Alien Archive 5 Wishlist

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So AA4 is probably past finished, so new thread for new monsters.

And go:

Grand Lodge

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Shouldn't this wait until we all know what sorts of things are in AA4?


Hmm wrote:

Shouldn't this wait until we all know what sorts of things are in AA4?


That was my thought in necro'ing the AA4 thread. Figured AA4 was set but without knowing what is or isn't in it I didn't wanna start a new one.


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Okay now we can do this.

Going to repeat some I had from the AA4 thread that didn't make it.

Immortal Ichor, Charnel Gods, Conqueror Worms, and Hunduns are all monsters you could build entire campaigns around as the ultimate big bad & either perfectly fit the setting or would be interesting things to work into it as more fantasy elements to stand out of the sci fi.

Titans - personal preference, the hekatonkheires - would be a nice addition as well. Imagine one of them tearing through a city with fifty laser rifles.

The bhole & the mu spore would be interesting encounters & based on their scale alone they could work as star ship encounters.

The humbaba would be another fun giant monster to include. Nothing particularly special, I just always liked them.

An updated Wild Hunt would be fun, wild hunt star ships included.

And I would personally be interested in seeing nephilim as a playable race.


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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I want AA5 to be the Gargantuan/Colossal/Kaiju AA. It will release after Tech Revolution, and I just want to do Pacific Rim: the Starfinder Adventure.

Also, I'd love to see some (not a lot, but some) classic PF monsters show up. Like kobolds. (I really just want kobolds in space, stop looking at me like that)

Along similar lines, I think instead of a new alien archive, I'd prefer a faction & freemarket starship archive.

Torradin341 wrote:

I want AA5 to be the Gargantuan/Colossal/Kaiju AA. It will release after Tech Revolution, and I just want to do Pacific Rim: the Starfinder Adventure.

Also, I'd love to see some (not a lot, but some) classic PF monsters show up. Like kobolds. (I really just want kobolds in space, stop looking at me like that)

It's interesting because I was expecting AA4 to be the high cr AA since it was initially coinciding with Devastation Ark, but that really didn't end up being the case, so I'm still looking for something along those lines.

That being said the two ideas are hardly mutually exclusive.

REALLY REALLY Want more Kaiju as well. Also some more playable Fae, as the Svartlfar really whetted my appetite for them. I actually have a list of what I want for AA5 and I am posting it here for Paizo Claus:

More playable Fey
More Uplifted Animal Races
Gill Men
More types of Azlanti soldiers and vehicles, I doubt we're gonna get an NPC guide so I say burn a few pages on a heavy trooper or something.
Show me another Shadari Confederacy race
More Kaiju
Some more playable Undead
Demons, lots more
More Shadow Plane monsters, like get nasty with it
More Lovecraft stuff, really crack open the Dominion of the Black and the Great Old Ones
Elemental Planar Scions from the Dawn of Flame
Some more Planar Scions, like they've shown us the Pathfinder ones, how about some crazy stuff we haven't heard of.
Definitely more symbiotes
I know this is more for another Starship book but maybe more "living starship" options like the Oma

And as always: A bad guy Robot Race. Like a Borg/Cybermen

Did... we ever get the equivalent of Kryptonians in SF already? Y'know, an alien race which is "kept in check" on its home planet, only to have its full potential unleashed due to another solar system's sun? I'm not talking for a human who becomes Superman, I'm talking about an alien who simply become ridiculously powerful under different stars and satellites. The same could be said for Saiyans.

I want all the races in this book to be translated to the Alien Archive 5.

In regards to playable races of a certain type, I'll note that dragon & vermin are the only types that only have a single playable race each. Construct, fey, ooze, & undead only have two playable races each, & plant has three.

Radiant Oath

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Torradin341 wrote:
Like kobolds. (I really just want kobolds in space, stop looking at me like that)

We ALL want kobolds in space, no one's judging you. ;)

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Kobolds in space. They could mine asteroids!

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As an avid Destiny player, I wouldn't mind an analog to the Vex. Semi-organic, time travelling robots with a hive mind. They are a weird concept that can have cool uses for SF.

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I said the Wild Hunt already but how about the rest of the Tane as well? That could be fun.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
EltonJ wrote:
Kobolds in space. They could mine asteroids!

Or pray to them before they crash on an old man's cabbage cart!

Gonna need me some Star-spawn of Cthulhu.

Also maybe a lesser star-spawn of cthulhu. Maybe one suited for being a playable race.

FormerFiend wrote:

Gonna need me some Star-spawn of Cthulhu.

Also maybe a lesser star-spawn of cthulhu. Maybe one suited for being a playable race.

