What Ancestries are you still craving?

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Liberty's Edge

exequiel759 wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
exequiel759 wrote:
I would totally love a jotunblood heritage. I'm right now making an exemplar that awoke his powers due to being the descendant from strong giant that existed a long time ago and it would be great to have something to represent that giant-side of the character mechanically.
MC Giant Barbarian
I'm already taking cultivator and mortal herald later down the line since this giant ancestor was pretty much immortal and a kind of a demigod too. Not to mention two of my ikons (gaze sharp as steel and scar of the survivor) have the concentrate trait so rage is pretty much a net loss for me.

At first glance, and with absolutely zero disrespect intended, this feels like a "have your cake and eat it too" wish.

Now, if you want to be Large, Minotaur ancestry is there (and pretty simple to reskin).

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The Raven Black wrote:
exequiel759 wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
exequiel759 wrote:
I would totally love a jotunblood heritage. I'm right now making an exemplar that awoke his powers due to being the descendant from strong giant that existed a long time ago and it would be great to have something to represent that giant-side of the character mechanically.
MC Giant Barbarian
I'm already taking cultivator and mortal herald later down the line since this giant ancestor was pretty much immortal and a kind of a demigod too. Not to mention two of my ikons (gaze sharp as steel and scar of the survivor) have the concentrate trait so rage is pretty much a net loss for me.

At first glance, and with absolutely zero disrespect intended, this feels like a "have your cake and eat it too" wish.

Now, if you want to be Large, Minotaur ancestry is there (and pretty simple to reskin).

I mean, you are the one here assuming I'm particularly bothered by this. I said I would like to have giant ancestry options because they would fit, but I never said I needed them to make the character possible or something. In fact, even if they made a jotunblood heritage I probably woulnd't take it with this character anyways since for lore reasons I need to have lifesense hence why I took duskwalker. Having jotunblood would be cool, but I don't really need it with this character.

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I'd love to see Syrinx return (Owl people from Pathfinder 1e with a connection to Strix, But not much is known of them) As well as Wyvarans (Medium sized winged dragon people thats a hybrid race cretaed from kobolds and wyverns) As well as something new, In some kind of giant-kin!

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Merellin wrote:
I'd love to see Syrinx return (Owl people from Pathfinder 1e with a connection to Strix, But not much is known of them) As well as Wyvarans (Medium sized winged dragon people thats a hybrid race cretaed from kobolds and wyverns) As well as something new, In some kind of giant-kin!

There was a Syrinx NPC in a Society scenario not too long ago!

Wayfinders Contributor

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I really want to see a syrinx heritage published for the strix, since it was claimed that strix and syrinx are different expressions of the same people.

Dark folk & Munavri

Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
I really want to see a syrinx heritage published for the strix, since it was claimed that strix and syrinx are different expressions of the same people.

I can confirm:

Inner Sea Races pg. 251, Inner Sea Bestiary pg. 51 wrote:
From lofty monastery-cities entrenched in soaring cliff sides and high mountain valleys, the syrinx seek to bring peace to all lands that fall within sight of their marbled spires. Erudite and aloof, the owl-like scholars embrace art, philosophy, and nebulous faiths, seeking to distance themselves from a history of barbarism and ruin. To this end, they seek to enslave all lesser races, especially those without wings. Their elitist culture rests upon thousands of backs in an elaborate hierarchy of slaves. Directly below the syrinx are the strix, a race they magically modified in the distant past to serve as warriors and slave masters.

Strixes are still Legacy ancestries, so they could add a Syrinx heritage as a bonus. I wouldn't mind more heritage-exclusive feats though.

Merellin wrote:
As well as Wyvarans (Medium sized winged dragon people thats a hybrid race cretaed from kobolds and wyverns) As well as something new, In some kind of giant-kin!

The more I think about it, the more I feel it could be heritage feats for Dragonblood. They already have all 4 main True Dragon classes, so I could see them adding wyverns and drakes as well.

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keftiu wrote:
Shoonies have very particularly Aroden-focused lore. Trying to genericize them into being wider dogfolk makes no sense.

This is a ridiculous discussion necromance, but a very late backlogging here made me think about how my friend Marcy and I were working on this dark edgy Golarion AU where Golarion came to life and started eating other planets to keep Rovagug sated and everything in the world was just kind of worse.

