How do you feel about DIESELPUNK in your RPGs?

Other RPGs

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I just launched a new RPG zine called Dungeon Plumbers. It focuses on adding dieselpunk elements to your games, as well as providing content that is compatible with most d20-based systems.

Inspired by Super Mario Bros, The Rocketeer, Fullmetal Alchemist, Tank Girl, Hellboy, City of Lost Children, Final Fantasy VII (FF7), and many others, Dungeon Plumbers will be an ongoing zine that delved into zome weird corners of sci-fantasy.

Pathfinder already provides the Alchemist and Gunslinger, which fit perfectly in the dieselpunk fantasy genre, and many of their adventure paths feature early 20th century analogues! I can totally see my zine providing value to people using Pathfinder, as well as other games!


Link formatting won't work, sorry. :P

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