Carvin' out a niche...

Game Master Stiehl9s

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You come from parts far and wide or closer than you'd care to admit. For whatever reasons you have decided to head to Brinewall. They say a man strong of back and stronger of will can cut out a place to call their own here. The details are iffy but it sounds like they're just giving away land! Although the details to the land's location are even iffier.

Welcome friends to not quite an adventure with your truly. Here's where will go over the finer details of a campaign based on the Homestead act.

Let's get started with making some characters, shall we?

Build Guidelines
20 points
All classes in PHB, APG, UM, UC
Core races only
2 traits
max starting gold

Grand Lodge

Male Human Expert

Sweet!!! I'm gonna get right to work on my dude! Still not sure who I will bring forth to brave the frigid wilds of Brinewall!!!

Good to see that my message got through.

Are you leaning in any certain directions for build yet?

Grand Lodge

Male Human Expert

I have decided I am going to make a Rouge (Survivalist Archtype), After going over all the options and not wanting to take the easy way out with like an Actic Druid build, I kept remembering what you said about the "skill monkey" think that's the best way to go.

Not sure what race yet. May do Half-Orc, Human or Dwarf.

Going to take the Trait - Poverty Stricken - Allows Survival to be a class skill.

Background will pretty much be that he/she is tired of trying to survive in the slums of the big city it s$!~ty little hamlet he/she might live in. Hears word that land is free for the taking an decides anything is better than living in a gutter. I want to develop a kind of defeated attitude about the character as well. A sense like...if this doesn't work than its a better death.

I like it. That will be a good fit. I believe our other homesteader is going monk but we'll have to wait untill he weighs in to know for sure.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Expert

Dope Avatar.

Male Human Rouge (Survivalist) / Level 2/ Health: 15/15 / AC: 13 / Saves: F/R/W +0/+4/+3

Alright...Here is his Name, Avatar & Stats. Right now I just copied Smoke Ravens profile over to this one, so when I flesh our the character I can use it as a template.

The Ability Scores are the real deal though. I calculated those up on a 20 point buy and made him old aged - 56 years - ouch! killed the ST, DX and CON Stats but it just seemed right going along with his storyline. Hes extremely smart and wise...its kept him alive all these years.

Rakshasa wrote:

Dope Avatar.

Thanks. Paizo added a bunch of new ones and also a filter feature so you can narrow down what you're looking for.

Although it looks like you found a perfect one for Modoc already. He looks like he's seen it all and dis resigned to his fate...but don't cross him! I also like how it looks like he's wearing suspenders. Great homesteader look.

Where are you Derosier?

Male Human Rouge (Survivalist) / Level 2/ Health: 15/15 / AC: 13 / Saves: F/R/W +0/+4/+3
DM Beyond the Grave wrote:
Rakshasa wrote:
Although it looks like you found a perfect one for Modoc already. He looks like he's seen it all and dis resigned to his fate...but don't cross him! I also like how it looks like he's wearing suspenders. Great homesteader look.

My thought exactly! He just looks perfect! He's got that stoic look like..."and not a single f$@k was given.". The suspenders was the icing on the cake.

male Halfling rogue 6

I'll drop a post on this evening after class. I got Lathar Mendo fleshed out and ready to roll. Half Elven Monk of the Four winds.

male Half-Elf Monk of the Four Winds 2- -HP 14/14 AC 15 Ft 6, Re 4, Wi 8

I am he and he is me.

male Half-Elf Monk of the Four Winds 2- -HP 14/14 AC 15 Ft 6, Re 4, Wi 8

backstory in process please check my stats for mistakes

Male Human Rouge (Survivalist) / Level 2/ Health: 15/15 / AC: 13 / Saves: F/R/W +0/+4/+3

Er' e s'! Enjoy! Let me know if'n ya find any mistakes.

Modoc Skutwater - Homesteader wrote:
Er' e s'! Enjoy! Let me know if'n ya find any mistakes.

Looks great! The only thing I see is that it appears that youve taken a +1 to both HP and Skill points for Favored Class.

Male Human Rouge (Survivalist) / Level 2/ Health: 15/15 / AC: 13 / Saves: F/R/W +0/+4/+3
DM Beyond the Grave wrote:
Modoc Skutwater - Homesteader wrote:
Er' e s'! Enjoy! Let me know if'n ya find any mistakes.

Looks great! The only thing I see is that it appears that youve taken a +1 to both HP and Skill points for Favored Class.


Lathar Mendo wrote:
backstory in process please check my stats for mistakes

Also looks great! Dont forget to add your strength bonus to your FoB's for both unarmed and quarterstaff.

game post coming up! I will add a link here.

and here we go...

Male Human Rouge (Survivalist) / Level 2/ Health: 15/15 / AC: 13 / Saves: F/R/W +0/+4/+3

Crazy posting craziness his morning!

Ive had similar problems before. Mostly with it not adding 'enter' spaces where Ive added them. I can read the post just fine though.

Male Human Rouge (Survivalist) / Level 2/ Health: 15/15 / AC: 13 / Saves: F/R/W +0/+4/+3

Sorry we haven't gotten back to role playing @ my place again! My life has just become crazy busy with my new healthy lifestyle. I hardly have any free time anymore and if I do it's just suddenly from cancellations or changes in plans. Thanks a lot for starting this game Will. I feel like I can get my fix.

