 more rounds than the rest of the party did dispensing everything else.

It is a more dangerous mod, but with people screaming that PFS is too easy, i don't see that as a bad thing. Not for the feint of heart, but still able to be defeated without any deaths by 4 underoptimized characters if they are played smart - my gnome is living proof.

Our Price: $15.99



as some of the other reviewers have said, some of the stories are hit or miss. That being said, the stories that I didn't like had some of the more inciteful interviews of the authors, telling what they thought worked and why. I know what works in the stories I like, but its nice to hear why an author wrote something the way they did, especially if you don't like it.

As someone who writes in my spare time, it was really nice to see what pros think of thier early work... and in some cases it means all might not be lost.

Favorite Rare


This and the cloaker are my favorite rares out of the two cases I got. The same color/size as the elder copper,if you get one and not the other it can be substituted.