TheDarkPrince |
What it says on the tin. What are some of your favorite reskins you’ve done of classes, archetypes, feats, features, etc? Just curious.
One of my simple go to’s is reskinning alchemist extracts and discoveries as technological contraptions. Pretty straightforward.
Look forward to hearing your input!
Sysryke |
Reskinned the pig familiar into a baby mastodon for my mammoth spirit shaman. GM did give me special dispensation to change the bite into a slam attack, but numbers were all the same. Little Jarzum was dearly loved by the whole party. He swiped the counter bell from an inn, and he'd use it to make emphasizing chimes whenever anyone in the party made a solid or funny point in an argument.
Zandragal |
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1st: Reflavored the investigator's alchemy to having to prepare scroll-like pieces of paper which have to be completed to get an asian flavoured guy like in a chinese ghost story
2nd: reflavored the viking fighter archetype as a shoanti warrior archetype. Fits perfectly and makes getting to Thunder and Fang easier than barbarian.
3rd: Reflavored the bloodrager's rage to a focused concentration for a samurai/Bloodrager multiclass. (No mechanical changes)
Andostre |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
3rd: Reflavored the bloodrager's rage to a focused concentration for a samurai/Bloodrager multiclass. (No mechanical changes)
I've done something similar. I re-skinned a barbarian to be a lightly-armored warrior who entered into a phase of intense focus instead of a rage. Mechanically, it was the same, but he resembled a swashbuckler more than a savage warrior.
Mark Hoover 330 |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
As a GM I've used a goblin "shaman" (Adept 3/Warrior 1) with a "Goblin Dog." I took a fox familiar and made it a Mauler, described it as hairless and just added a constant effect in a 5' radius from the alchemical itching powder.
I've also reskinned lots of monsters. Take mites, slight boost to Int so they can speak 2 languages, give them Common. This also gives them an extra skill rank. Give them Skill Focus: Disguise instead of Point Blank Shot, trade out Handle Animal for Knowledge (Local) and with their extra skill rank they take Disguise. Now you have mites living among mortals, roaming the towns and cities at dusk or by night performing tricks (Sleight of Hand skill, Prestidigitation), disguised ad beggars of other Small races, and selling their services to other mites or local criminals as street thieves and spies.
Take the standard Sprite. Add Simple: Giant to advance them 1 size category. Exchange constant Light effect at will in Luminous power with constant Create Water at will that they can modulate just like regular sprites. Finally we're trading Dancing Lights for Arcane Mark, Daze for Touch of Fatigue, and 1/day Color Spray is instead 1/day Decompose Corpse. Congratulations, you have the Gravesworn Piskies, a reskinned sprite variant that is a fey representation of nature's reclamation of the dead to feed itself.
As an added bonus, I give the Gravesworn other "coven" abilities when 3 or more are present such as Expeditious Excavation, Disrupt Undead at will and a combination of Curse Terrain and Consecrate that can only be applied to the immediate area (30' radius) around a gravesite they've created using Expeditious Excavation. These "faerie graves" are the highest honor they can give other fey, animals, mortals and so on. Inside the grave the body decomposes like normal, but the bones shall remain undisturbed by supernatural forces forever. Anyone trying to dig up the bones or other effects buried with the body is attacked by the three curses woven into the Faerie Grave.
Then there's bloodlines.
This isn't so much a reskin as much as it is another way to look at how the PC gets their powers and what those powers are. I started doing this with Sorcerers back in 3x and carried it over into PF1.
The basic premise is comic book super hero origins. A PC isn't necessarily born with their bloodline powers and spells. They might have gotten them after dying and being brought back by some arcane power, or perhaps they were exposed to arcane or alchemical substances. Perhaps they are part of a wizard's "super soldier" program or they suffered through and survived a fleshcrafting experiment.
In this way, the PC's bloodline powers and spells are more like oddities that at once make them fantastic and also an outcast from typical society. This type of explanation can also be used to justify things like Eldritch Heritage, a human's Racial Heritage feat or whatever.
Cole Deschain |
Well. I turned Serpentfolk into tarantula-people one time... pretty easily.
I routinely, in my unending quest for non-spellcasting bards, altered their spell effects to be... less magical, more mystical, if that makes sense?
Mysterious Stranger |
I often reskin unused races to create unique characters. A Catfolk oracle with the Wolfscarred Face curse makes a great “Beast” character. Take Cat’s Claws and Climber to give the character an even more bestial feel. The Cat Folk favored class bonus for Oracle makes it a perfect fit. All the racial abilities are just reskinned as being part of his curse.
Tim Emrick |
This is half re-skin, half jury-rig: When I was converting a 3.5 campaign to PF1, one of the PCs was a hadozee, a simian race with gliding flaps between their arms and legs. The most similar PF1 race, the vanara, had the same ability modifiers, so I simply used those stats and swapped out one of their racial traits for the kobold's gliding wings alternate racial trait.
Considering that the other PCs were even more exotic (two azhar from Green Ronin's Freeport setting, and one water planetouched from GR's Advanced Player's Manual), converting the hadozee was surprisingly easy! (And using PF's ifrit and undine races were the obvious solution for the others.)
Zepheri |
I often reskin unused races to create unique characters. A Catfolk oracle with the Wolfscarred Face curse makes a great “Beast” character. Take Cat’s Claws and Climber to give the character an even more bestial feel. The Cat Folk favored class bonus for Oracle makes it a perfect fit. All the racial abilities are just reskinned as being part of his curse.
im doing someting similar right now
my actual pc its an wolf-beastman (japanese manga/anime style whit ears and tail oof a wolf, small claw and canine) half elf by using the feat wilding it let me reskin my race so its look more feral
VoodistMonk |
I'm so terribly sorry, but I did not read the word "reskin" as it actually was at first.
Carry on.
You are not alone.. I had to read it twice beFORE I read it correctly.
Reading through my notes, I realize I seldom reskin anything. I will go through great lengths to make an idea a reality... custom races, bending/breaking rules for the sake of player enjoyment, allowing feats to apply to things they would otherwise not... but rarely do I just reskin something.
I pride myself with usually finding whatever it is to make the concept work. And I generally try do it without bending/breaking any rules.