leinathan |
After a couple of disappearances, I'm back to pick up one additional player for my low-magic Starfinder homebrew game.
My current party is:
Amaryst Geil, a lashunta soldier (guard), professional bodyguard
Jin Larson, a witchwyrd mechanic (exocortex), doctor and bioengineer
Cross, an android operative, ex-asteroid miner, motorcycle racer
Maldor, a human mystic (healer), escaped science experiment, former street rat
MLE, a human mystic (empath), test tube baby, escaped science experiment
The original recruitment thread can be found HERE. The gameplay thread is connected, and available for reading. Character-creation is basic - you will start at level 2, with 1,500 credits for character generation. You can choose any Starfinder material, save that you must be an escaped human science experiment in order to play a mystic or a technomancer, for spells only barely exist in my setting.
The game is set in the real world, in the 28th century Earth. My players are preparing to escape Earth because the government is chasing after their two mystics (science experiments given psychic powers in a lab before being broken out by lashunta terrorists).
Because of this, its strongly encouraged to have your character's introduction be one of a few things:
- They are also seeking to leave Earth and get passage on the PCs' ship.
- They are another escaped psychic who need shelter.
- They stowaway with the PCs to be discovered at a later date.
- They are encountered in one of the locations that the PCs come to after leaving Earth. This can be left partially to your discretion, as my campaign is highly player-driven. However, some sample ideas include: an endangered re-fueling station, a planet in a system under lockdown, a captive on a pirate ship that attacks the PCs, or other.
If you have your own idea, that's welcome as well.
Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional details. The campaign is gritty, hard sci-fi, low-magic. Inspirations for the themes include Blade Runner, Firefly, Ghost in the Shell, etc. It's intended to be episodic galaxy-hopping with an overarching quest of large government oppression.
leinathan |
Solarians result from trauma relating to deep space. A baby born in the Drift, someone exposed to solar radiation while just in a vacc suit or someone who went crazy while isolated out in deep space could all turn into a solarian.
And no, nothing specific. We seem to have someone on everything important. You could make anything you wanted.
If you're asking because you need guidance, we obviously lack a solarian, a technomancer, and an envoy. We have no one built for wilderness survival and no one really dedicated to ranged damage so far. Also, nobody is particularly tough.
Of course, every one is level 1 so people have yet to realize their builds.
F. Castor |
I do have an idea for a borais soldier of human origin, who died but, thanks to his biotech and/or cybertech, got better, albeit stuck in a semi-undead state. A nice guy despite his ominous appearance, he was an experiment, bioengineered since before birth to be a soldier whose adaptive nanites would evolve and, well, adapt him to the various usually hostile and challenging environments and situations he might himself in. Unfortunately for the time and money spent though, he died on his first actual mission after a series of successful field tests, albeit ones conducted under more or less controlled conditions. His handlers left him where he fell, after harvesting DNA for future reference with the next subject of their project, thinking that with the data gathered, next time they would do better. Unbeknownst to them, however, death did not take.
The adaptability and experimental nature of his nanites and whatever biotech and cybernetics he has in him is my fluffy way of explaining any present and future augmentations, as well as the more outlandish soldier class abilities and feats he may be gaining.
F. Castor |
I am not sure my guy will be going for actual body horror much, though. Not that he looks entirely human, considering... well, death at the very least. And I am mostly looking to the adaptive biochains thingy so that his augmentations, or at least most of them, will be biotech rather than cybernetics.
However, I am sure that those responsible for his... creation, so to speak, are probably not beyond going into body horror if it makes for efficient killing machines, even if their first subject, i.e. my guy, was decidedly human, albeit enhanced. And they might want that prototype back if or when they realize he is not entirely dead. He is proprietary tech after all.
As for the borais race, as well as the Deathtouched theme that I am also considering, they are both in the Pact Worlds book. I can send you a PM with their details.
Critzible |
Have an idea for a Human Technomancer, who is cybernetic. His powers stemming from a cybernetic implant designed to mimic the abilities of a normal Psychic(aka Mystic).He got this way after an accident at his job (we'll make him a former Government Agent) and due to his job he was immediately brought in and tested on.
He has flashes of his former life before the implant and has been activated to hunt down other Psychics. He recently rebelled and went on the lamb.Hunted he has had to rely on others to aid him.
Part of his training was cybernetics and he is adept at augmenting himself. Figured I would give him some Cybernetics to start with on top of a couple simple weapons. Figured he wants to capture his humanity but also fears to lose what he knows. A constant struggle with the yearn for more power to protect himself as well as what exactly makes him human.
leinathan |
@ Critzible - It's only been about 3 days since the big break-out of all the psychics, unless you'd like to create a setting detail where there have been former breakouts that your character was sent against.
