Treasure Vault Hype and Guessing!

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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pixierose wrote:

Hearing that we are getting more Accessibility items has me really excited.

Also the return of variant rules for epic questing and rituals for creating magic items has me excited

I'd super love some more accessibility items. Some specific magical probing or griffon canes would be great as an example.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I would love to see the return of Osirion Spirit Jars for some long-term possession action.

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Some more gadgets could be fun for those Inventors who take those class feats that let them make gadgets for free.

And also finally maybe we'll get the Totem Spear?

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keftiu wrote:
I’ll admit, this is near the bottom of the list for books I’d want. Can anyone help me understand the hype?

A lot of people have a favorite weapon from PF1 that they'd like to see back again (for me it's the Dorn-Dergar). That, and there's a lot of holes in the current framework that need filling with something, like "Monastic Archer Stance" calls out "bows with the monk trait" which do not currently exist.

So the prospect of resolving those things is exciting. Still, it's a book that I can probably just look up the relevant information on AoN, but apparently it's written with a diagetic frame like Book of the Dead is, which is fun.

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PossibleCabbage wrote:
keftiu wrote:
I’ll admit, this is near the bottom of the list for books I’d want. Can anyone help me understand the hype?

A lot of people have a favorite weapon from PF1 that they'd like to see back again (for me it's the Dorn-Dergar). That, and there's a lot of holes in the current framework that need filling with something, like "Monastic Archer Stance" calls out "bows with the monk trait" which do not currently exist.

So the prospect of resolving those things is exciting. Still, it's a book that I can probably just look up the relevant information on AoN, but apparently it's written with a diagetic frame like Book of the Dead is, which is fun.

It was really pleasant to find out even the big treasure and equipment book will now also have a fun narrative throughline with a kobold detailing each of the items around, and her talking about her underworld dragon boss.

Makes me wanna take a few afternoons to really dive in and read all the books just for the writing. Which I believe is what they want future PF2E books to do!

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WWHsmackdown wrote:
I'm excited about the companion items/ eidelon items. I don't think barding is getting a huge shift to make strength based animal companions goat but anything to add a little more juice (like temp hp on barding that replenishes with a repair activity to help balance the scales) will be appreciated.

I've made a few calculations to see what would happen if we were giving Armor and Weapon runes to Animal Companions.

For Armor Runes, it would mostly benefit the Savage Companions, allowing them to get closer to Nimble Companions in AC. Still behind, but they would benefit from higher saves and property runes, so overall a good thing for balance.
For Weapon Runes, the effect would be negligible before level 10. After that, it would allow Companions to stay roughly at the same level of damage (50% of a martial attack) instead of drowning at high level (Companions damage drops to 20% of a martial attack at very high level). Considering the investment in feats and in money (to get a properly runed weapon), I think 50% is actually a good number.

I don't think Paizo will do that as it would be a massive change. But as a GM you can houserule it without a second thought.

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Do you think we will see the first PC-available brutal weapon in this book? If so, what shape do you think it will take?

I would love to see that happen, but also I would prefer it being "bad" compared to actual ranged weapons.

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I think this book is really needed. Making a character at high level made me realize that there arent's always magic items I even want to buy. That kind of variety is always helpful.

Also, there is a recently active thread about armor being boring. There are definitely gaps in equipment that was being filled in a timely manner by current releases. We have a lot of categories of equipment that could use filling out like Fulus and Spellhearts.

As far as a personal wishlist, I want colossal weapons, also Dark Souls and Berserk. Amiri cries out for a bigger sword.


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I don't expect it, but I'd be delighted if this had additional innovation armor options for armor inventors - their class feature is written in a way that allows for this, and this book strikes me as the ideal spot for it.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Yeah I don't really see that being super likely either, but more options for inventors would be cool (weapon inventors desperately need more options as well).

