Tyrant antipaladin into Hellknight

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Hi this is my first post and i wanted to ask if the community had any advice, I'm in a campaign right now and the DM suggested making backup character and thought this multiclass would be fun. She is a female Gnoll Antipaladin 5 and i have to do a 1v1 against a bearded devil in a one on one session and i was looking for advice. Her stats right now are: 16 strength, 16 Dex, 16 con, 10 intelligence, 10 wisdom, 15 charisma, are there any feats or magic items I can take to help me? i know about conductive weapons and i bout a set of hellknight plate and a set of full plate until I'm allowed to wear the hellknight plate at hellknight level 2, add in the conductive weapon and i have 7.5K gold to play with. i took doom, demand offering, and hedge weapons with a trait that lets me act as if i were a level higher when casting. I was planning to use doom to give the bearded devil the shaken condition then into demand offering to steal its glaive (yes i looked up it stats), then beat it with the conductive+vicious (fiendish boon) weapon in melee or use a ranged+improved+maximized lay on hands since its a touch attack (AC 12). So any advice?

One thing you need to aware is bearded devil has SR 16, and both doom and demand offering need to penetrate SR, the chance of CL 2 antipalatin to penetrate it twice is pretty low

happykj wrote:
One thing you need to aware is bearded devil has SR 16, and both doom and demand offering need to penetrate SR, the chance of CL 2 antipalatin to penetrate it is pretty low

yes except doom is a fear effects so the bearded devil takes a -4 to the save, this would lead into demand offering with the bearded devil at -2 due to the save because of doom's shaken effect.

SR is different with saving throw, and also the plan to steal its glaive is actually risky because of some reasons.

1) the devil has improved initiative, which mean it is more likely to act earlier than the antipaladin when she need to cast 2 spells.

2) the devil has 10 feet of reach with its glaive, and the "demand offering" has a range of 5 feet only. The antipaladin most likely will provoke an Attack of Opportunity from the devil.

3) the devil has +3 will save, and the spell DC should be 13 (10 base+1 spell level+2 cha mod), if we ignore the SR and consider below scenario:

- if cast "doom" first, the devil use -1 will save against DC 13 (65% fail), then cast "demand offering", the devil use +1 will save against DC 13 (55% fail), it has 35.75% chance to fail both save

- if cast only "demand offering", the devil use +3 will save against DC 13 (45% fail)

so casting doom is actually unnecessary (if I didn't calculate wrongly)

The average damage of antipaladin will be 20 if she hit the devil

2d6 (assuming is a greatsword)
2d6 (Vicious)
2d6 (conductive weapon to deliver Touch of Corruption)
4 (x1.5 Str modifier)
-5 devil's DR

so I think instead of stealing its glaive, you can focus on dealing damage to it.

happykj wrote:

SR is different with saving throw, and also the plan to steal its glaive is actually risky because of some reasons.

1) the devil has improved initiative, which mean it is more likely to act earlier than the antipaladin when she need to cast 2 spells.

2) the devil has 10 feet of reach with its glaive, and the "demand offering" has a range of 5 feet only. The antipaladin most likely will provoke an Attack of Opportunity from the devil.

3) the devil has +3 will save, and the spell DC should be 13 (10 base+1 spell level+2 cha mod), if we ignore the SR and consider below scenario:

- if cast "doom" first, the devil use -1 will save against DC 13 (65% fail), then cast "demand offering", the devil use +1 will save against DC 13 (55% fail), it has 35.75% chance to fail both save

- if cast only "demand offering", the devil use +3 will save against DC 13 (45% fail)

so casting doom is actually unnecessary (if I didn't calculate wrongly)

The average damage of antipaladin will be 20 if she hit the devil

2d6 (assuming is a greatsword)
2d6 (Vicious)
2d6 (conductive weapon to deliver Touch of Corruption)
4 (x1.5 Str modifier)
-5 devil's DR

so I think instead of stealing its glaive, you can focus on dealing damage to it.

Damn, Thats a good idea, sorry happkj your right thank you for answering my question.

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