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Since the new book doesn't give much to the wizard apart from an archetype - that namely competes with other archetypes - I'm still trying to find a way to "fix" the wizard.
Most people here agree that one of the most "wizardy" thing you have in PF2e is the spell substitution thesis, and that it should be given to all wizards (and replaced by something else to choose).
So I was wondering if, instead of this "you take 10 minutes to swap a spell" thing, we could change it to a focus spell that all wizards would get. Something like this:
Quote:Thy knowledge shalt not falter
Focus 1
1 action
Prerequisite: You must have your spellbook in your handYou turn the pages of your grimoire and find the exact spell you need for the situation that arose. You can swap one of your spells for any spell of the same level in your spellbook, but you must cast it this round or lose it.
It gives the thesis a use inside combat, where all those "silver bullet" spells could shine. Like the wizard flavor text says, this would allow you to cast revealing light if someone is invisible or fly if you need it, or an extra fireball if need be - at the cost of a focus point and an action.
Outside of combat, it doesn't change much from the thesis - you can swap quicker, but you need to refocus later, so it's a small buff (but you're caught with your pants down if someone attacks during your refocus).
I don't think it's particularly powerful since this can already be achieved with scrolls for the most part, but it would at least give back the wizard his identity as a problem solver.
I like this idea.
I would suggest either making the spell a free action or allow the spell to be cast on your following turn so that you have the option of casting a 3-action spell.