I don't Foudry 12+ Pathfinder 1e?

Product Discussion

I can't find Pathfinder First Edition when it goes from 11 a to 12... I with 1e, I play ... so how do you do it? Do you delete Foudry 11 and then reinstall Foundry 12, or if not--how do I act?

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According to https://foundryvtt.com/packages/pf1 the system is supported on Foundry 11.
There is no version for Foundry 12 yet, and i could not find anything related to Foundry 12 on their gitlab with a quick look.

If you play PF1e i would suggest you stay on Foundry 11 for the time being.

If you already installed Foundry 12, you'll need to uninstall it and reinstall Foundry 11. If you didn't migrate anything to 12 you should be fine, otherwise you'll also have to restore your backup to the 11 version.

Then watch here for a v12 supported version of the system: https://foundryvtt.com/packages/pf1

I didn't see an issue for where they are on v12 support, so I have no idea when that is coming.

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