Question about Shaping the Cloud Array Beyond 10ft

Nanocyte Class

Hi all,

I think the coolest part of the Nanocyte is the Cloud Array but I need some help understanding its limits. The playtest material says this:

*The nanites maintain their array until you direct them into a different array, you fall unconscious, or you end your turn more than 10 feet from the array.*

My question is, do all squares of the cloud need to be within 10ft of the PC or does the PC just need to be within 10ft of an active square? For example, with a +3 CON, could I make a skinny wall of 5x20 or even curve the cloud around a corner and onto an enemy? In both cases, the farthest squares are not within 10ft but the "array" is.

I assume active square, especially considering how many squares you can potentially get. (37ish?)

How far away you are from an object is just how far away you are from the closest point of that object. So it's just no more than 10 ft away from any active square of the cloud.

Indeed, I would just apply the definition of "closest point" from topology- in a metric space the distance between two sets is the minimum distance between any two points in that set." That is inf(|a-b|) where a∈A, b∈B.

So as long as you're 10' from any part of your cloud, you're good.

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