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Do we know if it's just an item book? One thing that would be nice to see is more options to get access to and proficiency-pegging for advanced weapons. Right now it's mostly "you can get it for weapons with your ancestry trait" and "anything if you're a fighter" and "anything you convince your GM that unconventional weaponry covers".

I would especially like a way for Weapon Inventors to get access to advanced weapon options somehow, since like right now you can't build a Conrasu inventor whose innovation is a Taw Launcher, as Conrasu Weapon Familiarity gives you access to it and lets you treat it as martial in terms of proficiencies, but the weapon innovation requires a martial weapon not one you treat as martial simply for proficiencies.

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Monks need a feat like that as well. They have some advanced weapons that look fun to use, but are a pain to jump through hoops for. A level 4 or 6 feat to bump proficiency would be hugely appreciated.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hoping for some example relics, since we got the rules to build them but no examples of what they may look like


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
keftiu wrote:
I’ll admit, this is near the bottom of the list for books I’d want. Can anyone help me understand the hype?

It's PF2Es ultimate equipment guide

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Ly'ualdre wrote:
I can't wait to see what Ancestry Weapons we get here. It would be interesting so see some new ones; but if I'm being honest, I just want the Orc Double Axe and Skull Ram back. Lol.

I didn't even think about it before, but seeing the Orc Tree Lance (as I personally call it) come back would be amazing. Really hoping that happens.

Albatoonoe wrote:
Also, there is a recently active thread about armor being boring. There are definitely gaps in equipment that was being filled in a timely manner by current releases.

Unfortunately I'm not sure how interesting armor's going to be getting, since we already got confirmation that the most "ridiculous" armor is going to get is "like studded leather, but noisier and with extra storage" which looks like something out of a Wayne Reynolds sketch (or Tetsuya Nomura game as part of my group pointed out.) Which does admittedly mean we might be getting an armor trait to increase Bulk limits, but not the most interesting.

Cori Marie wrote:
Hoping for some example relics, since we got the rules to build them but no examples of what they may look like

On top of this, I'm always hoping for more Relic options. I love Relics (even if my GMs rarely if ever use them.)

Liberty's Edge

PF2's Weapon Cords.

Verdant Wheel

Any chance Sturdy Tower Shield might be in the Treasure Vault?


Liberty's Edge

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I'm hoping we see the return of Throwing Shields... Captain Andoran needs to exist in PF2.

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Arnim Thayer wrote:

I'm hoping we see the return of Throwing Shields... Captain Andoran needs to exist in PF2.

Good news! Throwing shields already exist in Knights of Lastwall. It's an adjustment you can give to a shield.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Perpdepog wrote:
Arnim Thayer wrote:

I'm hoping we see the return of Throwing Shields... Captain Andoran needs to exist in PF2.

Good news! Throwing shields already exist in Knights of Lastwall. It's an adjustment you can give to a shield.

Actually existed prior to KoL with the Shield Augmentation Adjustment! That said, the Throwing Shield Adjustment is arguably likely better, with the 10 extra feet and the ability to remove the shield for free as part of the attack. The former has its benefits though.

Also, hear me out: Throwing Tower Shield? Lol

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ly'ualdre wrote:
Perpdepog wrote:
Arnim Thayer wrote:

I'm hoping we see the return of Throwing Shields... Captain Andoran needs to exist in PF2.

Good news! Throwing shields already exist in Knights of Lastwall. It's an adjustment you can give to a shield.

Actually existed prior to KoL with the Shield Augmentation Adjustment! That said, the Throwing Shield Adjustment is arguably likely better, with the 10 extra feet and the ability to remove the shield for free as part of the attack. The former has its benefits though.

Also, hear me out: Throwing Tower Shield? Lol

Can you do both for the ultimate in shield throwing?

Liberty's Edge

Ly'ualdre wrote:
Perpdepog wrote:
Arnim Thayer wrote:

I'm hoping we see the return of Throwing Shields... Captain Andoran needs to exist in PF2.

Good news! Throwing shields already exist in Knights of Lastwall. It's an adjustment you can give to a shield.

