For the Love of Grenades... Starfinder Enhanced!

General Discussion


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25 new grenade types! and it's not just a bunch of new damage types, there are even grenades that can heal now, or give haste/slow, disarm anyone holding metal objects, cause area damage that continues for 1d4 rounds, anti swarm grenade allows for single target attack to work against the swarm. Time to start throwing things!

Adrenaline Grenade

Antiswarm grenade

Balm Bomb

Disintegrator Grenade

Ethereal Bomb

Exploding Crystal

Exploding Ice Bomb

Incandescent Grenade

Instant Aquarium

Irradiator Grenade

Mag Grenade

Maiming Grenade

Mind Scrambler

Multiversal Breach Grenade

Quantum Repositioner

Repeater Grenade

Rubber Pellet Grenade

Steam Cloud Grenade

Stinking Goo Grenade

Temporal Chaos Grenade

Terror Grenade

Thermal Selection Grenade

Time-Delay Grenade

Underwater Grenade

Vibration Bomb

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Awesome! I feel like grenades have always been on the verge of being good as a control and support tool, especially for the grenadier-focused mechanic alternate class feature. Maybe this will push them over the hump.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

*Laughs in Bombard soldier*


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I’m so glad you all are enjoying the new grenades! That is the section I worked on. With so many grenades already in the system, I got to be creative about other things grenades could do.

Well, I've no personal interest in SF1 itself... but I'll admit that this looks like some shiny, shiny stuff for when it makes the jump to SF2.


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Kate Baker wrote:
I’m so glad you all are enjoying the new grenades! That is the section I worked on. With so many grenades already in the system, I got to be creative about other things grenades could do.

You did a great job of being creative, by the look of it I'm guessing you surrounded yourself with dry-erase boards and then pulled the pin on a brainstorming grenade.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Driftbourne wrote:
pulled the pin on a brainstorming grenade.

For when you want to be just exploding with ideas.

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