[Spoilers] A GM's Guide to Signal of Screams

Signal of Screams

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Hi everyone. My group just finished the last book of the Signal of Screams AP using FoundryVTT and we had a blast. My group of 4 players started with Against the Aeon Throne and used approximately the same characters for Signal of Screams.

When I first started GM'ing this AP, I checked these forums and found a couple of useful tips that helped make the game better for my players and I. As we worked through the game's 3 books, I started writing down things that I though worked well and things that didn't (at least not for my group). I wanted to make an effort to contribute our experiences to the collective of GM's that might play this adventure in the future in the hopes that maybe my notes might give you ideas on how to run Signal of Screams your own way.

Here's a link to those notes in case my thoughts across GM'ing this game help someone else in the future: A GM's Guide to Signal of Screams

Clearly this is going to be filled with spoilers, so read at your own risk!

The notes I made got longer than I expected so I put them in a google doc to make it easier to search for someone looking for advice in a specific part of the AP. I don't expect anyone to read it from beginning to end and used the table of contents to give folks a way to jump to whatever part of the AP you're currently on and look at those notes.

Lastly, thanks to my four players for joining me on this journey - Beni the Ysoki Envoy, Riley the Android Technomancer, NUM01 the Android Solider, and Himall the Lashunta Solarian. It took us a year playing about once a week for 2-3 hours to get through these 3 books and it was an interesting ride from beginning to end!

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