SilvercatMoonpaw |
Shifter Mage: Can only cast spells while partially or fully transformed, and what transformation they have on currently determines what spells they can cast.
Legendary Item User: Class features are completely centered around what their legendary item is, and they have none without it. Their initial choice of item determines things like whether they're martial or a caster!

Chell Raighn |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The spellthief got turned into a bard archetype in PF, the sandman. It's not great at that trick but it does exist.
There's nothing really like the archivist though. The archivist got used for a number of optimisation tricks which probably turned PFs writers off the concept.
Can’t believe I missed the sandman archetype this whole time... but after reading it over... it is a very cheap imitation of the spellthief... can only hold one spell at a time... can’t steal spells on successful saves unless specifically using that performance already... loses stolen spells if they change their performance... it’s a terrible substitute for the real class... I’d rather play Archanist with its steal spell exploits... even if that doesn’t feel like a spell thief until around level 12....

UnArcaneElection |
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^More specifically, it was Prepared Arcane + Spontaneous Arcane.
Pathfinder 1st Edition closest equivalent: Arcanist (but suffers from having a much lower number of spells/day; on the other hand, has no more spellcasting progression than that inherent to spontaneous 9/9 casters in general. Could craft Runestones of Power (I assume Pearls of Power won't add spells per day for an Arcanist) to get more effective spells per day, but even crafting them yourself, that gets really expensive.
Pathfinder 2nd Edition closest equivalent: Wizard multiclassed into Sorcerer or the other way around. Probably best to have Wizard primary class with Spell Blending Arcane Thesis, and Sorcerer secondary. The downside is being MAD, of course, but Pathfinder 2nd Edition makes it comically easy to be MAD.

UnArcaneElection |
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^Hodgepodge from the Grand Lodge made a start at this, but they didn't get very far, so no Paizo equivalent of cerebremancer (closest they got was Thought Thief archetype of Arcane Tricskter), although Dreamscarred Press certainly put out their version (although that's Psionics rather than Psychic Magic.

UnArcaneElection |

You'd probably want a Harrow Handbook II that has a whole chapter for this class/archetype. Probably a separate class, since it is SO different from the Medium we actually got, which is mostly rather lacklustre -- make a new class from the ground up, that does it right, and while we're at it, also completely rework the cool in concept but kludgy in execution Harrower prestige class.

UnArcaneElection |

^I wonder if one could pull this of with an ordinary Sorcerer with the right spells known -- definitely can do the battlefield control, but would need to look through the spell list for construction spells that have a big enough area of effect and don't cost too much (Move Earth is a start, but not enough by itself).

avr |
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Expeditious construction & excavation, pit spells, secure shelter, wall of stone, assorted trap spells, disintegrate, fabricate - you'd want the voices of solid things trait to make craft a Cha-based skill unless you do this as an arcanist - get a lyre of building when you can of course. The deep earth bloodline fits and has some relevant spells.

![]() |
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Expeditious construction & excavation, pit spells, secure shelter, wall of stone, assorted trap spells, disintegrate, fabricate - you'd want the voices of solid things trait to make craft a Cha-based skill unless you do this as an arcanist - get a lyre of building when you can of course. The deep earth bloodline fits and has some relevant spells.
A lower level 'wall of earth' spell that creates weak barriers that can be burst through with an adequate ST roll, or significantly less damage than it would take to beat through a wall of stone would be handy. Or a spell to 'furrow' the earth and create difficult terrain (also useful for plowing, in peacetime...).
Might be some useful ideas for spell research for a terrain-manipulating 'geomancer' or earthbender-sort.

