Emanations, Line of Effect, and the Auditory Trait

Rules Discussion

So, in a recent session my players came up against a hieracosphinx. The hieracosphinx was on top of a 15' open tower. One character climbed the tower and triggered the fight since the hieracosphinx is territorial. The hieracosphinx was able to go first and used its Shriek ability (all non-sphinx w/i 60' emanation). The character up with the sphinx critically succeeded her save and was unaffected. The fighter and wizard still 15' down critically failed the save. They were deafened and Stunned 1. The player for the wizard asked if they were affected. At the time I ruled yes, and the fight carried on. They defeated the sphinx and made it to level 5. No harm no foul.

However, afterwards once the session was done the discussion came back. Line of effect says you usually need an unblocked path. The Auditory trait says the creature needs to be able to hear. Emanations are 3D and the sphinx was in range of the group to affect all of them. Now the question for all of you, how is this ruled? By RAW I now see that I don't think they should have been affected. I just want consistency in the game since this would affect friendly and hostile actions in the future (Heal, Courageous Anthem, Bless, etc.). Does the Auditory trait alter anything for situations like this (an ally stepping around a corner out of sight would lose Courageous Anthem for instance)? Thanks all.

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Technically, spread area (the one that goes around corners) isn't a thing. But if there is anything that should still have a spread area, it would be sonic effects.

Line of Effect does need to be blocked by something that can block the effect though. Line of Sight is needed for targeting because targeting is a visual effect. But Fireball would only be blocked by something that could block fire damage (as determined by the GM), and sonic effects would only be blocked by something that blocks sonic effects (as determined by the GM).

So what was blocking the Line of Effect between the Heiracosphinx and the Wizard? Does that thing block Sonic/Auditory effects?

Finoan wrote:

Technically, spread area (the one that goes around corners) isn't a thing. But if there is anything that should still have a spread area, it would be sonic effects.

Line of Effect does need to be blocked by something that can block the effect though. Line of Sight is needed for targeting because targeting is a visual effect. But Fireball would only be blocked by something that could block fire damage (as determined by the GM), and sonic effects would only be blocked by something that blocks sonic effects (as determined by the GM).

So what was blocking the Line of Effect between the Heiracosphinx and the Wizard? Does that thing block Sonic/Auditory effects?

Just a sheer drop of 15'. They were technically behind a barrier as per the rules, but they would absolutely be able to hear it. Like you said, Spread doesn't exist any longer in 2e in general and I think that is my hang up. I came from 1e, and I played and GM’d for years there. I just need to separate those differences better and look at rulings in a different light. See my fancy illustration as follows for the original question.

~~~~~~~~~C S
~~F & W|
C = Cleric - not part of the conversation
S = Sphinx - 60' emanation
F = Fighter - 25' away (hypotenuse)
W = Wizard - 20' away (hypotenuse)
~ = Open air

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Personally, I think you are fine on the ruling made. As a player with a character standing next to the Wizard, I would accept it.

Greater Cover doesn't block line of effect. Barriers that don't block the effect type don't block the effect.

And like you mentioned, it would feel bad if stepping just barely around the corner of a corridor out of perfectly direct line of sight to the party's Bard caused Courageous Anthem to not take effect.

Jamie Steier wrote:

Just a sheer drop of 15'. They were technically behind a barrier as per the rules, but they would absolutely be able to hear it. Like you said, Spread doesn't exist any longer in 2e in general and I think that is my hang up. I came from 1e, and I played and GM’d for years there. I just need to separate those differences better and look at rulings in a different light. See my fancy illustration as follows for the original question.

~~~~~~~~~C S
~~F & W|
C = Cleric - not part of the conversation
S = Sphinx - 60' emanation
F = Fighter - 25' away (hypotenuse)
W = Wizard - 20' away (hypotenuse)
~ = Open air

I still don't understand the situation exactly (meaning the exact geometry). But it looks like characters below could have been fully covered from the effect (and consequently not affected at all). GM ruling is fine, but if you want consistency, I'd try to use straight lines from the source to potential targets.

'Auditory' doesn't mean that hearing an effect is enough to be affected. Line of effect still works. You could describe it as a difference in effect potency or straightline spread of magic (if the effect is magical).
Also there's no such thing as 'type of effects blocked by a barrier' last I've read the rules. Only that a barrier should be continuous.

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