Future of Starfinder

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...and, seriously, PF1 still has active chatter on its boards. There are still (a few) people out there running PFS1 games (one of them was soliciting for players over on the organized play boards a bit over a month ago). Now, if you know for a fact that you're going to jump to SF2 the moment it comes out and leave your old SF1 stuff behind you forever, then yeah, the fact that your new book has a useful lifespan of about two years is maybe a disincentive to buy. It doesn't have to be that way, though, and it won't be that way for everyone.

Another way of looking at it - Starfinder came out in August 2017. So it basically has a full fourth of its total lifespan left, even if you do count it as dropping dead the moment SF2 gets published.

PF1 forum traffic is a big multiple of SF traffic for the last couple of years. A lot of this is migration to Reddit and discord though.


When SF2e comes out, I plan to move to 2e for organized play and start homebrewing with SF1e. At that time, SF1e will be great for homebrewing because Paizo won't be creating new content for SFe1, which could mess up my plans.

Damn, the edition change full speed ahead!

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I guess maybe I'm taking the news of SF2 in an unusual way: it is making me curious to actually try SF1 for the first time.

I don't want to wait for SF2, so I'm looking at trying one of the shorter APs. There's a lot to catch up with.


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Harles wrote:

I guess maybe I'm taking the news of SF2 in an unusual way: it is making me curious to actually try SF1 for the first time.

I don't want to wait for SF2, so I'm looking at trying one of the shorter APs. There's a lot to catch up with.

One thing I like about how Paizo dose edition changes is that the old edition just becomes the lore history for the new edition. And right now you're getting into a fully developed game so you got a lot of options. All the rules are free on line at Archives of Nethys . I'd start with the core rule book it's easier to learn from than the Archives of Nethys. If you get hooked after that maybe consider some of the lore books, Lore isn't covered in the Archives of Nethys.

I saw your other post and responded there to with some other advice.

Totally Not Gorbacz wrote:
Rhunny wrote:

Starfinder, as its own separate game is seemingly going to end in 2025.

Not trying to exagerate or be extremist about it. It's just fairly evident whatever SF2 will end up being, it's not a fully realised system but an add on for PF2.

Starfinder will have its own core rulebook that will let you play the entire system on its own.

Basically, they will be incorporating the rules mechanics from PF2-remastered core books and into the SF2E core books with updating of the rule and specs for the various races and new tech and stuff that is in SF that is not in PF but done in a manner compatible with the PF2-remastered rule mechanics which would be substantively compatible with PF2E with the erratas and possibly some corrections and fixes.

However, the content in the new SF2E books would be complete sufficiently that you would not need the PF books to play it. It may be still nice to have the PF books for your campaigns if you have some sort of game campaign, involving say some kind of time travel where, say a party from SF time frame was sent back in time to PF era and before the Gap and then you are dealing with characters and monsters using magic and weapons of PF era that might not be still practiced or used in SF era. Can't expect every weapon and tool of PF era to be incorporated in the SF2E books but can use the PF books with additional stuff from PF era supplementing your game. Same thing as potentially bringing a character from PF era to SF era. The PF stuff (PF2E/PF2-remaster) would supplement optionally for any particular campaign that you the GM decides to come up with.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

THEY'RE GONNA BLOW UP A PACT WORLD! And a new one from a different star system will be joining to replace it but still THEY'RE GONNA BLOW UP A PACT WORLD!!! *runs around flailing his arms and screaming in blind panic*


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Seems like we lose a planet in each edition. We lost Golarion in 1st edition. If we lose one planet per edition change, we still have nine editions before we run out of planets... Thats assuming Golarion doesn't show up.

I'm excited to have a new asteroid field to look for scrap in!

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