Actually existed prior to KoL with the Shield Augmentation Adjustment! That said, the Throwing Shield Adjustment is arguably likely better, with the 10 extra feet and the ability to remove the shield for free as part of the attack. The former has its benefits though.

Also, hear me out: Throwing Tower Shield? Lol

Will this settle once and for all the debate about the action cost of removing a shield (free vs 1 action) ?

I believe not because most people, myself included, are extremely averse to changing the way they understand the RAW.

Ravingdork wrote:
Ly'ualdre wrote:
Perpdepog wrote:
Arnim Thayer wrote:

I'm hoping we see the return of Throwing Shields... Captain Andoran needs to exist in PF2.

Good news! Throwing shields already exist in Knights of Lastwall. It's an adjustment you can give to a shield.

Actually existed prior to KoL with the Shield Augmentation Adjustment! That said, the Throwing Shield Adjustment is arguably likely better, with the 10 extra feet and the ability to remove the shield for free as part of the attack. The former has its benefits though.

Also, hear me out: Throwing Tower Shield? Lol

Can you do both for the ultimate in shield throwing?

Sadly no. You can only have one adjustment on an item at a time, and even if you could have more than one there isn't any language to let you stack the Thrown 10 feet and Thrown 20 feet traits.

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I probably said it elsewhere, but I think they should bring back the mancatcher as a Hobgoblin weapon. It suits them so well.

Also, I hope more modular weapons like the switch scythe. Bloodborne, baabyyyy.

Albatoonoe wrote:

I probably said it elsewhere, but I think they should bring back the mancatcher as a Hobgoblin weapon. It suits them so well.

Also, I hope more modular weapons like the switch scythe. Bloodborne, baabyyyy.

Michael did confirm we were getting more combination weapons, some of which didn't use firearms. Having a handful of Modular weapons doesn't seem outside the realm of possibility at all.

It may not be on theme for this book, but I want rules and equipment for exotic mounts, specifically flying mounts. Like the Monstrous Mount feats from PF1e.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Perpdepog wrote:
Albatoonoe wrote:

I probably said it elsewhere, but I think they should bring back the mancatcher as a Hobgoblin weapon. It suits them so well.

Also, I hope more modular weapons like the switch scythe. Bloodborne, baabyyyy.

Michael did confirm we were getting more combination weapons, some of which didn't use firearms. Having a handful of Modular weapons doesn't seem outside the realm of possibility at all.

I demand Bowguns!! D:<

And a Shortsword that becomes a Longsword; by the Power of Grayskull, of course.

Also, just throwing this out, it would be super cool to see the Nodachi return as a 1-handed Advanced Weapon that can be used as a 2-handed Martial Weapon; for no other reason than Sephiroth.

Ly'ualdre wrote:
Perpdepog wrote:
Albatoonoe wrote:

I probably said it elsewhere, but I think they should bring back the mancatcher as a Hobgoblin weapon. It suits them so well.

Also, I hope more modular weapons like the switch scythe. Bloodborne, baabyyyy.

Michael did confirm we were getting more combination weapons, some of which didn't use firearms. Having a handful of Modular weapons doesn't seem outside the realm of possibility at all.

I demand Bowguns!! D:<

And a Shortsword that becomes a Longsword; by the Power of Grayskull, of course.

Also, just throwing this out, it would be super cool to see the Nodachi return as a 1-handed Advanced Weapon that can be used as a 2-handed Martial Weapon; for no other reason than Sephiroth.

Pretty sure a nodachi at base is a 2h weapon, since everyone that isn't Sephiroth or Vergil son of Sparda needs to use 2 hands to wield one. We got the katana as a 1h martial weapon with the 2-handed (d10) trait, which is because in 1e it said what you're talking about with "1 hand exotic, 2 hand martial." So a 2 handed Advanced d12 with a trait or two sounds perfect, with a potential trait allowing 1h Strikes made with less damage/accuracy.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
nick1wasd wrote:
Ly'ualdre wrote:
Perpdepog wrote:
Albatoonoe wrote:

I probably said it elsewhere, but I think they should bring back the mancatcher as a Hobgoblin weapon. It suits them so well.