My Friend Marcy wrote:

[yeah, Aroden]'s the fascistic lich-god-king of the still-living Azlanti Empire

he made arazni undead himself and him making the shoony as only pugs was a cruel show of dominance
"i can give your entire species asthma because i am your god"

I'm bringing it up because we then decided Arazni tried to help the shoonies as an act of spite, the shoonies repaid this by freeing her, and now shoonies are born with all kinds of dog breed aesthetics as her gift to them. Lots of jackal-influenced shoonies, of course. She doesn't really know what to do with the shoonies, but they think she's the bee's knees.

Did it need to be pugs though ^^; ?

If catfolks can be any felines, why shoonies can't be any canine :p ?

I swear, someone at Paizo got hung up on Men in Black or something XD

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It always makes me a little sad when someone tries something with a specific, intentional, and unique flavor- and the reaction is always "well why isn't this more generic and interchangeable?".

I completely get why you'd want Generic Felines and Generic Canines as ancestries, because a lot of people engage with the ancestries as "tools to build a character concept I already have in mind". But I think it's good, maybe even better, to have ancestries that come with their own unique storytelling potential and thematic ideas.

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exequiel759 wrote:
I would totally love a jotunblood heritage. I'm right now making an exemplar that awoke his powers due to being the descendant from strong giant that existed a long time ago and it would be great to have something to represent that giant-side of the character mechanically.

Giantblood! Out of everything I want on ancestry/heritage side this is the biggest one. It seems weird to me that we've gotten nothing resembling Goliath for PF2e...

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Something I really want is more playable fey ancestries. We only have Sprites which do cover a lot of your traditional sort of fairy character concepts, but I want better access to more of what the First World has to offer. In particular Satyrs. I would love playable Satyrs.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
DMurnett wrote:
Something I really want is more playable fey ancestries. We only have Sprites which do cover a lot of your traditional sort of fairy character concepts, but I want better access to more of what the First World has to offer. In particular Satyrs. I would love playable Satyrs.

Now that we have centaurs, minotaurs,and awakened animals, we are SO close to having a Narnia campaign.

If we can get satyr and something akin to a gargoyle or harpy, then I think we will have most all of the bases covered.

DMurnett wrote:
Something I really want is more playable fey ancestries. We only have Sprites which do cover a lot of your traditional sort of fairy character concepts, but I want better access to more of what the First World has to offer. In particular Satyrs. I would love playable Satyrs.

If you're open to 3P, Roll for Combat has playable nymphs and sidhe in Classic Creatures, and will have fey-inspired dullahan coming out this October in Year of Titans.

Justnobodyfqwl wrote:

It always makes me a little sad when someone tries something with a specific, intentional, and unique flavor- and the reaction is always "well why isn't this more generic and interchangeable?".

I completely get why you'd want Generic Felines and Generic Canines as ancestries, because a lot of people engage with the ancestries as "tools to build a character concept I already have in mind". But I think it's good, maybe even better, to have ancestries that come with their own unique storytelling potential and thematic ideas.

Agreed. Honestly there's a lot of room to be specific now. If you want a generic caninefolk, just play an awakened animal.

DMurnett wrote:
Something I really want is more playable fey ancestries. We only have Sprites which do cover a lot of your traditional sort of fairy character concepts, but I want better access to more of what the First World has to offer. In particular Satyrs. I would love playable Satyrs.

I'm surprised we have not gotten a proper fey-touched versatile heritage yet.

moosher12 wrote:
Justnobodyfqwl wrote:

It always makes me a little sad when someone tries something with a specific, intentional, and unique flavor- and the reaction is always "well why isn't this more generic and interchangeable?".

I completely get why you'd want Generic Felines and Generic Canines as ancestries, because a lot of people engage with the ancestries as "tools to build a character concept I already have in mind". But I think it's good, maybe even better, to have ancestries that come with their own unique storytelling potential and thematic ideas.

Agreed. Honestly there's a lot of room to be specific now. If you want a generic caninefolk, just play an awakened animal.

DMurnett wrote:
Something I really want is more playable fey ancestries. We only have Sprites which do cover a lot of your traditional sort of fairy character concepts, but I want better access to more of what the First World has to offer. In particular Satyrs. I would love playable Satyrs.
I'm surprised we have not gotten a proper fey-touched versatile heritage yet.

We do have that series of fey-inspired universal ancestry feats, at least.

Honestly I wish we got more of those, like heritages you pick up later than level 1. It's a cool design space.