An Aucturn native playable alien race would be great, as well as a Swarm playable alien race.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
JiCi wrote:
FormerFiend wrote:

Gonna need me some Star-spawn of Cthulhu.

Also maybe a lesser star-spawn of cthulhu. Maybe one suited for being a playable race.

An Aucturn native playable alien race would be great, as well as a Swarm playable alien race.

We've already GOT shirren, though! :P

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JiCi wrote:
FormerFiend wrote:

Gonna need me some Star-spawn of Cthulhu.

Also maybe a lesser star-spawn of cthulhu. Maybe one suited for being a playable race.

An Aucturn native playable alien race would be great, as well as a Swarm playable alien race.

My main thing is I want playable mindflayers. I understand why we can't have actual mindflayers, so figure put wings on their backs, make them mainly green instead of purple/grey/blue, don't have them actually eat brains, give them a different number of face tentacles, & call them lesser star spawn or even if you don't call them that explicitly, allude to them as being that. That should be distinct enough that WotC's lawyers can't do anything about it.

But yeah having them be Aucturn natives as that's the stronghold of the Old Cults would work great.

Anyway, suggestion for another monster to add to the bestiary; the Irminsul, weird trees with planar portals in them, might be a fun choice. They are a mythic monster in 1e but honestly I don't know that they have to be as they don't have any mythic abilities; they can just surge a few times a day & have a few mythic feats.

They do have a thing where mythic characters can burn mythic power to forcibly pass through the planar portal if the tree doesn't want to let it, but all that actually does is lower the dc of the save to pass through the portal anyway, so again, take the mythic off of it & you still have a perfectly functional creature.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
thecursor wrote:
Some more Planar Scions, like they've shown us the Pathfinder ones, how about some crazy stuff we haven't heard of.

That's a neat idea! One of the new kinds of 'planars' we've gotten in Starfinder are the Spectra, newly created natives to the Drift. Can they procreate, or can mortals born in the Drift, or under the influence of particularly strong Drift Beacons maybe, be half-Spectra? That would be an interesting thought: what kind of impact of influence could The Drift have on mortal babies?

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Over in the PF2e forums where they're talking about the new ancestry guide & what not they mentioned that of the Inner Sphere, we don't have planar scions for the Astra, Ethereal, First World, Positive Energy, or Negative energy planes. With SF we can add the Drift to that.

We also don't have an Aeon based planar scion with PF having gone with Duskwalkers & their connection to psychopomps instead.

I think the Aeon & Spectra based planar scions would probably be the most setting appropriate.

The First world has the issue of, they don't have outsiders, they have fey, & SF lets us just have playable fey.

Astral Plane, could go with the Shulsaga, but at CR 3 I don't see why we wouldn't just make them playable instead of going through the middleman.

Ethereal... half xill? I guess?

Positive energy could have a Jyoti based planar scion, though again I think jyoti could probably be whittled down into playability given that they're in the same CR range that dragonkin & svartalfar are. Or you could have something with the manasaputras, though samsarans kinda fill that niche - we need samsarans, btw.

Negative energy... nightshades would be the obvious one. Sceaduinar are also an option.

Of course they could always go the ganzi route - we need ganzi, btw - of having the planar scions for any of these plans do the strongly influenced by the plain & reflect it's properties rather than it's inhabitants, thing.

Aside note, personally I always wanted an aasimar heritage based off of couatls. Given that I have no earthly clue how they're going to work aasimar heritages & they've hinted with some lore on shackleborn that some of the scion heritages might end up getting written up as separate planar scions rather than alternate heritages for tiefling/aasimar, maybe something can be done with couatls.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I don't think we need planar scions for literally every plane, Drift and transitive planes would be pretty weird foor most parts(and Aphorite is teeeeeeeeechnically aeon planar scion even if Starfinder is weird AU)

Anyhoo, I just want dat tier 20 starship monster and CR 21-24 examples to have bestiary examples of all milestones so to speak ;3 I'm still really happy about rendalairn, which makes me want to see CR 21-24 as well in bestiary

CorvusMask wrote:

I don't think we need planar scions for literally every plane, Drift and transitive planes would be pretty weird foor most parts(and Aphorite is teeeeeeeeechnically aeon planar scion even if Starfinder is weird AU)

Anyhoo, I just want dat tier 20 starship monster and CR 21-24 examples to have bestiary examples of all milestones so to speak ;3 I'm still really happy about rendalairn, which makes me want to see CR 21-24 as well in bestiary

Well, we don't "need" as in it's a necessity to have. Those are just the planes that haven't been covered yet.

