Cantrips for non-casters

General Discussion

Shadow Lodge

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Why is it so hard for non-casters to get cantrips? I found a few things that will give me 3/day, but that's it. I just want to let my nanocyte spam mage hand and token spell.

Dark Archive

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I guess you're looking for Technomantic Dabbler, Connection Inkling, or Reality Glimmer. Any of those should do the trick.

Shadow Lodge

Yeah, I'll just have to wait for level 5 for those. Though getting a mental stat to 15 just for that is rough. I found Minor Stage Magic and Minor Psychic Power that can be taken at 1 - those are the 3/day options. Really I want something like 2nd ed's Hand of the Mage and Hat of the Magi so I can just buy it, but feats will have to do.

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I always felt that the Magic Casters are very underpowered in how much magic they can actually dish out.

Eh, only relatively compared to editions that didn't even pretend at game balance. Casters are actually balanced against non-casters this time, that's a good thing.

Anyway, note that there are versions of the level 5 minor caster feat for all three mental stats. If your character wouldn't logically have at least one of them hitting 15 by level 5 ( note, that's when you get your first attribute increase ), then I really kind of question the logic of them having magic at all.

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