Looking for players: Trophy Gold - Delving Dungeons Deep

Other RPGs

I am running an 8-session online series of the OSR/story-game hybrid RPG Trophy Gold in April/May, and I am looking for one or two more players.

In Trophy Gold, player characters are desperate treasure-hunters seeking riches hidden away in forgotten and dangerous places.

The game will run Thursday nights 8-11 PM EDT (UTC-4), starting on 4/8/2021. I am running the game through The Gauntlet Online Gaming Community. For tech, we'll use Zoom for audio/video chat, a Google Sheet for character information, and a shared online dice roller for when dice hit the table.

This game is free and open: You do not need to be a paid subscriber to The Gauntlet to play. You will need to register your e-mail address to sign up.

For more information about this game, with links to sign up for each session, please see the game announcement at The Gauntlet Forums.

I intend to run two or three incursions (i.e. scenarios) over the course of this series, with a "Hearthfire" downtime round after each one. One of the scenarios I intend to run is a conversion of the Pathfinder adventure The Godsmouth Heresy.

Thanks for considering!

Liberty's Edge

Hi Haladir. I was going to look at this out of curiosity more than anything else and noticed a typo in the Gauntlet link so I'm fixing that up for you here.

The Gauntlet Online Gaming Community


[My phone rang just as I hit "Post" and I never went back to check the links.]

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