Ways to gain Grab without shape changing or Tetori Monk?


Lantern Lodge

I'm trying to recreate a grappler build that has Grab from years back. The previous method to gain Grab via final embrace has been errata way back and I'm not sure how to recreate it.

With all the new material since, I was wondering if there are any new options that I have overlooked in my research. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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from a fast look around these are the ways i found to get grab (it's entirely possible i missed a few):

1: alchemist tentacle discovery grant a tentacle attack with the grab ability. (can be gained via an alchemist or a class that gain discoveries such as mutantion fighter archtype etc)

2: Feral Gnasher gain the grab ability with his bite attack at 3rd level. archtype is for goblins (or others like a human with racial heritage goblin etc).

3: Tetori monk as mentioned gain it at level 8.

4: Gingerbread Witch at level 12 gain an attack that also function as if it had grab and swallow whole abilities.

5: White-Haired Witch gain a semi grab ability with her hair at 1st level (and constrict at 2nd). the class uses int for only some stuff. it's built weird and need some good GM house ruling to work right.

6: barbarian with the animal fury rage power can gain the Savage Jaw power which give him the grab ability with his bite 1/rage.

7: an oracle with the hunger curse gain the grab ability with his bite against smaller targets at 5th level (the curse can also be gained via vmc etc).

8: some of the shifter's aspects (mostly major) grant grab (such as crocodile aspect and bear etc) i think tiger is best as it gain grab with both his claws and bite and the pounce ability.

9: certain 'Obedience' feats and prestige routes can grant you a grab, but at a really high level. (i think fastest is via Lamashtu can who grant it as the 2nd boon instead of the 3rd like the rest).

10: a huge or larger creature can take the monster feat "snatch" which gives a semi grab ability that has some perks.

11: some spells\abilities which change form let you gain the grab ability if the form you change into has it (wild shape\beast shape etc)

12: a Tentacle Cloak can 1/day grant you two tentacle attacks with the grab ability for 1 minute (i think both are used at once).

13: the red mentis assassin prestige class gain the mentis shape which gain grab at 6th level.
( i mention this aside from #11 as it's a rarer case that might get overlooked)


honorable mentions:

A: the trox race (which need gm approval most of the time) are large (which help grapples) and gain :
"Grabbing Appendages: A trox’s smaller arms are useful for little more than aiding it with grappling. Trox gain Improved Grapple as a bonus feat, and can maintain a grapple and still make attacks with their main arms."
- beside a hefty +6 adjustment to their str score from the race.

b: the one handed weapon trick "Grab and Stab" work like a reverse grab where if you succeed at a grapple check (with one hand and penalties) you get a free weapon attack with your one handed weapon. requires Improved Grapple & base attack bonus +6.
(which is kinda weird as it say you provoke an aoo unless you have a feat to negate aoo when grappling. while it require improved grapple...)

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side notice.
while it was a hard nerf for players. i do love me some final embrace horror on animal companion or familiars (i know of two ways to grant a familiar with feats that the master can't take) if only for the fact there is no save against the fear effects and that unlike stuff like demoralized it stack with itself to get shaken into frightened and that into panicked if used with the right build.
panicked creatures can't attack and a grapple is an attack. so grappled panicked creatures usually are left with only escape artist to get out. and few have that high enough to beat a big animal companion's cmd (not to mention as a skill check nat 20 isn't auto success). hit them 3 times in a round and they're are as good as dead..

Lantern Lodge

@zza ni

Thank you! The list is a great help. I'm combing through it.

I forgot to mention the game I'm in is using PFS rules. So unfortunately a good number of great options like strong jaw are out of the running. Still, it is very much appreciated.

zza ni wrote:

side notice.

while it was a hard nerf for players. i do love me some final embrace horror on animal companion or familiars (i know of two ways to grant a familiar with feats that the master can't take) if only for the fact there is no save against the fear effects and that unlike stuff like demoralized it stack with itself to get shaken into frightened and that into panicked if used with the right build.
panicked creatures can't attack and a grapple is an attack. so grappled panicked creatures usually are left with only escape artist to get out. and few have that high enough to beat a big animal companion's cmd (not to mention as a skill check nat 20 isn't auto success). hit them 3 times in a round and they're are as good as dead..

Oh! Do share. I would love to make a character with an animal companion using the final embrace chain!

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well final embrace horror got requirement of bab 6+ among others so animal companion won't get it till level 9\10 -remember druids and such can release their ap and get a new one and set his abilities so while they don't gain a feat at level 9, if you make one that immediately start at level 9 it gain all it's feats at once so you can pick feats that need bab 6+ (or just wait till level 10 if GM have problem with that.).

my basic build for ,say a druid's animal companion is (level 9) :

Snake, Constrictor (core rule-book) or better yet Titanoboa.
at level 9 it has (putting the titanoboa stats):

Size Large; Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft., swim 30 ft (commando mount?) .; Nat AC +12 (base +4+2 at level 7 and +6 from table); Attack bite (1d6); Ability Scores Str 26 (30 with a simple bull's str), Dex 16, Con 16 (15+1 for ability increase, can also go for wisdom), Int 3(2+1 ability increase), Wis 17, Cha 8; Special Qualities low-light vision, scent, constrict (1d6), grab, Link, share spells, Evasion, Devotion, Multiattack (important!!).

since it got only one natural attack (bite) it get 1.5 str for damage with it and a 2nd attack at -5 from multi attack.
it knows 9 (+4 bonus) tricks and 4 feats and as per the rules at the bottom of the linked table page from above :
"Animal companions with an Intelligence of 3 or higher can select any feat they are physically capable of using. GMs might expand this list to include feats from other sources."

feats i picked are :
Hefty Brute so he's grapple\grab\constrict can effect better and larger foes

Final Embrace and Final Embrace Horror
and the last feat probably power attack since he does deal 1.5 str with his bite (so the big bonus on power attack as if a two handed weapon). or something that would add to grapple etc.

get him haste and he can 3 attacks in one round. and as a druid you will have ample ways to buff him way beyond anything needed to survive.

unbuffed right now it attacks at +14/+9 to hit for 1d6+12 and grab (+19) and constrict for 1d6+12 more. without power attack or the other options for the 4th feat. add flanking and other buffs and that can skyrocket. (i'd also add barding of an armor from material that won't hinder it or mage armor buff and barkskin).

btw in my party that 26+ str was used a lot to force open doors and such. (i had to teach it that trick though. or animal talk to it)

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