Past AP Foundry Module Releases?


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Is there any chance other past APs are going to get premium FoundryVTT modules, similar to Abomination Vaults and Kingmaker? In particular, I'd love to be able to run Strength of Thousands and Fists of the Ruby Phoenix without needing to use a PDF to Foundry importer.

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

From past comments, my own understanding of the work needed to make those, and economics:

Possible? Yes.
Announced? No.
Likely? ... I'd say no. They already have multiple teams working on just releasing the adventures/APs as they release, with the occasional extra project here and there. There's many past APs, but there's also MANY side projects that are being asked for (like token packs, assets packs, etc.) that all need time and hard work to make, and they need to prioritize. The past APs and many adventures/scenario that don't have official modules are still supported by "PDF extraction" modules. This bring down the priority a bit. They are also "old APs/Adventure", and it's proven that old content will sadly sell less the older they get. So that do bumb down the priority again.
So yeah. It's possible, but I wouldn't hold my breath for them to do it soon(tm).

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