UnArcaneElection |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Expeditious construction & excavation, pit spells, secure shelter, wall of stone, assorted trap spells, disintegrate, fabricate - you'd want the voices of solid things trait to make craft a Cha-based skill unless you do this as an arcanist - get a lyre of building when you can of course. The deep earth bloodline fits and has some relevant spells.
Given time, I would have collected the spells, but Voices of Solid Things is a really nice find.
For finer parts of the construction, Stone Shape would be helpful.
Wall of Iron is tempting, but would quickly fall to somebody who has a Rust Monster or Rusting Grasp unless you could figure out someway to rustproof it.
Another pair of spells for construction would be Transmute Rock to Mud to make cement and Transmute Mud to Rock to insta-set it. If you were hurting for number of spells known, could substitute Dispel Magic or its Greater version for the latter, but getting all the nooks and crannies you poured the mud into (especially if non-contiguous or otherwise strangely shaped) might require an impractical number of castings of (Greater) Dispel Magic. If you were going to use Greater Dispel Magic, probably good to have an Intermediate Rod of Widen Spell, which would be a good thing to have anyway for non-construction use, although very expensive, especially if your party didn't make it (which brings me back to the idea of a Half-Elven Shapechanger Bloodline Sorcerer or any type of Cleric with the Self-Realization Subdomain and Eldritch Heritage + Improved Eldritch Heritage (Shapechanger) . . . I gotta find me some Limburger . . .).
On the divine side, Summon Laborers would be of some use for this.
Of course, a follow-up problem is how to protect the structures you just made from somebody else who has the same spells . . . .

Ryze Kuja |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

My wishlist:
All of the 3pp Psionic Classes from Dreamscarred Press to become PFS legal. I know they came up with the Occult/Psychic classes to sate the Psionics crowd, but tbh the Psionic classes are so cool that I wish they'd just make those PFS Legal. Psychic Classes and Psionic Classes each have their own unique flavor, and both should be PFS legal.
Prophet, a d6 9th lvl Prepared Psychic Caster. A detection, scrying, and fate-twisting specialist who communes with a familiar (their crystal ball) and even can cast a spell 'through' their crystal ball upon whomever/wherever they're viewing (1/day, 1/week?). Think of the Disney Hercules "Fates" scene with Hades; every time Hades says anything, the Fates say "we KNOW". That's this guy.
Red Mage & White Mage from FF Series. These two classes ARE "buildable" with current PFS class archetypes and multi-classing, but having official classes with their own mechanics and archetypes would be pretty cool.
A True Blood Mage. Not a Blood Arcanist or anything Bloodline-related, I mean a Mage who specifically siphons their enemies' blood as a reagent for their spells, and then either blows them up with it, or bolsters/heals their allies, or even uses the blood of their allies as a reagent when necessary.
And most of all.... dun dun duuuunnnnn..... A True Necromancer. People have come up with 1000 different builds for Necromancers using the various classes that would support it, and this means there is a legitimate demand for a proper devoted class to Necromancy. Agent of the Grave is an excellent PrC for becoming a "True" Necromancer, so use the AotG PrC as a guide to creating an actual proper True Necromancer class. And then give this guy both Melee and Casting Archetypes ranging from Deathknight (melee) to Wraith (stealthy) to Plaguebearer (disease/zombie specialist) to Harbinger (offensive necromancy casting) to Legionnaire (Zookeeper), and everything in between.

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A True Blood Mage. Not a Blood Arcanist or anything Bloodline-related, I mean a Mage who specifically siphons their enemies' blood as a reagent for their spells, and then either blows them up with it, or bolsters/heals their allies, or even uses the blood of their allies as a reagent when necessary.
Oh yeah!
Start with a dude who carries a dagger with a notch on the handle so that he could prick his finger (1 hp damage) as a move action while casting a spell to pay the blood price and then work his magic. Perhaps his first spell animates the dagger, and sends it to open a bleeding wound on a foe, and now that *they* are bleeding (and within 30 ft. of him), he can use *their* blood to power his next spell(s), and not have to take any more hp damage himself to pay his blood price. Spells could cause blood to animate into lashing tendrils, shed blood to burst into flame or transmute into acid, yet more daggers to animate and slash at foes, or pull blood to himself (or allies) to heal their own wounds, or bolster them and drive them into a blood rage that acts like a barbarian's rage. At the ridiculous higher levels, spells that pull all of someone's blood out of their body (killing them instantly) and animate it as a temporary 'blood elemental', or call down a rain of boiling blood over an area, not only damaging people, but also making the area slick as by a grease spell, and obscuring vision!
Blood magic's a great theme, and I'd love to see it.