And yes technically aphorites retroactively cover aeons but that was an annoying retcon made for business purposes. Aphorites could be given alternate racial traits to fit more with an aeon theme than the inevitable/axiomite theme they have but at that point you'd be changing so much about them that I don't see why you wouldn't just make a new one.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I mean you say that, but Balance makes much more sense as LN alignment to me and Aeons have been implied to have been in odds with proteans even before official alignment retcon <_<

Balance has always been an accepted version of TN. Saying balance is inherently LN means that balance is inherently unbalanced towards the lawful side.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
FormerFiend wrote:
Balance has always been an accepted version of TN. Saying balance is inherently LN means that balance is inherently unbalanced towards the lawful side.

Well yes, because chaos being part of balance is kind of ridiculous considering how chaos is inherently random and disruptive xD

CorvusMask wrote:
FormerFiend wrote:
Balance has always been an accepted version of TN. Saying balance is inherently LN means that balance is inherently unbalanced towards the lawful side.
Well yes, because chaos being part of balance is kind of ridiculous considering how chaos is inherently random and disruptive xD

I am going to fight every urge in my body to continue on with this argument because my therapist is trying to drill in the importance of agreeing to disagree; so I'm going to say that I disagree, & leave the discussion of the nature of the alignment system at that or else this will go on forever.

I will however insist that an aeon-based planar scion & an inevitable/axiomite based planar scion should be different things.

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I'll be honest, reading this exact alignment dispute is the impetus behind me deciding to just throw out alignment as a system in most games I run.

I want more stuff like the Robotic Dragons from AA4.

I mean, who doesn't want more stuff like Barrel Dragon in their games? Nobody, that's who.

Alignment wise I do tend to agree, they usually get dropped unless specifically needed. Class or something.

DRAGONS! Yes it would be good to have a couple other dragon types. In Pathfinder they did something like 30 types? Would be nice to see a couple more.

I like to idea of the 'Mythos' beasties, being refered to as Star born would make sense to see some more.

Some extra padding in the DC ranges is always good. Ensure there is enough for the different levels.

More golems would be good. We have the tech robots but it would be nice to have a couple more magical constructs

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Garretmander wrote:
I'll be honest, reading this exact alignment dispute is the impetus behind me deciding to just throw out alignment as a system in most games I run.

Eh, fair, but this wasn't most hostile alignment debate anyway. Like this one is more semantics compared to people trying to argue that something clearly evil isn't actually evil because x :p

I do like alignment well enough and I think it does serve a role since if game doesn't have alignment, some players will even more so naturally lean to "well maybe we shouldn't kill it just because it is creature that kills everyone around it, maybe it has good reason for it!"

CorvusMask wrote:
Garretmander wrote:
I'll be honest, reading this exact alignment dispute is the impetus behind me deciding to just throw out alignment as a system in most games I run.

Eh, fair, but this wasn't most hostile alignment debate anyway. Like this one is more semantics compared to people trying to argue that something clearly evil isn't actually evil because x :p

I do like alignment well enough and I think it does serve a role since if game doesn't have alignment, some players will even more so naturally lean to "well maybe we shouldn't kill it just because it is creature that kills everyone around it, maybe it has good reason for it!"

Haha, I would worry about the opposite. "Imma kill the thing."

"It's not attacking anyone."
"Is it evil?"
"Erm, evil isn't a thing..."
"Imma kill the thing!"

Perpdepog wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
Garretmander wrote:
I'll be honest, reading this exact alignment dispute is the impetus behind me deciding to just throw out alignment as a system in most games I run.

Eh, fair, but this wasn't most hostile alignment debate anyway. Like this one is more semantics compared to people trying to argue that something clearly evil isn't actually evil because x :p

I do like alignment well enough and I think it does serve a role since if game doesn't have alignment, some players will even more so naturally lean to "well maybe we shouldn't kill it just because it is creature that kills everyone around it, maybe it has good reason for it!"

Haha, I would worry about the opposite. "Imma kill the thing."

"It's not attacking anyone."
"Is it evil?"
"Erm, evil isn't a thing..."
"Imma kill the thing!"

My rule of thumb: anybody who espouses such a moral argument gets attacked by my good-aligned PC. I am entirely comfortable that my alignment will be safe in the process. *ahem*

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Back on topic.

Gentlemen: we have space kobolds.

And a lot more.

We can, in fact, take gnolls, grippli, kitsune, kobolds, & samsaran off The List. We got 'em via the Alien Character Deck & they've stated that there are no plans to reprint them for an AA in the foreseeable future.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
FormerFiend wrote:
We can, in fact, take gnolls, grippli, kitsune, kobolds, & samsaran off The List. We got 'em via the Alien Character Deck & they've stated that there are no plans to reprint them for an AA in the foreseeable future.