Why did your character rebel?
@ Daynen, Peet - Alright. Well, aliases aren't necessary but I'm happy to see an application! Remember, Peet, to upgrade your character to level 2! And as for "getting in with the party" I can't do any better for you than you skimming the Gameplay thread.
leinathan |
Pro sports definitely still exist on Earth, although maybe if you can think of some ridiculous variant enhanced by high-technology (football but played by armed robots controlled remotely by mechanics on the edges of the ring, maybe?) that'd be awesome.
As for vesk birth... Given that they're reptilian, I'd guess eggs in a clutch.
Critzible |
I was thinking there might be a few naturally occurring Mystics(or in retaliation of a race such as the Grey) who may have caused some more naturally occurring telepaths in humans. he was designed to fight these races and beings with superior technobabble and alien DNA.
as for rebelling, think Winter Soldier and Robocop, their past lives began to creep into their programming making him wonder why he was doing this and what had happened to him. Things he had done all do to some Government brain-altering programming.
Daynen |
Here's a look at Bazoraxis, my emerging Vesk Solarian, via the questions posed to your original party applicants.
Crunch rules question: does a Vesk still need to take improved unarmed strike to threaten squares if, say, he just wanted to punch someone instead of trying to bite or claw them? Or do his natural weapons cover nonlethal damage as well?
Bazoraxis has made some money off his career as a fighter and slight fame, though it's beginning to dry up thanks to the lack of competitors on Earth willing to match his Vesk strength--and thanks to more than a few "detractors" who've tried to personally end his career...with the help of some associates in a back alley or two. After his run-in with Earth's sun, he has no family to speak of and doesn't have any personal connections with any other Vesk that he knows of, so he's on his own.
2. What does your character look like? Describe their fashion sense, their hair, their eyes and skin. Is there a reason they dress or act the way they do? How do they carry themselves when they don’t think anyone is looking?
Bazoraxis has mostly lived on Earth, so his fashion sense is distinctly human-influenced, though adjusted for his tail. An adolescence filled with fistfights and the odd manual labor has blessed him with a fairly hulking frame. He prefers casual clothing, though he's not above dressing nice if he expects to meet fans or rub elbows. He used to prefer going bareback or wearing tank tops to display his muscle, but grew weary of the constant questions about his "back tattoos" and his "sunspot" and now wears less revealing outfits...with a convenient pocket to hide his tiny sun. The various burns from his solar encounter have healed, though many have left patterned marks that resemble stripes, giving his forest green coloration a more camouflaged look.
3. Where was your character born? A Space Station? Old Earth? An offworld colony? The Moon? If they aren't from Old Earth (which is most likely if they are an alien) why did they move to Old Earth? Feel free to do some invention here. There's a whole galaxy out there, and a whole range of places to be from.
Most of his formative years were lived on a starship on the move, leaving him without much knowledge of a point of origin or much choice of destination. His parents would often speak of the Vesk homeworld, but he has never seen it among the many planets they've visited.
4. How did your character become whatever class they are or learn the skills they have?
A moment of carelessness by his parents left his ship in a close encounter with a star. His parents cooked alive in an attempt to escape the corona; he managed to engage the ship's autopilot, but not before a solar flare erupted, leaving him with major burns and a glowing "second skin" with spikes and wings of light. He's begun to contemplate his tiny star companion and the gifts its brought, though he's had no formal instruction on the Solarian's path yet.
5. What does your character do for a living? How did they get into doing that?
He's a professional fighter who enjoys the contests of strength and skill offered by full contact sports. Being a brawny lad with no shortage of confidence but a shortage of skills (and parents,) he found himself in brawls from time to time as he was bounced around from home to home and job to job. Once someone suggested he could actually make a living in fights that were much more fair, he started stepping into any arena he could find. Eventually he started to scare off his competition, so he turned to the steel rings--arenas of cybernetically-enhanced fighters in illegally enhanced arenas...and was promptly crushed. Caught between natural foes afraid to face him and enhanced ones he can't even touch, he's now at a loss as to what to do.
6. What is their personality like?
Despite having been raised on the go, away from his people, Bazoraxis still acts much like a Vesk is expected. He speaks when he has something to say, but otherwise lets his actions speak for him. While he won't admit to being quite as warlike or bloodthirsty as his kin, he does relish a chance to get physical and test his strength; despite his best efforts, sometimes he CAN get carried away. He's learned to be social and courteous with strangers, but after a meeting or two, his feelings towards others will become clear quickly, for better or worse.
