I made a game. Feedback appreciated.

Other RPGs

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Hi folks. So, out of boredom, back before the whole 'argh, worst apocalypse ever' thing began I started to make my own d100 based roleplaying game. It is...eh, not finished, but I really could do with some feedback. I figured some of you kind folks might be willing to get in and just tear the guts out of it, show me where I've gone wrong, what can be broken and manipulated, etc, etc.

The idea here was to make it so you can make the character you wanna make - wanna make a pure fighting machine or a traditional mage? Sure! Wanna make a teleporting knife-wielding rogue? Cool. Wanna build yourself some power armour and stomp to war? So would I, so let's do it. Is every option there? No, but I'm intending to expand to try and cover what I can.

The biggest weirdness, beyond it being classless (archetypes exist, but they're not nearly as vital as classes are, and don't limit what you can do) is that it operates on a Action Point system. Wanna spend all your points moving? Cool. Wanna attack? Also good. Wanna save them all to dodge and parry? It can be done. Needless to say, bosses get plenty, helping a bit with action economy.

Was this a good idea? Hell if I know.

Alright, so rather than ramble, go here - Genericum (rename pending) - and please, leave some feedback there, or here, or anywhere I'm likely to read it.

P.S - I'm intending to run a game using this system in a few weeks, on here and on Discord, to get some actual playtesting done.

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Here's my 1st attempt at character generation. I aimed for a Monk/Ninja type thing.

Shada, Revision 1

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Heya Rando, thank you!

It looks like you got everything correct as far as I can see. You just need a couple of Drawbacks (if there's none you like, feel free to suggest ideas for more) and gear, and you're golden.

How did you find everything?

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Question about the Drawbacks. So under Human it says with Diverse (Human racial trait) that I get "an additional, free Advantage." Does that mean I don't need a Drawback for it? If not, it's not really much benefit, as I can take as many Advantages as I want WITH drawbacks, correct?

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Yup, an Advantage with no drawback.

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Okay, so I had that advantage, plus one more. Doesn't that mean I only need one drawback, not a couple?

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Yup, just the (almost) unavoidable one.

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Good to have some free looksees at your Genericum ruleset, JonGarrett. ;)

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JonGarrett wrote:
Yup, just the (almost) unavoidable one.

Okay, I chose "Constant Nightmares" (due to a traumatic even in childhood).

Shada Revision 2

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rando1000 wrote:
JonGarrett wrote:
Yup, just the (almost) unavoidable one.

Okay, I chose "Constant Nightmares" (due to a traumatic even in childhood).

Shada Revision 2

Looks good! How did you find character creation?

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Good to have some free looksees at your Genericum ruleset, JonGarrett. ;)

Thanks for taking a peek! Tell me what you think, anything you'd like to see added, etc.

JonGarrett wrote:
Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Good to have some free looksees at your Genericum ruleset, JonGarrett. ;)
Thanks for taking a peek! Tell me what you think, anything you'd like to see added, etc.

No problem- I'll see what I can come up with [with some random even rolling] ;)

Uncommon races: 1d8 ⇒ 7. The Lost?

Specific archetypes: 1d4 ⇒ 4. Steamknight?

A Lost Steamknight... will have to see how it shapes up as. ;p

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JonGarrett wrote:
Looks good! How did you find character creation?

Wow, sorry for zoning this comment.

To reply (better late than never), I found character creation pretty intuitive, once I learned how to use the website properly. None of the systems were really unusual to me, just combined in different ways.

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OK, thanks. Ease of use was something I was going for.

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OK, I'm hoping to do some last bits of editing and adding stuff before I start looking for people interested in a test game. If anyone has anything they'd like to see added I'd love to hear from you.

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If anyone is interested I'm setting up a test game Here.

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