Also, I hope more modular weapons like the switch scythe. Bloodborne, baabyyyy.

Michael did confirm we were getting more combination weapons, some of which didn't use firearms. Having a handful of Modular weapons doesn't seem outside the realm of possibility at all.

I demand Bowguns!! D:<

And a Shortsword that becomes a Longsword; by the Power of Grayskull, of course.

Also, just throwing this out, it would be super cool to see the Nodachi return as a 1-handed Advanced Weapon that can be used as a 2-handed Martial Weapon; for no other reason than Sephiroth.

Pretty sure a nodachi at base is a 2h weapon, since everyone that isn't Sephiroth or Vergil son of Sparda needs to use 2 hands to wield one. We got the katana as a 1h martial weapon with the 2-handed (d10) trait, which is because in 1e it said what you're talking about with "1 hand exotic, 2 hand martial." So a 2 handed Advanced d12 with a trait or two sounds perfect, with a potential trait allowing 1h Strikes made with less damage/accuracy.

*plays One-Winged Angel on full blast as my Sephiroth expy Aasimar head bangs in the background*

I say add the Nagamaki or Zanbato as THE 2-handed Tian swords, and the Nodachi as a cool in-between. Because, fantasy. Lol
Plus, they were often used by calvary as well. So they have to be capable of being wielded one-handed in some way, I'd think.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Have to say I'm hyped for this book. One of the biggest issues for my players and myself are the non-scaling nature of magical items and the gaps in items available. I was hoping Grand Bazaar was going to fix that and was disappointed. Happy to see this need being filled with Treasure Vault.

Edit: wanted to throw out my disappointment with Grand Bazaar had little to do with the actual content and more with my incorrect expectations.

Paizo Employee Designer

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Perpdepog wrote:
Albatoonoe wrote:

I probably said it elsewhere, but I think they should bring back the mancatcher as a Hobgoblin weapon. It suits them so well.

Also, I hope more modular weapons like the switch scythe. Bloodborne, baabyyyy.

Michael did confirm we were getting more combination weapons, some of which didn't use firearms. Having a handful of Modular weapons doesn't seem outside the realm of possibility at all.

I was going to tease the one that is a sansetsukon whose arms you can pin into place to use as a shortbow, but James Case and I are still trying to come up with the best name for it. It's had like three different names, I think the current working name is "tsunami bow".

Mythraine wrote:
It may not be on theme for this book, but I want rules and equipment for exotic mounts, specifically flying mounts. Like the Monstrous Mount feats from PF1e.

Me too. And that is not the theme of this book at all, but hopefully we'll get there someday in the not-too-distant future.

(This is hopeful speculation, not a veiled hint.)

Can anyone enlighten me as to how some of the missing pf1 weapons would be different from their pf2 'counterparts"?

How is the earth breaker different than a maul?
How would you guys stat the Dorn-dergar etc ?

On my wishlist from PF1 are dwarven maul-axes. Just a neat little weapon for the dwarven rogues out there. Basically, hatchets with the versatile B and dwarf traits instead of thrown.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Michael Sayre wrote:
*quote omitted*

Literal "Bow Staff". Love it.

Lollerabe wrote:

Can anyone enlighten me as to how some of the missing pf1 weapons would be different from their pf2 'counterparts"?

How is the earth breaker different than a maul?
How would you guys stat the Dorn-dergar etc ?

Aside from damage outputs, the weapon traits. They've confirmed that new traits will be added. One example given was for the Earthbreaker, which, iirc, will have a weapon trait that make it easier for it to break objects and armor, by dealing increased damage to their break threshold. Doors and Fullplate mean little in the face of the mighty Earthbreaker!! I don't recall the name of the trait, however.