7. If your character is religious, explain why and how. If not, there may be a reason for that as well.
While not religious in the strictest sense, Bazoraxis was raised on his parents' stories of a prophecy of sorts. They believed that the Vesk are descendants of a mighty race of creatures who ruled the skies and the land alike with great wings, ageless cunning and a breath of fire. He's not sure how much of it he actually believes, but his recent experiences have led him to wonder. His solarian awakening, the nature of his solar armor, the burn patterns and especially the growing list of enemies who've attacked him, claiming he's some harbinger of doom, have led him to question a lot of things. When he learned of the possibility of an implant that would let him breathe fire, he chose to invest. "They think I'm a firebreathing monster; maybe I should give that a try."
8. Explain what your character’s alignment means to them. Something like “Jessica is lawful good because she wants to stamp out evil and eradicate it. She would sacrifice herself to attain her goals.”
Bazoraxis is neutral, not by any specific choice, but simply by the breadth of his upbringing. He has learned the value of routine and order, but can also be spontaneous and even creative at times. He knows that to forget oneself in service of others is pointless and harmful, but that there is plenty of worth in having friends and doing right by others.
9. How does your character feel about technology? About trans-humanism? About other races? Some people will always be conservatives, but some embrace technological advance wholeheartedly.
Bazoraxis is used to the presence of technology since he was basically raised on a starship. He is curious about what potential technology holds and has partaken of it himself, though he also sees some examples as being uncomfortably excessive, like androids or those with extensive cybernetics. His upbringing was a combination of isolation and cosmopolitan exposure, so he is indifferent about "other races" per se, even his own.
Zenvisk |
I would like to reapply to this game with Zenvisk, the Shirren Mechanic from the original recruitment thread. However, I have changed them up slightly, mainly by changing their theme from Icon to Roboticist (which is from the Pact Worlds book), and switching their skills around slightly. I have leveled the character up, and they are ready to be looked over.
leinathan |
@Critzible - Oh, I see! Well, there are naturally-occurring psychic-spellcasters among other races (for instance, rarely a lashunta or a shirren will be born with greater psychic powers). So I see how that could work. Show me what you've got.
@ Dorian - I have no real time constraint. I'll say that April 20th is the last day that I'll be looking at applications, but I'm very likely to choose before then if I see a character that I really like.
@ Daynen - I believe you can deal NL damage with the natural weapons, but since they don't have any kind of weapon quality that allows that, you'd have to take -4 to hit.
@ Zenvisk - Good to see you again. I'll take another look at your sheet and get back to you.
Daynen |
I'm mainly thinking about where my fluff would fit in with the group, now that I've read a few gameplay pages. I realize that what I've made is pretty...isolated, compared to the others, though that need may shift a bit as I get further into current events (which I'm enjoying so far.) Any thoughts/suggestions, Leinathan?
Dorian 'Grey' |
Nooooooooo! What happens next!
My initial thought was a Lashunta Solarian. I would still like to play one, mainly, because I am enjoying the interaction between the Npcs and the group; each member has very distinct ways of handling them (I favor Cross'...lol), and, I believe that a second Lashunta in the group would balance things.
'Cross' |
Nooooooooo! What happens next!
My initial thought was a Lashunta Solarian. I would still like to play one, mainly, because I am enjoying the interaction between the Npcs and the group; each member has very distinct ways of handling them (I favor Cross'...lol), and, I believe that a second Lashunta in the group would balance things.
"Hey! I'm no trigger-happy punk! When I shoot people, I'm entirely judicious about it."
leinathan |
I think it would be best/easiest if one of two things happened with the intro to the group:
1. You were introduced to the group in a way that leaves them no choice rather than to accept you (for example, if you are stuck at the same roadblock to your futures together and must adventure together to solve the roadblock
2. Your character already knows one of the existing PCs. This can be done through playing one of the characters that's already there, or through playing a character that just happens to be friends with one of the PCs.
Hotaru of the Society |
I come, offering Camille Roth - a Khizar Envoy with latent psionic gifts leading them down the path of a Dream Prophet.
As an experiment affected by Gene Therapy, they could easily fit into the lab that the other psychics escaped from (and thus could possibly know some of them - despite having been kept isolated, she was able to keep her telepathy undiscovered by her eventual captors and could likely have communicated with one of the other experiments). Maybe one of the other players was the one to heroically call out in her time of need, allowing her the opportunity to escape?
She's now seeking a way out, with a not-insignificant amount of stolen goods and equipment and a backpack full of protein bars. Whether or not she's still human or ever can be is one of the questions that keeps her up at night.
