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Our Price: $19.99

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Paizo Knows How To Hook Beginners


We purchased the Beginner Box at GenCon 2012, after our kids played the Pathfinder "Kid's Beginner Track" and had a grand old time. When we got home with it, my daughter (11 at the time) scurried up to her room with it and horded it for some time. Then one day she came downstairs, handed us pre-generated characters, and ran a game for us.

Using the Beginner Box, she was able to learn core rules and prepare a campaign with no assistance. She was able to argue (and win) with her Dad, regarding combat technicalities. We had a fantastic time, and she's run several scenarios for us from the box and the online resources that go with it.

Lots of other reviews here talk about all the contents of the box -- which are definitely more than worth the cost of the box. What I love about it is how brilliantly accessible Paizo made GMing for people who've never done it before - including 11 year olds.

Want to get your feet wet in Tabletop RPGs? This is the creek to start in.