No need to apologize. Healthy living comes first and foremost. Its my pleasure to run a game for you for once and for the both of you on here. I know you all have had bad luck in the PBP department.

male Half-Elf Monk of the Four Winds 2- -HP 14/14 AC 15 Ft 6, Re 4, Wi 8

true that :)

male Half-Elf Monk of the Four Winds 2- -HP 14/14 AC 15 Ft 6, Re 4, Wi 8

Carriage house is that the same thing as an inn or is it something different?

The carriage house will be a typical name for a place that deals in horse flesh, wagons and such. It wasnt prominent in the rain before and now only draws your attention as the older man is leading a mule towards it.

update coming fellas

male Half-Elf Monk of the Four Winds 2- -HP 14/14 AC 15 Ft 6, Re 4, Wi 8

40 k tournament at the game vault ,me and bretnon playing I will be posting till this evening

No problem, Lathar is sleeping anyways.

good luck at the tourney!

male Half-Elf Monk of the Four Winds 2- -HP 14/14 AC 15 Ft 6, Re 4, Wi 8

Pure ass woopin on my part ouch!! lost all 3 and got wiped out on game 3. fun fun fun!!! lol

haha, no biggy considering you wrapped up the fantasy stanley cup.

male Half-Elf Monk of the Four Winds 2- -HP 14/14 AC 15 Ft 6, Re 4, Wi 8

dude!!! exciting!!!!

^ indeed, indeed!

male Half-Elf Monk of the Four Winds 2- -HP 14/14 AC 15 Ft 6, Re 4, Wi 8

Lol what can I say I'm anxious

haha! no worries at all.

male Half-Elf Monk of the Four Winds 2- -HP 14/14 AC 15 Ft 6, Re 4, Wi 8

was that 50g apiece or 50g split 2 ways?

50 gp each.

Male Human Rouge (Survivalist) / Level 2/ Health: 15/15 / AC: 13 / Saves: F/R/W +0/+4/+3

Sorry for the delay. Want to spend my gold wisely. Haven't had a chance to look at the APG for other equiement ideas. Since Joe seems to be going the farmer route, Modoc was planning on more trapping & hunting.

Definitly need:

A Compass
Bear Traps
Snow Shoes
More Canvas

Gotta see what that comes up to before I expand the list further.

good idea on balancing the hunting and gathering

A Compass - 10 gp
Anvil - 5 gp
Bear Traps - 2 gp
Snow Shoes - 5 gp
Furs - 12 gp and you can expect around 6-8 gp for large game for selling any you catch.
More Canvas - 2 gp per square yard

Here's a link that if you scroll down has even more cold weather equipment - Artic gear

Male Human Rouge (Survivalist) / Level 2/ Health: 15/15 / AC: 13 / Saves: F/R/W +0/+4/+3

I guess I'm missing something. Did Joe already run off with both his & my mule that came with the plot? I want to keep the mule I rode in on and instead of taking the free mule from the magistrate pay the difference for an ox.

male Half-Elf Monk of the Four Winds 2- -HP 14/14 AC 15 Ft 6, Re 4, Wi 8

yea i think i had headed to the supplies store too quik i was going to wait to post anymore until you had swapped the ox for the mule.

A little misunderstanding. For continuity's sake we'll say you're both at Grommunns and he'll make the same deal for the ox. The letter of credit you guys have are only good at Grommunn's anyways.

Male Human Rouge (Survivalist) / Level 2/ Health: 15/15 / AC: 13 / Saves: F/R/W +0/+4/+3

That's right. Forgot about the letter of credit thing. Okay sounds good.

male Half-Elf Monk of the Four Winds 2- -HP 14/14 AC 15 Ft 6, Re 4, Wi 8

I adjusted my skill points i had marked them down wrong on my profile. I knew i had no points spent in ride. lol

You still get a +1 to Ride for your Dex score of 12.

To make it easier for posting purposes and to streamline just make 2 Perception checks for each watch in the future.

male Half-Elf Monk of the Four Winds 2- -HP 14/14 AC 15 Ft 6, Re 4, Wi 8

Doh good eye on that! I'll fix it

male Half-Elf Monk of the Four Winds 2- -HP 14/14 AC 15 Ft 6, Re 4, Wi 8


which skills did you put points into?

male Half-Elf Monk of the Four Winds 2- -HP 14/14 AC 15 Ft 6, Re 4, Wi 8

took off the plant life and added it to stealth then rechecked where i hadnt added my dex bonus to stuff like ride escape artist and climb acrobatr

Ok checking over your skill points im guessing that you put points into the following skills.



If so then your Perception should be a +7
(+1 rank, +3 Wis, +3 Class skill)

Male Human Rouge (Survivalist) / Level 2/ Health: 15/15 / AC: 13 / Saves: F/R/W +0/+4/+3

Third time I posted that Perception Roll...WTF?!

male Half-Elf Monk of the Four Winds 2- -HP 14/14 AC 15 Ft 6, Re 4, Wi 8

Snip snip day. Just dropped some valium and oxycodene I'm feeling gooooood.

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