Chaning the cult of the Devourer with the cult of Azathoth

Dead Suns

Dark Archive

I'm starting the campaign up with a group that usually play Call of Cthulhu and loves that world, and the Lovecraft Mythos. I've only read book one of Dead Suns so far. Is there Any reason I should not change the Cult of the Devourer to the Cult of Azathoth ? Will it ruin anything further on in the campaign?

The Devourer itself doesn't show up, and the CotD wants to use the Macguffin to destroy reality - seems fitting for the Cult of Azathoth.

I considered doing an overhaul of Dead Suns using the material from the Advanced Occult Guide (by Rogue Genius Games) myself, it's filled with lovecraftian stuff, and would certainly give the AP quite a boost.

The lack of free time postponed that, but the idea still haunts me.

Rather than start a new almost identical thread I'll add to this one. I'm contemplating starting a second group on Dead Suns at some point soon, and having run up to part 4 with my regular group, I wonder how simplifying the "plots within plots" aspect by cutting out the Cult entirely might work?

In my first run through I did a lot of clue and plot building to ensure my detail-oriented players could work out what was going on in parts 2 and 3 especially, but for newer players to ttrpgs and Starfinder it might be too much to have essentially two rival big bad factions.

My thought experiment is to have Corpse Fleet front and centre as the force the PCs are chasing from the get go - for parts 1 through 3 the PCs are following Corpse Fleet operatives that are following a much more ancient trail of Cult of the Devourer clues that leads to the 'hiding place'.

How essential to the metaplot is it to have the two factions do you think, since I've not yet played 5 and 6 (though I have skim-read them)?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I dunno, I think having two separate teams of Bad Guys adds variety to the adventures and encounters. Conflate them both into the Corpse Fleet and I can see Books 5 and 6 turning a bit monotonous. (In the next room, you encounter... MORE UNDEAD!)


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Entropi wrote:
I'm starting the campaign up with a group that usually play Call of Cthulhu and loves that world, and the Lovecraft Mythos. I've only read book one of Dead Suns so far. Is there Any reason I should not change the Cult of the Devourer to the Cult of Azathoth ? Will it ruin anything further on in the campaign?

nah, it won't change anything. just run it as is with some different flavor.

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