Zepheri |

Ryze Kuja wrote:A True Blood Mage. Not a Blood Arcanist or anything Bloodline-related, I mean a Mage who specifically siphons their enemies' blood as a reagent for their spells, and then either blows them up with it, or bolsters/heals their allies, or even uses the blood of their allies as a reagent when necessary.Oh yeah!
Start with a dude who carries a dagger with a notch on the handle so that he could prick his finger (1 hp damage) as a move action while casting a spell to pay the blood price and then work his magic. Perhaps his first spell animates the dagger, and sends it to open a bleeding wound on a foe, and now that *they* are bleeding (and within 30 ft. of him), he can use *their* blood to power his next spell(s), and not have to take any more hp damage himself to pay his blood price. Spells could cause blood to animate into lashing tendrils, shed blood to burst into flame or transmute into acid, yet more daggers to animate and slash at foes, or pull blood to himself (or allies) to heal their own wounds, or bolster them and drive them into a blood rage that acts like a barbarian's rage. At the ridiculous higher levels, spells that pull all of someone's blood out of their body (killing them instantly) and animate it as a temporary 'blood elemental', or call down a rain of boiling blood over an area, not only damaging people, but also making the area slick as by a grease spell, and obscuring vision!
Blood magic's a great theme, and I'd love to see it.
not only that, what if additional with his blood he could create weapons it would be something great

avr |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Blood kineticists do a bunch of this and the cabalist vigilante does some more.