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Ly'ualdre wrote:
Michael Sayre wrote:
*quote omitted*

Literal "Bow Staff". Love it.

Lollerabe wrote:

Can anyone enlighten me as to how some of the missing pf1 weapons would be different from their pf2 'counterparts"?

How is the earth breaker different than a maul?
How would you guys stat the Dorn-dergar etc ?

Aside from damage outputs, the weapon traits. They've confirmed that new traits will be added. One example given was for the Earthbreaker, which, iirc, will have a weapon trait that make it easier for it to break objects and armor, by dealing increased damage to their break threshold. Doors and Fullplate mean little in the face of the mighty Earthbreaker!! I don't recall the name of the trait, however.

Thanks for the quick reply. For some reason I didn't consider new traits as an option.

Makes me more excited

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When Golarion was first being created (as a published setting), there were a few ideas that didn't quite stick, and were not mentioned again. One of these was the wand rifle. It makes sense why it was dropped; the setting was new and it didn't fit the tone the authors had in mind for it at the time.

The setting has evolved a lot since then, and I think now that it has things like automatons, beast guns, modular weapons, etc., it might be cool to reintroduce the wand rifle. I don't think it will clash with the tone of the setting as much now as when it was first published (since the overall tone of the setting is much more firmly established now than a decade or so ago).

It's a long shot, but I'd love to see it reappear in some way.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Of course. I'd be surprised if we didn't see a few new traits for both weapons and armor.

Wand Rifle you say? I mean, with things like Starguns (which I believe they said this book will have a few of), I don't think a Wand Rifle sounds to crazy too include. I'd love to see it. I'd likely give it to a Witch named Alicia.

I'm also looking forward to any new staves we get in this book. I've really started to enjoy staves in PF2E. I think that's because this is the first d20 edition I've played where they are both priced anything like affordable for a character to care about, and also aren't consumable.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

We're confirmed to be getting spell guns that anyone can use to do spell like effects as a consumable.

Personally I'm excited to see the stuff for the Alchemist, both their core book errata and the new items, I'm optimistic about it being able to do a lot for them without a sweeping overhaul of the whole class. Hopefully it'll render my current homebrew adjustments unnecessary. Crafting Variants are also appreciated.

Are we getting core book errata?


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Perpdepog wrote:
Are we getting core book errata?

By the sounds of it, yes, mainly focused on tweaking alchemist a little bit more. No ETA though, but probably close(r) to the release of Treasure Vault.

Kobold traps. Companion items, more then twice what we have hopefully. Mid and high level items that are interesting and do fun things. Ways to scale items up yet still have higher level versions be worth the price. More relic options. More niche options, like spellhearts, tomes, monk weapons, beastguns, etc. Higher level versions of items that are mid tier, like druid vestments and gorget of the primal roar, not being able to upgrade to a +3 version when my other items are feels bad when I love the effects these items do.

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Perpdepog wrote:
Are we getting core book errata?

They confirmed they are going back to the CRB and making slight errata adjustments to the Alchemist, especially the Chirurgeon subclass to beef up their perpetual infusions to allow them to use the new elixirs found in Treasure Vault. But it's not meant to be anything major.

That's good news either way.

Also, anyone know if we're going to be seeing any item-focused rituals in this book? Methods of protecting treasure or the like?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I wish they would errata/clean up the rules on precious materials.

Your really awesome special materials armor or weapon that you have at mid level can't be upgraded without upgrading the materials first.

For example, if you have standard grade materials such as adamantium you can't upgrade it from +2 to +3 without first upgrading the quality of the materials first.

However, +3 weapon potency is level 16 and high grade adamantine weapon is level 17. It seems absurd that you can upgrade a mundane material weapon from +2 to +3 but not a standard grade precious materials one?

Adamantine, Darkwood, Mithril and Orichalcum weapons all have this issue of having the higher grade material requirement be a higher level than the +3 rune itself.

This rule should be changed or the level of the higher grade material reduced to at least be the same as the +3 rune.