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I'm hoping for Dhampir racial feats that give Dhampir players some more options. Like the ability to assume a swarm form maybe or even the form of a gaseous mist for a limited time?

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


give me bee girls

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Shoonies don't rub me the wrong way; I like that Aroden had a favorite dog breed. A broader canine option would go a long way towards soothing some of the ire aimed their way, though - Winter Wolves feel ripe for promotion to full Ancestry, there's still under-detailed Rougarous in Arcadia, or that old lore that Adlets are kin to Kitsune could finally get cashed in.

At this point, Wyrwoods are my only burning need left! I really love those little guys.

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Dimity wrote:


give me bee girls

Oooh mythology I was not aware of. So many possibilities with all the kinds of bees there are.

Carpenter bees, bumble bees, vulture bees, solitary bees, leaf cutter bees... just an endless variety of subtypes to work with beyond the obvious honeybees.


I was doing some poking around with creature types and I realised we don't really have a ghostly option. Duskwalkers are tied to physcopomps, and skeletons are a very different kind of undead. Could even make a nice vers heritage if done correctly.

Elsewhere someone suggested mortics, which I think could be fun too. They represent a unique halfway point between undead and the living that could work in more campaigns than the skeleton.


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BotBrain wrote:
I was doing some poking around with creature types and I realised we don't really have a ghostly option.

A ghostly ancestry could be modeled after the hologram in Starfinder. Instead of having a Diminutive constructed core, a ghostly PC could have some Diminutive object significant to its death or the location of its death as it's core. Instead of a hardlight body, a ghost could have a manifested body.

A hologram While in its natural core form, can take only mental actions or project its hard light body. A ghost would be similar while not manifested.

There's a lot that could be done with that to make it more ghostly but it's a good start.

keftiu wrote:
Shoonies don't rub me the wrong way; I like that Aroden had a favorite dog breed. A broader canine option would go a long way towards soothing some of the ire aimed their way, though - Winter Wolves feel ripe for promotion to full Ancestry, there's still under-detailed Rougarous in Arcadia, or that old lore that Adlets are kin to Kitsune could finally get cashed in.

Rougarous are wolf people though, so any wolf breed would fit, including arctic ones.

Shoonies were an entire ancestry described in an AP, so it feels rushed. For the remaster, they should expand it much further. I listed a few ideas earlier about giving Shoonies new dog breeds based on a canine's role, such as herding, guarding and ambassador (which the pug is categorized in).

Basically, the whole ancestry requires a rework to make more versatile.

keftiu wrote:
At this point, Wyrwoods are my only burning need left! I really love those little guys.

True, and Wyrwoods could get heritages based on tree species.

A Nymph-blooded versatile heritage would be welcomed as well. How many times have we heard stories of males being attracted to nymphs and a child being born of this union?

Speaking of feys, Gathlains have yet to return, and they could get heritages based on seasons.

Agonarchy wrote:
Dimity wrote:


give me bee girls

Oooh mythology I was not aware of. So many possibilities with all the kinds of bees there are.

Carpenter bees, bumble bees, vulture bees, solitary bees, leaf cutter bees... just an endless variety of subtypes to work with beyond the obvious honeybees.

We'll also need a mechanic, with feat trees, to determine roles, such as workers, warriors, seers and queens. Funny enough, I'd add a "crafter" class, because according to Bestiary 3, thriaes are fascinated by rare metals, so a working class being on blacksmithing would make sense.

Before you ask, while thriaes are females only, pretty sure that male thriaes can exist, like regular bees. The Age of Lost Omens could have signal the arrival of male larvaes, pushing thriaes to stop their "barbaric reproductive ways" of capturing and killing male hosts.

Bestiary 3 pg. 263 wrote:
Once they are too old to continue their duties, the males are put in a deep, numbing sleep, whereupon the thriae painlessly devour the consorts' elderly bodies.

I would keep both the monarchy AND matriarchy aspects of thriaes though, with the Queen being the absolute ruler and the King being second-in-command.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

A bit more complicated than some ancestries, but I think it would be a wonderful idea.

Rules to enable a player to play as a Pet, Companion, or Eidolon.

Current rules limit Familiars and Animal (or other) Companions' abilities significantly to insure they are 'less' than a significant threat to keep 'one' person from overshadowing another's.

This would enable two players to play and have a built in 'relationship' between their characters, and would effectively double the budget for them.

