Okay Paizo - after rage of elements..

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Totally Not Gorbacz wrote:
Temperans wrote:
Coffee is for everyone. Specially ice cream, candy, and cake made of coffee.
Sir, this is a gaming forum.

Is this a joke?

If not I wonder who started the whole thing... *looks at the previous posts*

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I'm not saying that I want bloat, but I'd appreciate some more options. Especially in two camps: ancestry feats and focus spells.

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Temperans wrote:
Totally Not Gorbacz wrote:
Temperans wrote:
Coffee is for everyone. Specially ice cream, candy, and cake made of coffee.
Sir, this is a gaming forum.

Is this a joke?

If not I wonder who started the whole thing... *looks at the previous posts*

The bag is almost always joking. More often than not sarcastically, but still joking.

In any case, I am 100% in agreement with you. Give me coffee everything. I drink coffee all day long (though I now switch to decaf after my first cup since I’m now on ADHD meds).

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I would love more subclasses. Summoner still can't have an occult abomination, or a demon, and I'd love a swarm for primal or as a companion of some kind. Barbarian instincts are cool, and I wish we had more choices.

I'd also love to have at least a second round of class feats for the classes that haven't gotten them. But, I do realize that core classes see way more use.

Cyrad wrote:

There's a nasty trend where a class or ancestry releases with few options and feats and then rarely gets any support afterward.

On top of it, I'm not a fan of the mini adventures that appear in Book of the Dead and Dark Archive. They don't even use the books' content and game mechanics. Book of the Dead had tons of neat new undead monsters, and the adventure is mostly just run-of-the-mill zombies and skeletons.

I know it's been said that an apg 2 likely isn't going to happen, but for the sake of fairness I really hope it does. If only for the classes that have gotten their release book and little else (not for the core classes). So many times I've started to build an investigator, for example, and... Yikes they don't have very many options that appeal to me. That could simply mean the class isn't for me but I hope not as I love the flavor, but I digress.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Wait, coffee for kids is illegal?

It is is more a matter of custom than law.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cyrad wrote:

There's a nasty trend where a class or ancestry releases with few options and feats and then rarely gets any support afterward.

On top of it, I'm not a fan of the mini adventures that appear in Book of the Dead and Dark Archive. They don't even use the books' content and game mechanics. Book of the Dead had tons of neat new undead monsters, and the adventure is mostly just run-of-the-mill zombies and skeletons.

Completely agree with this.

QuidEst wrote:
I'd also love to have at least a second round of class feats for the classes that haven't gotten them. But, I do realize that core classes see way more use.

That would be nice...

We do not know what Rage of the Elements will bring, so maybe an Elementalist Barbarian will be your Bloodrager.

I'd take an Alchemist whose new research field allow its bombs and items to replicate spells.

What if starfinder 2e was part of pathfinder 2e?

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Laclale♪ wrote:
What if starfinder 2e was part of pathfinder 2e?

I don't think people would like that. Logistically, it'd push back actual Pathfinder content for something that doesn't have the same sales numbers.

In terms of design, though, there are a lot of conflicts. Pathfinder's goal was to cut down on the "Christmas tree" effect. You have base weapons that are occasionally updated by runes, but most of your scaling comes from leveling. Starfinder leans hard in the opposite direction, with weapons and armor that are regularly replaced with new and more powerful technology. Pathfinder got rid of the slower spell progressions entirely, while Starfinder moved to them exclusively. If you tried to make the two compatible, how do you balance longbows against disintegration rays? If they aren't compatible, why make them the same system?

I think you'd end up with a version of Starfinder that was a pale imitation of its former self, because it was ported over to a system designed around something else.

QuidEst wrote:
In terms of design, though, there are a lot of conflicts. Pathfinder's goal was to cut down on the "Christmas tree" effect. You have base weapons that are occasionally updated by runes, but most of your scaling comes from leveling. Starfinder leans hard in the opposite direction, with weapons and armor that are regularly replaced with new and more powerful technology.

I don't really see these as fully incompatible. Just create several iterations of the same item with fundamental runes baked into the item, and you're getting a lot of the same effect. We see this in PF2 with consumables and specific magic items, so the precedent and format is there.

There's other routes you can take, but that one makes the most sense to me.

QuidEst wrote:
If you tried to make the two compatible, how do you balance longbows against disintegration rays? If they aren't compatible, why make them the same system?

And like magic weapons, higher powered effects need not be placed on level 0 or level 1 items. Perfectly fine for a weapon to start off at level 2 or 12. Making fundamental runes part of the baseline item effect makes this easier in fact; you can be a bit more granular in when a weapon's second or third die comes online if the base effect is stronger than normal.

QuidEst wrote:
Pathfinder got rid of the slower spell progressions entirely, while Starfinder moved to them exclusively.

Now this one is tougher. I like wave casting, especially if 3 levels of casting became the baseline expectation for wave casters, but would that be enough to make characters feel as magical as they do in SF? I'm not sure.

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