Scarred Lands Pdfs for Roderic's Cove Circle Market Prices of 90% off in Real Life?

5th Edition (And Beyond)

Yep, seriously, over on Drivethru RPG, the 5th edition Scarred Lands Player's Guide from Onyx Path Publishing is at 10% total of it's normal Pdf price for a limited time only. :)

Now if your gaming preferences are still mostly at the PF1e ruleset, then worry not... your preference is also covered. ;p

PS. Some of the adventures and other stuff is also at similar Roderic's Cove Circle Market pricing, only for a limited time. It's an Onyx Path sort of occasion- from my understanding...

Apparently, there's a big 90% sale on all D20/3.x Scarred Lands pdfs until the end of August. ;)

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