Specialized Magic Item Crafter

Rules Questions

Have a character concept in mind. He will be a primary caster (leaning toward arcanist) that will be a be to make several kinds of magic items. However, I want him to specialize in one type. Specifically ioun stones.

Is there any rules legal way to get better, faster, cheaper, higher quality, or whatever; at creating one specific subset of magic items?

A dwarven wizard can pick up a favored class bonus for +20% speed per level. And any wizard can pick up the Arcane Builder discovery for +25%. The Hedge Magician magic trait reduces crafting cost by 5%.

But don't forget crafting takes only little time of an actual session. I'd also plan for contribution to combat, social interaction and skill tests - because I wouldn't be content with watching my fellow players play.

Silver Crusade

Amazing Tools of Manufacture are specialized to a specific craft skill used in creating magic items, although Ioun Stones don’t appear to require any specific craft skill.

Perhaps you and your GM can create your own lore surrounding ioun stone creation.

Amazing Tools of Manufacture

Also the level 12 requirement cannot be bypassed as far as I know, so it will take a while before you can use your investment in Ioun Stone manufacturing.

Dark Archive

Human Wizard, Exploiter archetype, start with 20 int.

Take racial heritage Dwarf, take dwarven wizard FCB to craft faster (Select one item creation feat known by the wizard. Whenever he crafts an item using that feat, the amount of progress he makes in an 8-hour period increases by 200 gp (50 gp if crafting while adventuring). This does not reduce the cost of the item; it just increases the rate at which the item is crafted.).

Take familiar exploit, get a valet familiar, which doubles crafting progress. use future exploits to get craft item feats. Take extra exploit feat to grab whatever exploits you like. Fiendish proboscis and armored mask are personal favorites.

Take Arcane discoveries (Arcane Builder) to craft 25% faster.
Take spark of creation trait.

always add+5 to spellcraft dc to craft faster.

1st magic item should be a custom item of +x to spellcraft. increase x as money allows.

at 4th put stat point into int. craft headband of int +1 (cost 500gp to craft, -5% for trait). Now have 22 int. raise headband # as needed

1k (norm) +1k (Fcb 5 times) x2 (fast craft) +25% (arcane builder) x2 (valet). 10k crafting per day at level 7 (if I did my math right)

Name Violation wrote:

Human Wizard, Exploiter archetype, start with 20 int.

Take racial heritage Dwarf, take dwarven wizard FCB to craft faster (Select one item creation feat known by the wizard. Whenever he crafts an item using that feat, the amount of progress he makes in an 8-hour period increases by 200 gp (50 gp if crafting while adventuring). This does not reduce the cost of the item; it just increases the rate at which the item is crafted.).

Take familiar exploit, get a valet familiar, which doubles crafting progress. use future exploits to get craft item feats. Take extra exploit feat to grab whatever exploits you like. Fiendish proboscis and armored mask are personal favorites.

Take Arcane discoveries (Arcane Builder) to craft 25% faster.
Take spark of creation trait.

always add+5 to spellcraft dc to craft faster.

1st magic item should be a custom item of +x to spellcraft. increase x as money allows.

at 4th put stat point into int. craft headband of int +1 (cost 500gp to craft, -5% for trait). Now have 22 int. raise headband # as needed

1k (norm) +1k (Fcb 5 times) x2 (fast craft) +25% (arcane builder) x2 (valet). 10k crafting per day at level 7 (if I did my math right)

If you take the exemplar magic trait and additional traits twice, you can pick up hedge magician and the dwarf trait that also reduce craft cost by 5% for a total of a 15% discount.

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