Armor has similar issues and should also be fixed.

A high grade adamantium object is level 16, a shield is level 16, a weapon level 17 and armor level 19. Why are they not all the same for the same material? Crafting is already gatekeeped behind the Legendary requirement.

This means you are usually better off switching out your standard grade adamantine weapon or armor back to a mundane one to get +3 then switching it back out to high grade adamantine a level or two later.

Ares71 Lord of War wrote:

I wish they would errata/clean up the rules on precious materials.

Your really awesome special materials armor or weapon that you have at mid level can't be upgraded without upgrading the materials first.

For example, if you have standard grade materials such as adamantium you can't upgrade it from +2 to +3 without first upgrading the quality of the materials first.

However, +3 weapon potency is level 16 and high grade adamantine weapon is level 17. It seems absurd that you can upgrade a mundane material weapon from +2 to +3 but not a standard grade precious materials one?

Adamantine, Darkwood, Mithril and Orichalcum weapons all have this issue of having the higher grade material requirement be a higher level than the +3 rune itself.

This rule should be changed or the level of the higher grade material reduced to at least be the same as the +3 rune.

Armor has similar issues and should also be fixed.

A high grade adamantium object is level 16, a shield is level 16, a weapon level 17 and armor level 19. Why are they not all the same for the same material? Crafting is already gatekeeped behind the Legendary requirement.

This means you are usually better off switching out your standard grade adamantine weapon or armor back to a mundane one to get +3 then switching it back out to high grade adamantine a level or two later.

Which is even more punishing, since you're burning wealth by level to transfer runes instead of buying consumables or other permanent items with them. And heck, if you're not able to benefit from downtime in those levels in particular to transfer or upgrade those items? Good luck.

It's even dumber when you consider that Automatic Bonus Progression doesn't fix these problems either.

Radiant Oath

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Perpdepog wrote:
Albatoonoe wrote:

I probably said it elsewhere, but I think they should bring back the mancatcher as a Hobgoblin weapon. It suits them so well.

Also, I hope more modular weapons like the switch scythe. Bloodborne, baabyyyy.

Michael did confirm we were getting more combination weapons, some of which didn't use firearms. Having a handful of Modular weapons doesn't seem outside the realm of possibility at all.

As the meme says "You had my curiosity, NOW you have my attention!"

Michael Sayre wrote:
Perpdepog wrote:
*Quote Snipped*
I was going to tease the one that is a sansetsukon whose arms you can pin into place to use as a shortbow, but James Case and I are still trying to come up with the best name for it. It's had like three different names, I think the current working name is "tsunami bow".

I can't wait to find out how that's gonna work with the "make a ranged Strike right after a melee Strike" quality of the Combination trait. Or to find out that there's going to be a separate Combination trait for non-Firearm Combination Weapons given the original trait is very Firearm-centric.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Shinigami02 wrote:
Michael Sayre wrote:
Perpdepog wrote:
*Quote Snipped*
I was going to tease the one that is a sansetsukon whose arms you can pin into place to use as a shortbow, but James Case and I are still trying to come up with the best name for it. It's had like three different names, I think the current working name is "tsunami bow".
I can't wait to find out how that's gonna work with the "make a ranged Strike right after a melee Strike" quality of the Combination trait. Or to find out that there's going to be a separate Combination trait for non-Firearm Combination Weapons given the original trait is very Firearm-centric.

That might be a modular weapon and not necessarily a combination one. The quoted conversation was sorta about both.

But I feel like it isn't that implausible for the tsunami bow to still be combination. I doubt we'll see Critical Fusion on non-firearms, though.

Both the paired Strike function (which is a base part of the Combination trait) and Critical Fusion work well enough for Crossbows with just a modicum of wording change. A bow that splits into segments is just... more awkward for that.

Fair point on Modular though, until rereading the trait just now I'd actually forgotten Modular had at least the potential to do more than change damage type, probably because every instance of Modular published so far just chooses between physical damage types.

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