That's unfortunate. I was still hoping to get them in an AA with more/different racial options. Or at least a full race entry, since the cards only have the hard stats and a tiny descriptive blurb.

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Torradin341 wrote:
FormerFiend wrote:
We can, in fact, take gnolls, grippli, kitsune, kobolds, & samsaran off The List. We got 'em via the Alien Character Deck & they've stated that there are no plans to reprint them for an AA in the foreseeable future.
That's unfortunate. I was still hoping to get them in an AA with more/different racial options. Or at least a full race entry, since the cards only have the hard stats and a tiny descriptive blurb.

I imagine that when/if they do a big racial book, something like Advanced Race Guide, Inner Sea Races, or Lost Omens Ancestry Guide, they'll get at least some coverage in that.

After all COM only covered the core & legacy races & Near Space had a bit of a selection but not particularly meaty. I figure a hypothetical Vast/Azlanti book will cover more. But there are several that are pact worlds based that'll need either another Pact Worlds book or a dedicated racial book to cover.

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We need an adventure path set on Triaxus so we can get kobold options.

Hey Paizo! I'll write your Triaxus AP just so we can get kobold stuff. You won't even have to do anything (he said, lying through his teeth).

Torradin341 wrote:
FormerFiend wrote:
We can, in fact, take gnolls, grippli, kitsune, kobolds, & samsaran off The List. We got 'em via the Alien Character Deck & they've stated that there are no plans to reprint them for an AA in the foreseeable future.
That's unfortunate. I was still hoping to get them in an AA with more/different racial options. Or at least a full race entry, since the cards only have the hard stats and a tiny descriptive blurb.

I'm not big on supplemental cards, just one more thing to keep track of and nobody in my circle ever wants/needs to use them over the rulebooks. So the fact these pathfinder races are getting gated behind a deck is disappointing.

What I'd like to see are all the player options / races scattered in the AP's and this deck collected into a volume.

Umbra-Arcturus wrote:
Torradin341 wrote:
FormerFiend wrote:
We can, in fact, take gnolls, grippli, kitsune, kobolds, & samsaran off The List. We got 'em via the Alien Character Deck & they've stated that there are no plans to reprint them for an AA in the foreseeable future.
That's unfortunate. I was still hoping to get them in an AA with more/different racial options. Or at least a full race entry, since the cards only have the hard stats and a tiny descriptive blurb.

I'm not big on supplemental cards, just one more thing to keep track of and nobody in my circle ever wants/needs to use them over the rulebooks. So the fact these pathfinder races are getting gated behind a deck is disappointing.

What I'd like to see are all the player options / races scattered in the AP's and this deck collected into a volume.

I was actually rather annoyed that the deck didn't contain any of the races from the APs. If it had been up to me I would have put all of them - except of course moyishuus & any others debuting in Fly Free or Die & beyond - in the deck & used that along with the exclusive races as it's selling point; this is the thing that collects all these scattered options. Alas, no.

Liberty's Edge

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Wait, so no kobolds because they are in the alien card deck? They reprint stuff in multiple products all the time, and I don't want to have to buy the deck of cards just to get a couple races. I thought the cards were just for brevity sake.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Noven wrote:
Wait, so no kobolds because they are in the alien card deck? They reprint stuff in multiple products all the time, and I don't want to have to buy the deck of cards just to get a couple races. I thought the cards were just for brevity sake.

I think the idea might be that they weren't planning to bring those races back at all because they take space from new things in alien archives <_< So this is sort of compromise maybe?

I should point out that the cards are OGL and as such kobolds' stats will be available on Archives of Nethys/the srd(if they aren't already, haven't checked)*.

But yeah the current statement is that they've got no plans for including them in future Alien Archives.

I would take that wild a mild grain of salt in that, plans are always subject to change & if they find themselves struggling to fill out AA6, for instance, they might pull go back & pull these to fill a slot or something. But I'd also not hold my breath on it.

*Edit: Just checked, they aren't as of this post. Don't know what Paizo's policy is for waiting on updating material onto AoN and I know the srd can take a while - they still haven't put up some of the Attack of the Swarm races.

Starfinder Superscriber

I would love to see more fae!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Archive of Nethys hasn't been updated since of "We are no heroes", no AA4 stuff there for example ^^;

Sovereign Court

Yeah I thought part of the reason AoN became official was so they got material early so it was ready to go live on the street date. Kinda annoying, even with owning the books.

As for what I would like, maybe more symbiote-like creatures (there was one in a past AA, but cannot remember its name) would be interesting.

They were busy updating the Pathfinder 2 material. Wild guess, I believe that one has more demand than Starfinder.

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