Abraxas or Abraxus?

Second Darkness

Hello all,

In the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting book the Demon Lord of Forbidden Lore is called Abraxas and in Shadow in the Sky Allevrah is a priestess of Abraxus, Lord of Secrets.

Are these two the same? Witch one is the correct name? Is Abraxus the Elven/Drow name for Abraxas?

I strongly suspect/hope that it should read 'Abraxas' and that Abrax'R'Us is just a typo ;).

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Abraxas is the correct spelling.

Abraxus is a typo.

Thanks for the quick reply!!!!

Liberty's Edge

My first magic user character was named Abraxas Abacab (yeah, I know...). I was pleased to see he had ascended to Godhood in the Golarion pantheon :)

Dark Archive

That would be descended to demonhood. But hey a jobs a job.


It's ok. The Jesse Ventura movie, "Abraxas, defender of the galaxy" spells it one way on the DVD, and another way on the title of the case. God that was a wretched movie.

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