Combat Grapnel, what the hell?

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

I have some questions regarding the combat grapnel (

This weapon makes no sense to me RAW.

Tethered requires you to have a free hand while wielding the weapon, but it's a two-handed weapon:

Tethered states:
"This weapon is attached to a length of rope or chain that allows you to retrieve it after it has left your hand. If you have a FREE HAND while wielding this weapon, you can use an Interact action to pull the weapon back into your grasp after you have thrown it as a ranged attack or after it has been disarmed (unless it is being held by another creature)."

I'm also assuming that grapple only works in the melee range as there is no "ranged grapple" trait AFAIK. But there is a "ranged trip" on the Aklys, Bola, and Flying Talon.

Although, the net can be attached to a rope to grapple from a distance, so maybe?

It's also thrown 20ft, but only on 10ft of rope, which is confusing too. So, if it's thrown 10ft, it's tetherable? But if you throw it at full range, you can't pull it back?

It can be thrown 20ft, but if you throw it 10ft you can get it back easily. There's no "ranged grapple" on it so yes, you need to be adjacent. You have a free hand after you throw it, yes.

Guntermench wrote:
It can be thrown 20ft, but if you throw it 10ft you can get it back easily. There's no "ranged grapple" on it so yes, you need to be adjacent. You have a free hand after you throw it, yes.

There is no Ranged Grapple in general. But the net, when attached to the rope can be used to range grapple. So why shouldn't the combat grapnel?

Because it doesn't say it can.

You're free to rule differently or speak with your GM though.

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