Conceptually the old master class would archetype in such a manner that much of the expended budget goes to the other player, leaving room for the character to receive potential buffs from their partner they might not normally get. (even if it is more often getting the support bonus gotten from their AC due to their companion having more actions to be able to spend one to grant it to you)

At least first draft, I'd imagine these would likely be largely fall in as a marshal, which would bump up their hit points and would have the feature to receive typical buffs from their partners, probably going both ways. The thing being said, it feels like these would be combination of Ancestry and Class together as a combination. Or Ancestry translates some aspects of the normal starting choice of the pet/companion/eidolon and class ends up being tied to if they are an Eidolon, Companion, or Familiar/Pet.

For instance, if I played the companion to my partner's druid. Instead of simply having the statistics for attributes and AC and HP for normal Animal Companions, you would have ones more comparable to a full character, with attacks, damage, and defenses more comparable to a Marshall. Would have their own spot in initiative and have their own actions. They would have the option to spend one of their actions to give their partner the listed 'support action' for their base companion type they are based on, as an example. The druid might likewise have some way to donate an action to provide some baseline bonus to their companion. (don't know exactly what this looks like, be it a circumstance/aid bonus to attacks, etc?) But this would play into their continued dependence on one another to help one another, but would allow two people to play the two halves and have them both represent full roles within the party.

It would seem to me there would/could need to be three potential balancing points created. Familiars/Pets, Animal (and otherwise) Companions, and Eidolons.

Eidolons for instance are already the closest to already being a full martial, but tied back to their partners HP. So the question would be would you unjoin the HP between them (but potentially have over-damage spill over) or leave things as is, or some other combination such as always have half damage from one spill over to the other unless they are already taking the damage from the same source. Again one of the big changes would be splitting their actions up. But maybe as a not to the old action economy there might be an Act Together reaction allowing one of the pair to sacrifice an action to enable their prater to spend a reaction for certain defined actions in the Act Together with Partner reaction.

Animal Companions seem easier to do, just making them a martial base with some interactions with whatever partner class they happen to be cooperating.

Familiars/Pets are probably the harder thing to balance. They aren't generally intended to be combat participants, so whatever abilities they are normally granted by their master might interact more oddly with them being granted to another PC. I still think it would normally be doable, but may require more thorough thought than the others.

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Loreguard wrote:

A bit more complicated than some ancestries, but I think it would be a wonderful idea.

Rules to enable a player to play as a Pet, Companion, or Eidolon.

Well, the Awakened Animal is a good way to be a former Pet or Companion.

For Eidolons however, I do recall the Unfettered Eidolon.

I could see picking a base form as a heritage.

Wayfinders Contributor

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I am playing as the leshy 'familiar' of another character's sorcerer in PFS. Everyone knows my little leshy kineticist isn't actually a familiar, but we have fun with the concept.

Shadow Lodge

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
JiCi wrote:
Loreguard wrote:

A bit more complicated than some ancestries, but I think it would be a wonderful idea.

Rules to enable a player to play as a Pet, Companion, or Eidolon.

Well, the Awakened Animal is a good way to be a former Pet or Companion.

For Eidolons however, I do recall the Unfettered Eidolon.

I could see picking a base form as a heritage.

I have a long time PFS Character who is a Spinner of Fates Witch/ with Shyka as her Patron. Her familiar is an owl named Future.

Now I have created a new character who is an Awakened Owl Cleric of Shyka, named Future. When asked about the Witch, his response is "Now there's a name I haven't heard in a very long time. How did you know her? Wait, what year is it again? Better I don't say anything else." (Shyka is a great one for timeline shenanigans.)

We also have a person at out local lodge who has created an Awakened Animal character who is the Animal Companion of *different* player's character, and is playing out the adventures he is having while his "owner" isn't paying attention.

Verdant Wheel

Oh I play alongside my boy!

I do love that the Animal Companion feels free to have adventures on his own!

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I didn't really think about them until recently, but D'ziriaks. They have a symbiotic relationship with Wayangs as far as I can tell. Tian Xia guide added Wayangs, but their buggy brothers aren't playable.

Bugbears would also be cool, but they seem like a basic thing. It's been so long without them, it's probably an intentional choice to not have them. I heard it may be due to their increased reach, but Minotaur has a stance feat to do that, I don't see why Bugbears wouldn't have the same feat.

pH unbalanced wrote:
JiCi wrote:
Loreguard wrote:

A bit more complicated than some ancestries, but I think it would be a wonderful idea.

