Music in RPG scifi games

Other RPGs

Dark Archive

I'm looking to do more with music and RP being in a band in Starfidner. I have Band on the Run, and Tech Revolution has a full page on music and bands. I'm looking outside of Starfinder too for more inspiration. Just got a copy of the old Cyberpunk 2020 RockerBoy book. Was wondering if anyone knows of any other games that deal with the subject? or if anyone else has an interest in music and bands in Starfinder.

Sovereign Court

Oh man this site has a motherload of sci-fi music and sound effects.

If you like it, toss the creator a few bucks.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

For Starfinder I recommend the Titan AE soundtrack.

Dark Archive

It's always good to have more sources for background music for a game. What I'm looking for here is sci-fi games with classes built around being in a band or music, and equipment and game mechanics for it. I did notice the new player's guide for Drift Crashers has an option to have the party all be entertainers possible all in the same band and has new weaponized musical instruments.

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