Online Convention: Magpie Games 10th Anniversary mini-con [April 16-18, 2021]

Other RPGs

Magpie Games 10th Anniversary Celebration!

Magpie Games is running an online mini convention this weekend to celebrate their 10th anniversary!

There will be games, seminars, a Q&A with the design team, giveaways, and more!

I will be running a session of Dungeon World set in Magpie's apocalyptic fantasy setting The Last Days of Angelkite. As of now, I still have spots for two more players!

Magpie Games is a small independent publisher of table-top games. Their role-playing games line includes the teenage superhero game Masks: A New Generation, the supernatural tragic horror game Bluebeard's Bride, the modern-day urban fantasy game Urban Shadows, the Latin telenovela game Pasion de las Pasiones, the kid-friendly fantasy RPG Epyllion in which the PCs are young dragons coming of age, and many others. They also publish the family-friendly strategic card game Wizard Kittens. Most of their role-playing games use the "Powered by the Apocalypse" framework.

Magpie Games has also recently announced that they have a signed a licensing agreement to produce an RPG set in the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender.

I hope to see some Paizoians check out another corner of the RPG world!

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