Rules to enable a player to play as a Pet, Companion, or Eidolon.

Well, the Awakened Animal is a good way to be a former Pet or Companion.

For Eidolons however, I do recall the Unfettered Eidolon.

I could see picking a base form as a heritage.

I have a long time PFS Character who is a Spinner of Fates Witch/ with Shyka as her Patron. Her familiar is an owl named Future.

Now I have created a new character who is an Awakened Owl Cleric of Shyka, named Future. When asked about the Witch, his response is "Now there's a name I haven't heard in a very long time. How did you know her? Wait, what year is it again? Better I don't say anything else." (Shyka is a great one for timeline shenanigans.)

We also have a person at out local lodge who has created an Awakened Animal character who is the Animal Companion of *different* player's character, and is playing out the adventures he is having while his "owner" isn't paying attention.

If I may add, one thing they could do to apply the "pet/companion" aspect is to allow Awakened Animals to take Beastkin feats.

Beastkins focus on changing shapes, so I could see feats (big shock XD) that allow you to pick those, such as "Shapechanger Morphology", which allows you to pick Beastkin feats AND grants you a Beastkin feat upon picking it.

As for Eidolons, the biggest change from P1E to P2E is how the Summoner doesn't allocate evolution points anymore. They pick a shape and that's it. For changes, they then pick more feats. So for a Unfettered Eidolon ancestry, they could access their own exclusive ancestry feats AND any Evolution feat that the Summoner can usually take.

I don't play most of what already exists and remove most of it when I GM, so none.

Boggard as a variant ancestry to Tripkee. Maybe these two different frog and toad folk could be related, like Goblins and Hobgoblins.

I don't think Boggards deserve to be their own thing to be honest, but I like them and I'm thinking something like the Mightyfall Kobold treatment; Boggard heritage makes you Medium (instead of small like a regular tripkee) and trades their (+Dex, +Wis, -Str) stat array for (+Str, +Wis, -Chr). Since Boggards are usually shown to be stronger, but less friendly than Tripkee.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ravingdork wrote:
DMurnett wrote:
Something I really want is more playable fey ancestries.

Now that we have centaurs, minotaurs,and awakened animals, we are SO close to having a Narnia campaign.

If we can get satyr and something akin to a gargoyle or harpy, then I think we will have most all of the bases covered.

Long as it's not gender locked. Give me Faun, but not Satyr - since to Paizo these are different and one is not gender locked.

A non-gender locked Satyr "almost" convinced me to give Daggerheart a serious look. But then I saw the game engine itself which was seriously not my thing.

Paizo Employee Community & Social Media Specialist

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Loreguard wrote:

A bit more complicated than some ancestries, but I think it would be a wonderful idea.

Rules to enable a player to play as a Pet, Companion, or Eidolon.

This would come hugely in handy! This fall, I did a short campaign where I was a Birch Root Leshy Alchemist named Haetbeet (meaning sunshine) with a background where the Druid that created them found a hollowed out Birch root and actually created them intentionally to serve as a living, protective, traveling home for a family of field mice (inspired by a kind of Howl's Moving Castle meets more plants inspiration), but since Leshies have long lives and field mice don't, when the family passed away, they lost a sense of purpose, and found strength in their party because they were seeking family again. They became particularly attached to the Ratfolk Rogue (Steven), and almost all of their combat involved their moves and actions incredibly in sync, including Steven leaping from roots or commonly entering combat from Haetbeet's central stoop.

We wanted to enter simultaneously often. I wanted to offer the use of my roots, sling shotting Steven into battle, etc. I'm wondering if this involved more or less geometry than I'd originally thought...

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Oh my word that's all so cute!

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

It seems like what people want out of a "play as someone's animal companion/familiar/minion" is actually a bunch of fun co-ordinated action options, which might be better represented as an archetype? Some kind of teamwork manoeuvres focused thing, like a melee version of sniper duo.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I sure hope it's not implemented like the old Teamwork feats where two separate characters both had to take the same Teamwork feat only to have a limited use feat between them that became completely useless the moment one of them died, was captured, or happened to be elsewhere.

It was basically two feats for less than half a feats worth of effect, which is why no one ever bothered with them.

Nothing less than very stylish trespasser boots for new players to stumble into they were!

Paizo Employee Community & Social Media Specialist

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Kobold Catgirl wrote:
Oh my word that's all so cute!

We managed some really cool things anyway, but having something official that would better suit companionship in combat would be incredible! Especially when it affects movement!


