[Archives of Nethys - 2E] Bestiary 2, Pathfinder #155, NPC section

Licensed Products General Discussion

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Hello everyone and Happy PaizoCon (Online)! With PaizoCon going on this week, we decided to do a mid-week update with some new content! Thanks to a new tool that makes monster importing much easier, we've added not only everything in Bestiary 2, but also have gone back to add the NPCs from the Gamemastery Guide. All told there are 335 new monsters and 83 new NPCs! The tool also makes it a lot easier for us to add hyperlinks! The new entries should all be complete with loads of links referencing the mechanics that make up their statblocks.

Now, we didn't have time for some things before today's update but we should be making another update this weekend more changes, including: art for the NPCs, NPCs from the Lost Omens Character Guide, and an area for Creature Templates. Tweaks are also being made to the Creature Filter to improve the speed at which it returns searches; I know the performance with it currently is not the greatest.

I'd also like to give a humongous shout-out to the team - everyone worked hard to ingest all of this content and do pass-overs for errors and are worthy of the highest praise. Of course, things sometimes get missed, and if they do the best place to report them is on the Pathfinder Discord - we have a channel there named #aon-feedback that my team constantly scans for bugs.

Details on the update are below. I hope everyone is having a great week and enjoying PaizoCon Online!

New Books
- [Adventure Path] Pathfinder #155: Lord of the Black Sands
- [RPG] Bestiary 2

Site Updates
- NPC section added to the site - Monsters section on menu renamed to Creatures, sections within shuffled a bit to accommodate the mixed content.
- Attacks on Creature entries (Monsters and NPCs) now show values for multiple attack penalties. This entry links to the rules on Multiple Attacks and takes the Agile trait into account for calculating bonuses. A future update will bring the ability to apply some adjustments directly to the Creatures, including Elite, Weak, and the "Proficiency Without Level" variant from the Gamemastery Guide. We also plan to add a toggle for Ancestry Templates to the NPC section.

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Displaying multiple attack penalty is a godsend. Paizo could consider doing the same in official statblocks. Marry me, Nethys.

Paizo Employee Webstore Coordinator

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Gorbacz wrote:
Displaying multiple attack penalty is a godsend. Paizo could consider doing the same in official statblocks. Marry me, Nethys.

Back off, teeth bag. He's MINE! :D

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

FIGHT ME, I HAVE SLAIN TROLLS, EDGELORDS AND ASSORTED INCELS, A MECHANICAL OWL HAS NO CHANCE AGAI....oooh, you have access to moderation tools, that changes the paradigm.

So, uh. Just curious. What happened to the SF side not being updated for three months?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Gorbacz wrote:
Displaying multiple attack penalty is a godsend. Paizo could consider doing the same in official statblocks. Marry me, Nethys.

What the Bag said, plus, thank you for the update!

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