Zenvisk |
I have updated some of information for Zenvisk, altering their backstory somewhat and changing some of the question answers. They are less of a video-game star now, no longer being an Icon, instead simply being a tinkerer and robot-designer. The majority of their background remains the same however. Additionally, I have finished updating S.A.M.A.N.T.H.A., their drone, as well.
Zenvisk |
So - Zenvisk: How are you planning on joining up with the party?
The way that I am currently thinging of involve Zenvisk keeping in semi-regular contact with Jin and, to a lesser extent, Amaryst. However, before I can explain it more, I would somewhat appreciate a general estimate of how long it has been in game since the raid. By my estimate, it was ~ 3-5 days, but I would appreciate a more definite timeframe, if you are able of doing this. However, I will give a brief summary of my idea.
Zenvisk |
It's been four days since the raid. It is currently the night of the fourth day.
Thank you for the answer. Using this, the timeline for Zenvisk joining up with the party using the above idea would be:
Day 1: Nothing particular, just a 'normal' day, the raid excluded.
Day 2: Day of Jin and Zenvisk's scheduled game. Zenvisk sends multiple messages to Jin's home.
Day 3: Having received no reply to any of his messages, Jin decided to visit his house, but turned away when he saw government agents moving around the home.
Day 4: Still worried about his friend, Zenvisk hears about the race occurring that night. Remembering that Jin's friend Amaryst went to many of these events, Zenvisk echoes to go to this event, hoping to meet one or both of them.
Does this work as a method of meeting up with the group? Or is it too specific timewise?
leinathan |
Yes, that's fine - although, depending on how fast we get through the race and how fast we get through the recruitment (there are a couple interested parties I'm waiting on for at least a few more days) you might have to pull the "I saw you but in the chaos you slipped away, what's going on, buddy?" when you meet him later.
F. Castor |
Alrighty, here be the crunch and basic description of my guy. Fluff to follow.
Male Borai (Human) Soldier (Death-Touched) 2
N Medium Undead
Init +6; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4
EAC 13, KAC 14
SP 18, HP 17, RP 3
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +2; +1 vs. disease, exhaustion, fatigue, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, sleep and stunning, +2 vs. radiation
Defensive Abilities Deathly, Resist Energy Drain; DR None; Immunities Negative energy damage; Resistances None; SR None
Weaknesses None
Spd 40 ft.
Melee Staff, battle +4 (1d4+2 B/Crit knockdown; analog, block) or
. . Knife, survival +4 (1d4+2 S/ Crit -; analog, operative) or
. . Unarmed strike +4 (1d3+2 B/Crit -; archaic, nonlethal)
Ranged Semi-auto pistol, tactical +4 (1d6 P/30 ft./Crit -; analog)
Space 5 ft., Reach 5 ft.
Offensive Abilities None
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 12
Skills (Trained) Acrobatics +7, Athletics +7, Engineering +5, Intimidate +5, Medicine +5, Perception +4, Piloting +6, Stealth +3, Survival +3
Skills (Untrained) Bluff +1, Computers -, Culture -, Diplomacy +1, Disguise +1, Life Science -, Mysticism -, Physical Science -, Profession -, Sense Motive -1, Sleight of Hand -
Feats Improved Unarmed Strike, Toughness
Languages English, Russian
Other Abilities Armor Proficiency (Light, Heavy), Gear Boosts (None), Living Shell, Old Talents (Human: Skilled), Primary Fighting Style (Blitz: Rapid Response), Theme (Death-Touched: Theme Knowledge), Weapon Proficiency (Basic Melee Weapons, Advanced Melee Weapons, Small Arms, Longarms, Heavy Weapons, Sniper Weapons, Grenades)
Augmentations Respiration Compounder (Adaptive Biochains), Standard Darkvision Capacitors*
Combat Gear Staff (battle; 1), knife (survival; L), semi-auto pistol (tactical; 9/9; L), rounds (small arm; 30; L), second skin (radiation buffer; personal comm unit w/ flashlight (15-ft. Cone) and tier-1 computer (artificial personality, miniaturization, range I (100 ft.), self-charging), 80/80; 2L); Other Gear Everyday clothing (L), industrial backpack (engineering kit, field rations (1 week), fire extinguisher (20/20), hygiene kit, medpatch, oxygen candle, titanium alloy cable line (50 ft.); 2/3)
Hybrid Items None Magic Items None
Serums None; Spell Ampoules None
Credstick 69 credits; Other Wealth None
Below are also some stuff regarding race and theme (they are both from Pact Worlds) and general character building along with their rationalizations/explanations. I am only using the names of the racial and theme features, by the way, since I am not sure giving their whole description is allowed. The following information I have already sent to the GM via PM (oh, a wee bit of a rhyme there...) by the way.