Ryze Kuja |

Class: Prophet, 9th level prepared psychic caster
Alignment: Any.
Hit Die: d6.
Starting Wealth: 2d6 × 10 gp (average 70 gp.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less.
Class Skills
The prophet’s class skills are Appraisal (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Fly (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
A prophet is proficient with all simple weapons, but not with any type of armor or shield.
Spell Casting
A prophet casts psychic spells drawn from the psychic class’s spell list. To learn or cast a spell, a psychic must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a prophet’s spell is equal to 10 + the spell’s level + the prophet’s Charisma modifier.
A prophet can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. Her base daily spell allotment is given on Table: Prophet (Same Spells per day as a Wizard). In addition, she receives bonus spells per day if she has a high Charisma score.
Prophets commune with their Familiar for their spells. Each prophet must choose a time at which she must spend 1 hour each day in quiet, trance-like communion with her familiar to regain her daily allotment of spells. Time spent resting has no effect on whether a prophet can prepare spells. A prophet may prepare and cast any spell on the psychic spell list, provided that she can cast spells of that level, but she must choose which spells to prepare during her daily communion with her familiar. The Prophet also gains 1 additional spell known at 4th, 6th, 8th, and every even level thereafter depending on their chosen type of familiar (see below).
The Prophet must take a Familiar, and that Familiar must be chosen from one of the following: Arcane Crystal, an Aureole Crystal, or Calamity Crystal. While these are not living familiars, these items gain sentience and progress as a familiar of any other class.
If the Prophet chooses the Aureole Crystal as a familiar, the Prophet may add 1 spell from from the Cleric/Oracle Spell List to their Spells Known every even level beginning at level 4.
If the Prophet chooses the Arcane Crystal as a familiar, the Prophet may add 1 spell from from the Sorcerer/Wizard Spell List to their Spells Known every even level beginning at level 4.
If the Prophet chooses the Calamity Crystal as a familiar, the Prophet may add 1 spell from from the Druid Spell List to their Spells Known every even level beginning at level 4.
Spells gained from other Class Spell lists in this way must be taken from one spell level lower than they can cast with Psychic Spells. Unlike other familiars that can be communed with, such as Witches, a Prophet cannot teach her familiar new spells with a special ritual. The spells known by the familiar are only those that are gained from natural level progression.
Detection Mastery (Sp)
Beginning at 1st level, At will, a prophet can use Detect Magic, Detect Good, Detect Law, Detect Chaos, Detect Evil, Detect Poison, and Detect Charm, as the spells.
At level 3, the prophet adds Detect Thoughts as an at-will spell.
At level 5, the prophet adds Detect Desires as an at-will spell.
Also at level 5, similar to the Paladin ability, a prophet can, as a move action, concentrate on a single item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is magic, good, lawful, chaotic, evil, and its thoughts or desires, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, the prophet does not detect in any other object or individual within range.
At level 7, the prophet adds Detect Scrying as an at-will spell.
At level 9, the prophet can perform any Detect spell she knows as if under the Still Spell and Silent Spell metamagic feats, if desired. Additionally, she may perform the level 5 ability 'Concentrate on a single item or individual as a Move Action' as if under the Still Spell and Silent Spell metamagic feats, if desired.
At level 11, she can concentrate on a single item or individual as an Immediate Action once per day. Additionally, she may perform this ability as if under the Still Spell and Silent Spell metamagic feats, if desired.
Scrying Mastery (Sp)
Starting at level 1, as a 5 round cast time, the prophet may enter a quasi-trance with her familiar, and may focus on any creature or object the prophet names as if using the spell Scrying. At level 7, the Prophet always treats the object of her Scrying as if having Secondhand Knowledge, at a minimum. At level 14, the Prophet always treats the object of her Scrying as if having Firsthand Knowledge, at a minimum. At level 20, the Prophet always treats the object of her Scrying as if having a body part or lock of hair.
Each day she can use this ability a number of times equal to 1/2 her prophet level (rounded down, minimum 1).
Prophetic Knowledge (Ex)
Starting at level 1, and every level the prophet gains thereafter, the prophet receives two additional Class Skill points for free. These two Class Skill points must be spent on any Knowledge skill.
Furthermore, the Prophet may add her Charisma modifier to any single Knowledge Skill Check. The Prophet may use this ability 3 + her Intelligence Modifier times per week.
Twist Fate (Su):
Starting at level 1, at the beginning of your turn, you may, as a free action, roll a single d20. At any point before your next turn, you may use the result of this roll as the result of any d20 roll your allies or enemies are required to make as long as they are within 100ft + 10ft/level from you. If you do not use the d20 result before your next turn, it is lost.
You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her Charisma Modifier.
Bonus Feats:
At levels 1, 9, & 17, the prophet gains a bonus feat.
She's a detection, scrying, and fate-twisting specialist who communes with a familiar (crystal ball)

VoodistMonk |

I would like to see a battlefield manipulator something like fortnite. Kind of like the Architect from Gonzo, but with spells to create obstacles and conditions on the field. Also be capable of making buildings and forts that level up as the class levels up.
Holomog Demolitionist Investigator can kind of do this with their Battlefield Preparation ability.

VoodistMonk |

Portals. And the ability to create/control/manipulate them.
Like opening windows in thin air that the Rogue can reach through to steal things, or the Barbarian can stab through, or the archer fire through. Maybe eventually working up teleportation between planes, maybe telekinesis to forcibly move things through your portals? Weaponize the portals to close with someone halfway through, or whatever.
Might be better as an archetype to a class focused on teleportation. Like a Dimensional Savant class... a Speedster? This class could also have an archetype with Sneak Attack and Shadow Step type stuffs.
That would cover everything from Barry Allen/Johnny Quick/Flash/Zoom to Nightcrawler, and even includes that shadow assassin from Vampire Hunter D...

Ryze Kuja |

Portals. And the ability to create/control/manipulate them.
Like opening windows in thin air that the Rogue can reach through to steal things, or the Barbarian can stab through, or the archer fire through. Maybe eventually working up teleportation between planes, maybe telekinesis to forcibly move things through your portals? Weaponize the portals to close with someone halfway through, or whatever.
Like Blink from X-men? If so, yes that would be pretty cool.

