what are people hoping is announced at paizocon next year for the 2025 year?

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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I really want to see one book that make all necessary changes for SF2 classes to seamlessly play in PF2. I already know the rule set is fully compatible but, for example, the Soldier currently is a two-handed ranged weapon specialist (AFAIK). In SF2 that’s easy, they use big guns. How does it work in PF2? Do they use crossbows or bows or firearms? Can PF2 have a melee-specialist Soldier?

Maybe it’ll already be apparent on launch of SF2, but if not, give me the conversion rules!!

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Mythraine wrote:

I really want to see one book that make all necessary changes for SF2 classes to seamlessly play in PF2. I already know the rule set is fully compatible but, for example, the Soldier currently is a two-handed ranged weapon specialist (AFAIK). In SF2 that’s easy, they use big guns. How does it work in PF2? Do they use crossbows or bows or firearms? Can PF2 have a melee-specialist Soldier?

Maybe it’ll already be apparent on launch of SF2, but if not, give me the conversion rules!!

Fundamentally, SF2's Soldier is based around and dependent on a weapon type that does not exist in PF2 - area-effect martial weaponry, in particular. As such, the conversion for that class to PF2 includes "bring along your gun". There's no way to make them work as they are intended to with the PF2 gearset alone. I'd expect to see a decent bit of that, actually. It's likely that this won't be the last time that an SF2 class is at least partially dependent on gear that PF2 does not support. It would be like taking a gunslinger into a bronze age game that had no guns or crossbows.

For compatibility, I'm only expecting a section in the SF2 CRB plus maybe a document with further suggestions. There isn't the space for it otherwise and a real, dedicated product would probably be financially unfeasible for the ton of time you'd need to invest.

So for the most part this will be a community effort, but I doubt that will be much of an issue.

The casters should be easy, drag and drop. The Envoy should likely be able to make to make do with PF2 equipment. The Solarian makes its own equipment, but with SF2 stats. The Soldier - as Sanityfaerie said - and most likely the Operative will be absolutely dependent on SF2 weapons at least, there's no budging on that front. So if you want to import those, you'll have to import (and likely reflavour) their equipment as well.

That's what I hope.

1. For the Lost Omens line. My personal dreams would be material about Iobaria or Kelesh. However, I think the more popular and more likely counterpart to Lost Omens: Saga Lands. As far as I know, material about New Thassilon has not been published yet. In addition, in all the years we have not had material about Jandehoff. Otherwise I don’t even know what to say. The rest of the books dedicated to the line seem about equally likely to me.

2. For rule books. Two main bets. Firstly, a book dedicated to advanced technologies from Numeria. Without new classes, but with new options for other classes, based on high technology. Secondly, a book dedicated to arcane magic. Possibly a rework of the arcanist class. A set of additional options for all classes related to arcane magic, for example, magus.

3. For AP. It is difficult to predict in which direction the incredible fantasy of Paizo's authors may go. War of the Immortals should have been announced by then, at least. Otherwise, I hope that the new AP will be dedicated to solving some old problem that threatened Golarion, and not a new enemy that was invented specifically for this campaign. Someone like Treerazer.

Kavlor wrote:
2. For rule books. Two main bets. Firstly, a book dedicated to advanced technologies from Numeria. Without new classes, but with new options for other classes, based on high technology. Secondly, a book dedicated to arcane magic. Possibly a rework of the arcanist class. A set of additional options for all classes related to arcane magic, for example, magus.

I wouldn't expect any Numeria content to be published until after Starfinder 2E is published, and that won't happen until July/August 2025 (whichever month GenCon is that year).

Maybe by next year's PaizoCon, or the one after that. But it's definitely something I'd be interested in, as well!

It's worth saying that the SF2 Soldier is supposed to have support for 2H melee weapons beyond what we saw in the Field Test, and I see nothing that stops an SF2 Operative from putting in good work with a Harmona Gun or the like. Envoy, Mystic, and Solarian should all slot right in, while the Witchwarper might just need some reflavoring to function.

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in case people don't know there's a recent YouTube interview with Louis Loza I think . one of the pf2e developers at any rate & they confirmed no no high tech stuff till after starfinder 2e release

belgrath9344 wrote:
no no high tech stuff till after starfinder 2e release

There's before starfinder 2e release :) Tech * Occult staff maybe?

Dark Archive

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A release date for dead God's hand would be nice.

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Personally, I would love a worldbuilder toolkit book for GMs. Preferably, it would be stuffed with tables.

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OceanshieldwolPF 2.5 wrote:

Seeing as Starfinder 2 will be compatible with Pathfinder Remastered, I feel it is in itself a massive addition to PF2R. And vice versa if you are a SF fan.

Personally I’d like to see the Paizo team stick their necks waaaaaaay out and really get creative with a bunch of options (feats, spells, equipment, ancestries, heritages, archetypes) and bolt-ons (like campaign mods) to really take people’s Pathfinder games into the future of gaming. Essentially Remastered Unchained, but even more ground- and lImit-breaking. Obviously none of this would necessarily be Society-conversant, and, to take it even more into the realms of never-gonna-happen, possibly completely removed from Golarion lore.

But a player can dream…

Seeing as that first one is probably gonna be the thing that represents the ""Tech Guide/Distant Worlds book of 2e"" I hope that whatever they release remasters that setting as well. Or at the very least, we get a bunch of toolkit books (ie I recall discussion about wanting an alternate time periods/tech levels support book).

Also, seconding your other point.

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