Six core classes - one for each key attribute?

Playtest General Discussion


So far, we've seen playtests for the Soldier (who uses Constitution as the key stat), Mystic (who uses Wisdom), and now also Envoy (who uses Charisma).

It's also easy to imagine that the Operative uses Dexterity - leaving Solarian and Witchwarper a little uncertain, as I doubt Paizo would want 3 out of 6 core classes to use Charisma.

From that kind of coverage viewpoint, Strength solarians (they are the go-to melee class now after all, though I could see them being Str/Dex given they still have some ranged options, and the more graceful Lunarians were a thing in 1e after all), and Intelligence witchwarpers would likewise make sense given they've been merged in with precogs (who did use Intelligence for their casting, if not as a key attribute outright) - and there sure isn't any other viable candidate for playing a smart guy since neither mechanics nor technomancers are making this core lineup as full classes.

...Unless those con pregens for the remaining classes totally undermine this theory.

Probably we will end with a non-str class in SF2 core just like we don't have a con based class in PF2 core books.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I think having one each per attribute makes sense, but I'm also wondering if some of them will be retuned to have flexible key attributes. For instance, the different leadership styles and skill-monkeyism of the envoy make the class feel like it really wants to do the rogue thing and have its key depend on subclass. We have precedent for flexible martials (fighter, monk, etc.) and casters (psychic) as well.

Alternatively, we might see more feats and features that let classes use their key attribute for more checks than normal, like the field test soldier had. Regardless, I'm a fan of greater flexibility overall, as it allows for greater build diversity without any fussing over MADness.


Part of it really depends on if they're going to split up the classes like they did in the PF remaster, and have the more complex classes in a second book released reasonably close to the first. Another option is to have the more tech-oriented classes in a second book that also features lots of tech gear, rules, and tech-related ancestries.

We already know the Witchwarper and Precog are getting combined, so good chance it would have flexible key attributes of Cha/Dex.

We know that Solarian has strength as their key attribute in SF2.

Precog was an Int-based caster, so Witchwarper has a chance of inheriting that in SF2, at least as an option.

My guess is a flexible Int/Cha stat selection for the witchwarper. It worked well for psychic, after all.


QuidEst wrote:

We know that Solarian has strength as their key attribute in SF2.

Precog was an Int-based caster, so Witchwarper has a chance of inheriting that in SF2, at least as an option.

Precog in Starfinder 1e says it is a Dex-based class, Class features use Dex but Precogs use Int for spell casting. If Precogs get rolled into the Witchwarper, and Witchwarpers already use Cha for casting then adding Precog abilities would likely still be Dex based is my guess.

Driftbourne wrote:
QuidEst wrote:

We know that Solarian has strength as their key attribute in SF2.

Precog was an Int-based caster, so Witchwarper has a chance of inheriting that in SF2, at least as an option.

Precog in Starfinder 1e says it is a Dex-based class, Class features use Dex but Precogs use Int for spell casting. If Precogs get rolled into the Witchwarper, and Witchwarpers already use Cha for casting then adding Precog abilities would likely still be Dex based is my guess.

That would be really surprising to me. The PF2 remaster just got rid of casters using multiple stats at the same time (Cleric's channeling got moved from Cha-based to a fixed amount). Precogs in SF1 were able to use Dex as a key stat on an Int-based caster because they had a tailored spell list that made having weak save DCs fine, something SF2 can't do. They were originally pure Dex, but that didn't go over well in the playtest.

I could be wrong about that, though, so we'll see.

IIRC there was also some discussion post-release that giving the precog Dex skewed them somewhat, because they didn't have to choose between doing some of their magic stuff or being better with weapons like other casters did.

Granted, that's less of an issue now that casters attack with their casting attribute. I think we'll get a good idea of what to expect once we see some of the MADder classes in Player Core 2. Champion and monk will be the ones to watch, I think.

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