VoodistMonk |

Yeah, Blink/Nightcrawler type stuffs... essentially a Ranger that gets Flickering Step/Dimensional Savant built into the main chassis of the class, and only has teleportation type magics.
Have an archetype that changes it from teleporting yourself to opening portals others can use... essentially following the same path you would have teleported, but just opening the portal entrance/exit, and allowing other people or other things to follow that path as you hold it open.
Another archetype that focuses on traveling in shadows, shade, and dim light... gets Sneak Attack and $#!+ like that...

Arkham Joker |
What I find ironic about the desire for a D6 divine 'Priest' class, is that from a religious perspective a "Priest" is quite a lowly position in that it is basically a general helper/servant within the church, rather than a higher level, holy/unholy servant of the gods charged with smiting the unworthy!
A priest could in fact be any class whatsoever.

VoodistMonk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

What I find ironic about the desire for a D6 divine 'Priest' class, is that from a religious perspective a "Priest" is quite a lowly position in that it is basically a general helper/servant within the church, rather than a higher level, holy/unholy servant of the gods charged with smiting the unworthy!
A priest could in fact be any class whatsoever.
I think some people want a divine Wizard.
Like this functions in all ways as the Wizard, but its spells are divine in nature.
The Cleric, with its two good saves, 3/4 BAB, weapon and armor proficiences, prepared 9th level spells, with a few spontaneous casting options built in... it's not Wizard enough.
And we all know, that PF1 is built for Wizards.

VoodistMonk |

What role could a divine wizard fill without being a worse cleric, I don't think an extra spell of each level per day would be worth losing your fort saves, HD, BAB, weapons and armour.
I honestly don't know, but the people have spoken... and there appears to be a desire for a 1/2 BAB, one good save, 9th level divine caster...
What good it would do (other than possibly satifying those that want such a thing), again, I don't know.
Seems like you could just as easily pick any of the 9th level divine casters, and focus your build on spellcasting. Nobody says you must take advantage of that increased BAB, or better saves, or the generally better weapon/armor proficiencies.
It's not like the Cleric's good Fort save subtracts from its ability to cast spells. Lol.

UnArcaneElection |

^Divine Wizard would be only so-so, just giving you a few Bonus Feats, but Divine Arcanist would be nice, with all those Exploits, some of which use Charisma (in case you wanted to invest in Channeling), as well as hybrid prepared/spontaneous spellcasting.
The problem with Cleric isn't a lack of power -- it's quite powerful. I would argue too powerful, since it is 3/4 BAB, d8, has 2 good Saves, and is still a 9/9 caster using the second best spell list overall. The problem with it is that it tends to be boring, and doesn't have much in the way of class features to trade out to make decent archetypes, making the finding of a decent archetype rather hit or miss (and more miss than hit).

Arkham Joker |
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There have been loads of 3PP attempts at the Divine 1/2 BAB, ranging from the simple tweaks to the complete rewrite of the cleric class.
The inherent flaw with the cleric class has always been that clerics of Erastil, Iomedae, Asmodeus, Zyphus and Azathoth for example, should be completely different from each other in almost every way but in real mechanical game terms can end up being very similar with only limited options to change this. Hence the "boring cleric" tag....
Yes obviously this is where the word "roleplay" comes in but it doesn't change the fact that this is a huge design flaw. The religious component, instead of being the basis of the class, ends up being an afterthought! What should be the thing that makes the class so unique and attractive to players, ends up a minor component.
Two ideas from over the years that I always thought had merit was firstly, the template concept of the "Non-generic cleric" that I have seen floating around and the old AD&D Speciality Priest concept.
Designing the cleric class properly has been an issue almost since Day 1 of D20!

Zepheri |

the domain of the clergy also play an important role in the performance of the character not only the alignment he has,Suppose that the person has a community and an animal this means that the character is either a hunter or an animal trainer in service to a town or city
Or who has charisma and freedom, he could consider himself a Casanova.
Sometimes players take a domain because they are very good at combat without knowing that they also represent part of the alignment and the rol.