Ravingdork wrote:

I sure hope it's not implemented like the old Teamwork feats where two separate characters both had to take the same Teamwork feat only to have a limited use feat between them that became completely useless the moment one of them died, was captured, or happened to be elsewhere.

It was basically two feats for less than half a feats worth of effect, which is why no one ever bothered with them.

Nothing less than very stylish trespasser boots for new players to stumble into they were!

It did lead to funny builds in WOTR where you surround the enemy with dogs that all have outflank so when someone stands up a zillion attacks of opportunity go off.

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keftiu wrote:

2e is now a couple years old, and has been really spoiling us with Ancestry options so far - but what’s missing? Are there any obvious holes or 1e favorites you’re hurting for?

Rougaru. Also some kind of Gargoyle.

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Starfinder 2E-side.

I started reading Alien Archive 3, and I now HAVE A MIGHTY NEED for Brenneri.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Ravingdork wrote:

I sure hope it's not implemented like the old Teamwork feats where two separate characters both had to take the same Teamwork feat only to have a limited use feat between them that became completely useless the moment one of them died, was captured, or happened to be elsewhere.

It was basically two feats for less than half a feats worth of effect, which is why no one ever bothered with them.

Well Sniping Duo the 2e archetype only requires the character actually taking the archetype feats to designate another character as their spotter to get all the benefits - there's no actual resource requirement on the part of the spotter at all. So, sticking to that sort of model, but maybe focusing more on movement and repositioning is a solid idea for an archetype.

Wayfinders Contributor

moosher12 wrote:

Starfinder 2E-side.

I started reading Alien Archive 3, and I now HAVE A MIGHTY NEED for Brenneri.

I hear you.

I would love to have skittermanders in Pathfinder, but failing that, I would love to see the Pactworlds races - after all, Pathfinder has had its spaceships (anyone here remember Doom Comes to Dustpawn and its Vrock-et Ship?) and its elf gates so Pact World races all seem reasonable to me.

Let's see Lashuntas, Dirindi, Trox and even Bantrids (though the latter might be difficult as they erupted out of secret tunnels in their homeworld only 5 years ago.)


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I've long thought we should add more "teamwork feat" mechanics, but with a bigger emphasis on giving other people reactions and stuff.

(I actually had an idea for a set of camping/downtime activities where you "craft" bonds with your allies, granting you little bonuses or reactions or rerolls for select situations. Like, the rogue bugging the wizard with questions while she's preparing spells and later getting some benefit to Arcana checks.)


Not to get too off-topic, but I think the Commander is intended to fit the space that teamwork feats occupied, as since it's a class and not something anyone is able to pick up, it's able to be a lot more interesting. I get the feeling pf2e teamwork feats would probably end up being quite weak.

really don't think commander and envoy of sf2e have good design right now

doesn't have str or dex as key ability but have many feature and feat rely on hitting enemy

too many once per 10 minute or hour ability make tracking them difficult

at least commander have legendary class dc

paizo really need to rethink the whole mad support martial design

25speedforseaweedleshy wrote:

doesn't have str or dex as key ability but have many feature and feat rely on hitting enemy

So is the thaumaturge, which is widely considered to be one of the best classes in the system and certainly one of the most popular too.

Is the thaumaturge a badly designed class?

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exequiel759 wrote:
25speedforseaweedleshy wrote:

doesn't have str or dex as key ability but have many feature and feat rely on hitting enemy

So is the thaumaturge, which is widely considered to be one of the best classes in the system and certainly one of the most popular too.

Is the thaumaturge a badly designed class?

not that I disagree with everything else, but the devs have stated that the thaumaturge is one of the least popular classes. It is very popular among experienced and active players who are likely to post about it, but not amongst the majority of more casual players who never post.


Pronate11 wrote:
exequiel759 wrote:
25speedforseaweedleshy wrote:

doesn't have str or dex as key ability but have many feature and feat rely on hitting enemy

So is the thaumaturge, which is widely considered to be one of the best classes in the system and certainly one of the most popular too.

Is the thaumaturge a badly designed class?

not that I disagree with everything else, but the devs have stated that the thaumaturge is one of the least popular classes. It is very popular among experienced and active players who are likely to post about it, but not amongst the majority of more casual players who never post.

I think the problem for more casual players is out of all the classes the the thaumaturge is the class that is the least self-explanatory just looking at the name.

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