Hit Points: ... (More than a human, but then again he was more than a human to begin with.)
Size and Type: ... (Not sure how or even if undead exist in your campaign, though zombies and sci-fi are not mutually exclusive, but, well, he basically is not-dead anymore.)
Darkvision: ... (I am rationalizing this as his nanites repairing or even replacing his eyes, which were ruined/destroyed/plucked out/what-have-you by the same thing that then proceeded to kill him. They are now cybernetic in nature (probably equivalent to standard darkvision capacitors, since these just grant darkvision 60 ft.). See also the spoiler about his nanites and his bioengineering in general.)
Deathly: ... (Again, not sure how undead and Negative Energy are handled, if at all. Even so, the saving throw bonus can easily be explained by his being more resilient than your average human, both because of his nature as a bioengineered guy full of bio- and nanotechnology and because of his ordeal with being killed and brought back and all.)
Living Shell: ... (He is -mostly- human and he is not undead in the supernatural fantasy sense, so being healed by magic healing or its equivalent makes sense.)
Old Talents: ... (Pretty self-explanatory, I am guessing. He retains his humanity, or at least enough of it, so a human racial trait seems natural enough.)
Resist Energy Drain: ... (Again, depends on how you handle Negative Energy and negative levels and such. If they do exist in some form, this does pretty much what it says, still showing the guy's high resilience. If not, this does nothing, which I do not really mind.)
DREAD VITALITY (6TH): ... (Pretty much the same explanation as the one for the Deathly racial trait above.)
INURED TO THE GRAVE (12TH): ... (Half-dead, bioengineered, nanite-infused experimental soldier. Hardly far-fetched to develop resistance to cold, especially considering there is an actual feat -Enhanced Resistance- that does that with only base attack of +4 as a prerequisite.)
LIFE EATER (18TH): ... (First part, no idea honestly. Second part, adjacent more or less means within touch distance, so perhaps his nanites use the dead person's raw material as fuel to stabilize him? Kinda icky, I know. I am open to suggestions. Still, this is an 18th level ability so it may never come up. And even if it does and we cannot figure something out, it can be either replaced or done away with entirely.)
Theme: Death-Touched
Ability Scores: Str 14, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 12
Class: Soldier
Key Ability Score: Strength (Though both Strength and Dexterity will probably be equal anyway, at least until personal upgrades come into play.)
Primary Fighting Style: Blitz (Rapid Response) (Superior reflexes, superior speed.)
Languages: English, Russian
Skills: Acrobatics (2), Athletics (2), Engineering (1), Intimidate (1), Medicine (1), Perception (2), Piloting (1), Stealth (1), Survival (1) (Natural talent and bioengineering for combat purposes on one hand, at least basic training in useful skills on the other.)
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Toughness (Training and superior strength and toughness.)
Augmentations: Respiration compounder (adaptive biochains), standard darkvision capacitors (The former is the only biotech augmentation that survived the nanites' cannibalization of other enhancements in order to restore him. The latter is basically not the actual cybernetic augmentation, but more of a fluff way to explain how he woke up after dying and found he could see in the dark.)
One such limitation is that the various technologies put in him (bio, cyber, nano) were not actually supposed to be able to revive him once he died. Nevertheless, that is what they did. And they did so by basically having his nanites use up components from other enhancements, thus rendering them inactive. That is why he is not packing several more augmentations and why his strength and dexterity and other ability scores are not particularly high, but instead are at human levels. As he levels up and he continues to heal (or rather his various augmentations do so), his ability scores will rise (i.e. ability score increases from leveling up and personal upgrades), biotech augmentations (either actual ones or via adaptive biochains) will start coming online again and skills and abilities will increase (more outlandish feats and such). As to why he will need to spend money for his apparently already installed augmentations to work again? Well, this brings us to the second limitation.
His nanites and various tech stuff cannot make something out of nothing. It is why when his eyes were destroyed he did not grow new ones; instead, his nanites cannibalized other systems and built him cybernetic ones. In the same way, if he loses an arm he will have to get a prosthetic; the nanites will just make the process of not rejecting it and getting used to it much smoother and faster. It is also the reason why money and time will be needed to reactivate or upgrade his already installed biotech. He will need the blueprints and raw materials for his nanites to sorta kinda absorb and then use those materials in order to recreate the components missing. He will also need the time for that process to conclude, just as he would need the time for if a doctor installed them. Oh, and he would need large amounts of food and drink, as the process itself burns up calories like you would not believe.